Ronnie Radke - Airplanes

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Okay guys bear with me please I have never been on a plane before but I just got this idea. Sorry I hope you enjoy. Also I haven't updated anything in like... two months so here have this. I wrote half of this like a month ago xD Sorry. 

I walked down the aisle of the plane, looking around at the empty seats in search of my own. As it turns out my seat is by the window, next to a heavily tattooed man. He was kinda hot though, so it was okay. 

I sidestepped in front of him awkwardly, trying to get to my seat. "Sorrysorrysorrysorry."

Finally I got to my seat, taking my bag off of my shoulder and sighing. I looked over at him for a second, studying his features. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite placed it. He seemed to notice, because he looked over at me. I turned away, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment.

"Sorry..." I mumble, "You just kinda look familiar."

"It's okay." he laughs softly, "I get that a lot. The name's Ronnie." He turned over to look at me and held out his hand for a handshake, which I took.

"I'm (Y/N)," I smile at him. "It's nice to meet you Ronnie."

I pull away and grab my sketchbook out of my bag. Since I'm gonna be sitting on this plane for 7 hours, I might as well do something with it. I decide to draw Green Arrow because why not. As soon as I became engrossed in the drawing, my focus was interrupted by a flight attendant. I looked up, seeing she was teaching us how to put our seatbelts on and other safety tips. I put my sketchbook back in my bag, which was currently on the ground, following her instructions and putting on the seat belt properly. She came by everyone, checking if everyone put it on right. She gave me the okay and I went back to my drawing, which was coming along nicely.

"Hello everyone this is your Captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off." I heard the male's voice from the overhead speakers. After a minute or two there was shaking and we were in the air. I watched everything out the window.

"It's so beautiful up here." I whispered, mainly to myself.

"Agreed." I heard Ronnie speak up, which made me jump in my seat.

"You startled me!" I laughed.

"Sorry." He smiled, running his hand through his hair. "Ya know.. I think there's something wrong with my cellphone." He said, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh?" I questioned lightly, a little confused at what brought this up in the conversation.

"It doesn't have your number in it." He grinned at me.

I blushed, looking down at my feet for a second before looking back up at him. "I guess I can change that." I grin back at him, taking his phone from him and putting my number in.

 He looked at me, a little surprised. "Wait, really? That easy? I'm just some guy on a plane! C'mon, you're pretty and seem to have a great personality, you gotta be more careful about who's phone you put your number in."

"Well first of all, you're the first guy I ever put my number into their phone on a whim. And second of all, if you really don't want my number in your phone I can just take it out." I say, looking back down at his phone to erase my contact.

"Nonono please don't! I was just.... ah I really don't know what I was doing but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to call you sometime." I smile.

"Well okay... are you sure you want my number?" I ask.

"Yes I am." He says.

I look down at the phone, finishing entering my phone number and name.

"Here." I hand his phone back to him.

"Thank you." He grins. "Should I put my number in your phone?"

"That would probably be a good idea." I say, taking my phone out of my bag and handing it to him.

-Time Skip Because Fuck You-

"Finally home." I sigh, closing the door to my apartment behind me and setting down my suitcase. 

Just as I walk to my kitchen to get me a glass of water, my phone buzzes.

Ronnie: Hey its me I was wondering what r u doing 2nite. R u free?

I considered my plans for tonight, which involved taking a large nap and binge-watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix all night. I guess I was free.

(Y/N): Well I was planning on sleeping and watching some Netflix but yea I'm free to do whatever. What do you have planned?

I set my phone down to go and get some water, my heart fluttering with excitement.

Ronnie: lol sry 2 disturb ur important plans but I was thinking maybe we could get some dinner. Nothing 2 fancy, maybe at like a nice diner.

I smiled. That's really sweet.

(Y/N): Oh that sounds way better than Netflix. I'd love to!

Ronnie: Cool I'll pick you up around 5:30?

(Y/N): Sounds perfect.

I then proceeded to tell him my address, texting him for a bit longer before initually saying goodbye to get ready. I walked into my room, scanning my closet for something to wear. I decided on (*insert casual date outfit you'd like here*). I looked in the mirror one last time before walking into my living room, grabbing my purse and jacket from the counter and sitting down on the couch. Just as I sat down, though, there was a knocking at my door. Ronnie, of course.

I got up, answering the door to none other than Ronnie Radke, who was dressed in converse, ripped blue jeans and a red plaid flannel with the sleeves rolled up.

"Hi there (Y/N)!" He flashed me a grin, "May I say that you look amazing?"

"Oh thank you," I said with a smile creeping on my face, "You don't look too bad yourself. Shall we?"

"We shall." He said, holding his arm out for me to take, which I did. I had a feeling this was going to be a great night.

Okay that's all I'm writing for this one. If anyone wants a part two, tell me in the comments below!  I am SO sorry I haven't updated this in literally two months. I've just been so busy with school and unmotivated to write anything lately. No joke I started this oneshot two months ago. But hey, at least I finishe something. Anyway thank you guys for reading, I hoped you liked it! Until next time, stay beautiful ;)

- Kassey

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