18. I Miss You

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One more month had passed and still no trace of Harry and that was driving Zayn crazy.

That day when he went to his father's office, he couldn't meet him. His secretary said he had gone to California  to attend some meeting. When he asked his father's Secretary about those papers, about from where Harry had sent the papers or just give him the cover in which the papers came, she said she had no idea.

He tried to contact his father afterwards for so many days, but he didn't pick up and that made Zayn beyond angry.

After 1 week, he again went to his office to ask when his father would come back but when he got a "No Idea" for an answer, he knew, he was on his own this time.

He even went to the University chancellor to ask where did Harry took his transfer but he didn't tell him a thing saying, those information were "confidential".

So there he was, at 9 pm, sitting at the foot of his bed, staring at Harry's picture that he made 2months ago, with a sad smile and teary eyes.

"You didn't lie when you said you guys would never bother me, huh?", he sadly chuckled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Guess what? I want you to bother me. I want you to annoy me with your mood swings." He said, followed by a silence after that.

"Y-You must be 7 months along right?", he said looking at the picture, waiting for an answer but he got none.

"Must have known the gender too I guess?"


"Talk to me, please." Zayn said in a broken voice.

"I-I know I have hurt you and my baby too. But, I wasn't ready. I-I got afraid. But after you gone, I-I realized I am ready. For everything. J-Just, give me a chance.", Zayn said now sobbing.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Are you with so-someone else? I-if so, then d-does he hurt you like I did? I promise I'll break his nose if he even lay a finger on you."


"Do you miss me like I do?", Zayn whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"See, I once told you pathetic for crying and now I am full on sobbing, talking to your picture.", chuckling sadly, Zayn said as he wiped away the tears.

"I am sorry." After a long pause Zayn whispered and got up from the bed and walked out of his room.

He walked into Harry's room. His eyes scanned the room and he got into his bed. He pulled his white covers over himself  and a smile crept on his face as he smelt Harry's familiar scent.

It was 11 pm and he still wasn't feeling sleepy. Groaning he sat up on Harry's bed and picked his phone up from the beside table. He thought about logging in to his instagram account for a bit because it's been months since he had last used his instagram account.

As soon he logged in his phone showered with notifications. He ignored them all and started looking at his news feed but stopped as soon he saw a name on his suggestion list. His eyes went wide and a smile crept on his face as soon he saw the name.


Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr SamanthaAMMY piggypie213 Shay_Styless condoningcaitlin CamiHazzaStyles zarryhoran19 and all the readers and voters :*

I love you all :* :* :* ♡♡♡

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