33. Childhood Friend

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"Babe, we need to go to grocery shopping", Zayn said as looked through the fridge, seeing it almost empty.

"Sure we do and see who's to blame", Harry said sarcastically as he stirred the chicken soup on the stove. Zayn huffed like a child and wrapped his arms around Harry from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"It's not my fault that you are so irresistible baby. I just can't keep my hands off you.", Zayn said in a innocent baby voice making Harry roll his eyes and go back to stirring again. He let out a squeak when Zayn squeezed his bum and whispered against his neck "So plump" following by a kiss on there. Harry put off the stove and turned around. He circled his arms around Zayn's neck and whispered into his ear "You are so horny." He pulled away licking his earlobe, earning a soft moan from Zayn. He giggled when he heard Zayn mumbling a quiet "Tease" then kissed his cheek.

It's been 3 days since their friends had left the house along with their daughter and all they did was making love, showering, making love, eating, making love, sleeping and making love. The first day, they didn't even bother to come out of their bedroom, 'cause well, they were 'Busy'. The second day, they came out of their room for sure, but ended up with Zayn bending over the kitchen counter and taking him there. So they didn't have the time or energy to cook and ended up raiding their fridge. The third day was pretty much the same. So now they were there, with an empty fridge and their horny selves.

"Well, as much I'd love you take me right now, I'm hungry. So let's have this soup. Then I have to call and ask Li, Lou and Ni about Zoya and Zeeshan. After that we'll go to the grocery shopping and then...maybe I can let you have a piece of your own dessert?", Harry said as he winked at Zayn and Zayn huffed.

"You gonna pay for teasing me like these, Malik.", Zayn huffed like a child. Harry laughed and kissed his cheek again, then said, "We'll see Malik."

"Lou, are they Okay?", Harry asked concerned. He had put the phone on speaker so Zayn, who was sitting by his side on the couch, could hear him too.

"They are absolutely fine Hazz. And now they are taking their afternoon nap. They are such cute and beautiful angels.", Louis cooed from the other side and from his voice, Harry could tell, he was with them. He immediately wished, he could go back to them.

"Louis, come back. We miss them too much.", Zayn said and from his voice, Harry could tell he was trying hard to keep himself together. He knew, Zayn loved their kids so much.

"No Zayn. We will, but not now. We will come back when we have planned. As much you guys would love to deny, but you guys need sometime together. So make the most of it.", Louis said genuinely. Harry and Zayn both nodded though they knew Louis couldn't see them.

"But..", Louis dramatically pause. "Please..", again pauses. "Don't make more babies.", Louis said and both Zayn and Harry could read the sass in his voice.

"No we won't and we can't. Remember? The doctor said Harry cannot get pregnant anymore?", Zayn said and Harry could feel the sadness in his voice. He too was sad that he couldn't conceive in future anymore. But he was thankful to God to bless them with Zoya and Zeeshan.

"Yeah", Louis too sounded sad.

No one said a word until Zayn and Harry heard a door bell ringing on the other side.

"Okay guys, I gotta go. Niall and Liam must be back with my lunch. Bye"

"Bye Lou", Zayn and Harry both said in Unison before they hung up.

They looked at each other before whispering at the same time, "I love you."

"Milk, cereals, cookies, pancake mix, frozen pizza, cold drinks and chips , all done. Anything else?", Zayn asked Harry to which Harry said, "Mhm, let me think again if we need something else."

"Okay, you think, I'll be in the other department.", Zayn said as he made his way over to the lube and condoms department. Harry raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He was thinking hard when suddenly an idea popped in his mind. He smirked to himself and made his way to the fruit section. He put the banana, strawberry, pinapple in the cart then walked to the other section searching for something else. He smirked again when he finally found it and put it in the cart. He made his way to the department Zayn was in, silently, in order to scare him. He saw Zayn's leather jacket clad back and giggled. He slowly approached him but he didn't see the man running to his side and that man's chest bumped with his arms, causing him to fall on the ground with that man on top of him.

Harry groaned as his back hit the cold floor. "What the --" he started but soon cut off with the man yelling, "HARRY?! OH MY GOD HARRY! I FINALLY FOUND YOU. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH MATE. HOW ARE YOU?" 

Harry looked up and soon his frown of confusion turned into smile of happiness. He instantly hugged the man screaming, "OH MY GOD, GEORGE!!! GOD, I NEVER THOUGHT I'D MEET YOU AGAIN. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" George hugged him too. Both the boys laughing, not caring if they were still on the floor and the people around them were eyeing them like they were completely out of their minds before walking away.

What both of the guys failed to notice was an infuriating Zayn standing just a few feets away from them. His hands balled in fists, jaw clenched. He didn't like the way the man was hugging Harry, his Harry, so tightly. But he knew, if he says even a word,  he'll regret it. So he stayed silent, standing there.

He watched them getting up, still laughing. He balled his fists even more tightly when he saw Harry hugging the guy, George, tightly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you have shifted to Japan?", Harry asked George, slightly confused.

"Yeah, mum and dad still live in Japan. I just changed my University and shifted here. But what are you doing in here?", George asked a grinning Harry.

"Oh, I live in here right now. Wait, what University will you be going in?", Harry asked curiously.

"University of California", George said simply but he grew curious when he saw Harry's face lit up at the name.

"Oh my God, you got to be kidding me. I go to the same University. Not only me but my all my friends in here and my husband too."  Harry said excitedly but blushed at the last statement. It still feels so good to call Zayn his husband.

"Wait, you are married? Wh-when? H-How?" , George asked in pure shock and Harry smiled. He then looked to his side and walked towards Zayn, smiling apologetically at him. Zayn flashed him a smile, saying it's okay and Harry gave him a dimpled smile.

Harry took his hands and walked back to George who was still standing there in the same spot, awkwardly.

"George, this is Zayn, my husband. Zayn, this is George, my childhood best friend.", Harry introduced both of them to each other, grinning. Both the men smiled at each other before shaking their hands. And Harry couldn't be more happier to see his childhood best friend and husband interact.

"Hi, I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik."

"George walters. Nice to meet you."

What Harry failed to notice behind both of their smiles was, Zayn's anger and jealousy towards George and George's sadness.

So I'm continuing this story as you guys suggested me :)

This idea suddenly came to my mind so I wrote it. How's it?

Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr SamanthaAMMY Shay_Styless SophonieEugene condoningcaitlin CamiHazzaStyles zarryhoran19 and all the readers, advisers and voters...

♡♡♡I love you all♡♡♡

Make Me Stay [Zarry AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें