16. Need

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Zayn was nervous. Very very nervous. It had been 5 months since he had last seen Harry and now there he was, outside his small apartment with sweaty palms and a fast beating heart.

"I have to do this.", he thought and with that he knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again but no answer. He frowned and looked down  to see there was a lock on the door.

"Might be gone to the grocery store", he thought again and waited patiently outside the door. He was determined to take Harry with him tonight even if that means he had to say sorry. He needed him in his arms. And for the first time in his life, not sexually.

He didn't know what was happening to him but something in him was pushing him to find Harry and take him back with him. He had tried to ignore these feelings for months but when he saw the divorce papers, that one of his father's colleagues gave him today, he couldn't ignore it more. He didn't know why but he was determined to find him.

After 1 hour of standing outside his door, he got tired and sat down on the floor in front of his door. He didn't care about the dirt or the weird glances people were giving him on their way. He didn't even care it was his first time sitting like this for someone. All he knew was, he needed Harry.

It had been 6 hours since he had been sitting in front of his door and it was getting dark outside  His phone battery too was dying down due to his constant playing games on it. He heard foot steps  approaching him and he got up. His heart again started beating fast. He fixed his clothes a little and waited patiently for Harry to arrive with a nervous smile.

"Will he forgive me and come back to me again?", he thought but shook his head when the sound of the footsteps got louder.

His nervous smile soon turned into a frown when he saw it wasn't Harry but a young man, probably in his late twentie0s, standing in front of him.

"Uh, do I know you, young man?", the man asked politely.

"Um, no. I'm here for Harry, um you know? Anne Styles' son?" , Zayn said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, yeah, Anne Styles. She used to live here before but after her death, I live here.", the man said, smiling.

And that hit Zayn like tons of brick. "D-Death?", Zayn stuttered. He never had a mother but in those months of faking love with Harry, somehow he became attached to her. She always treated him like her own son and showered him with the motherly love, Zayn never got to experience. He had already lost his own mother when he was 5, he couldn't afford to loose Anne too. He knew, she was ill, but he never expected her to be dead, not now. When he needed her the most. She couldn't be dead, he never got to apologize to her for treating her son like shit.

"Yes, 5 months ago. Didn't you know that?", the man asked. And Zayn couldn't stop the tears rolling down his cheeks. If he didn't hate himself before, he did now. How could he be so selfish? To not even come here for once and ask for her well being? Did Harry know about her death? Of course he knew or why wouldn't he be here? Where is he?

He didn't even realize when he ran out of there and got into his car. He didn't know when he started crying while driving and he didn't know when he stopped the car in front of his father's office building. He wanted answers. He needed to know where Harry is.

He needed Harry.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter.
Dedicated to : zarryslovrrr SamanthaAMMY piggypie213 Shay_Styless condoningcaitlin CamiHazzaStyles zarryhoran19 and all the readers and voters...

Thank you so much guys...
I love you all :* :* :* ♡

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