21. The Unexpected

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"But HarryBoo, we don't want to go. We don't need to. We want to be here, with you.", Louis whined as Harry started choosing his outfit for today from Louis and Liam's closet.

"First, yes, you do need to go and second, I'm completely capable of taking care of myself tonight.", Harry said as he threw Louis a blue plaid shirt along with his black skinny jeans which he caught easily.

"You don't understand Harry. I would have gone happily if Nialler was here to take care of you but he's too gone to the cafe for work. We-we can't leave you alone.", Louis said, concern laced in his voice. Harry sighed and sat beside him on the bed and hugged him from the side.

"I know you guys care about me Lou. But you need to understand, your relationship is important too. It took me a whole week to convince Li to set up this date for you and when he did, here you are, not wanting to go. Please go to this date Lou. It's been months since you two have gone on one.", Harry said making Louis sigh. It had really been months since they had last been on a date.

"But what if anything Happens? Only one month left boo. We have never left you alone all by yourself and this would be the first time. I'm scared.", Louis whispered in a concerned voice. Harry smiled down at his best friend.

"There's a thing called phone Lou. Now go get ready before Li comes from work. He is coming home early. Now go and doll up yourself for your daddy.", smirking Harry said, letting Louis know that he had heard him moan "daddy" from their room across him, last night.

Louis smirked and said, "Oh, you have no idea how hot he gets whenever I, his baby call him that." And too add more dramatic effect, he flipped his feathery hair.

"Eww, I didn't ask for the details.", Harry said, fake grimacing.

"I didn't say you asked. It was me being your best friend, telling you all the details.", Louis laughed and Harry scrunched up his nose.

"No thank you. I'm very much happy not knowing about my best friend's sex life.", Harry said.

"Whatever you say Boo." And with that Louis got up and left to take a shower in his bathroom, leaving a laughing Harry behind him.


It had been 1 hour since Louis had left with Liam to their date. It was 7 P.M. and Harry was watching some telly for past half and hour. He was happy seeing his best friend's happy. They all had become a huge part of his life in these months and he couldn't be more grateful to God.

He knew he had very less chances to survive during the delivery, but still, he wished, he could be alive to hold his baby girl and baby boy in his arms. He was happy that God had gifted him not one but so many reasons to smile.

He placed both his hands on his 7months, soon to be 8 months baby bump and said, "I know loves, both of your daddies not gonna be there in your lives but I promise, all your uncles and grandpa will love you so much that you'll forget about us." He felt a tear run down his cheek. "If-If you ever meet your other daddy, t-tell him, I love him. I've loved him since high school. Since he had started bullying me. Tell him, no matter what he did and still does, I'll always love him like I always have." He paused for a second. "I-I love you all.", he whispered.

He wiped away his tears and started watching spongebob. He smiled when he felt light kicks in his belly. He knew, they love it whenever he put spongebob on T.V.

After sometimes, he felt hungry. He took his phone from the coffee table in front of him and walked into the kitchen. He put his phone on the counter and was about to open the fridge, when he heard his doorbell ringing. Groaning, he walked back to the leaving room and walked straight to the door. He opened the door and saw, there was a pizza boy standing at his doorstep holding out a box of pizza for him to take. "Um, Harry Styles?"

"Um, yeah. But I didn't order any pizza?", Harry said unsure, but his statement came out as a question.

"Uh I don't know, sir. Someone named Niall Horan ordered this pizza on this address. The bill has already been paid.", the pizza boy said and that made sense to Harry. He smiled, thinking how caring his best friend was being and took the pizza box. "Yes, that's my friend. Thank you."

"Yeah. Have a good evening sir.", the pizza boy greeted him politely and walked away.

Harry walked back into the living room without even locking the door and sat on the couch. He switched of the T.V to eat in peace and took the first bite of his favourite pizza and moaned in from the taste. He ate and ate until there was only one slice left. He frowned at how fast the pizza got disappeared into his tummy but took the last slice anyway. He was about to take a bite of the last slice when he felt a sharp pain shot through his lower back. He tried to ignore it as the Braxton hicks but the pain started getting intensified with every passing minute. Tears started blurring his vision and he screamed in pain. He knew, it was more than the braxton hicks. He knew, he was in labour. He started searching for his phone on the sofa he was sitting on, while holding his bump with one hand. But he found none. Then he remembered he had left the phone on the kitchen counter.

He started getting up, but he couldn't. The pain got more worse when he stood up and he had to sat down again. Helpless, he started crying. He wasn't caring for the pain, he was worried for his babies' life.

After 15 mins of non-stop crying and screaming he thought maybe God had finally answered his prayers and sent someone to help him. 'Cause he had heard a knocking on the door. He knew, he had to scream again, but this time, for help. So he did exactly that.

"HELP..PLEASE", he screamed at the top of his lungs, asking that stranger behind the door to come and save his babies' lives. The stranger might have listened to him, 'cause he heard the door creak open and in that moment he wanted to pat himself at the back, for leaving the door unlocked.

He heard foot steps approaching him and from his tear blurred Vision, he knew it was a man approaching him. The figure seemed quite familiar. He wiped away the tears to see who the stranger was and when he saw him, his world came to stop and more tears blurred his vision. He wanted to say, ask, so many things to him. But the only word that left from his tear soaked lips, in a broken voice, was...


Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr SamanthaAMMY piggypie213 Shay_Styless condoningcaitlin CamiHazzaStyles zarryhoran19 and all the readers and voter...

I love you all... :* :* :* ♡♡♡

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