Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Christie huffed as she ran through an endless maze of halls, in pursuit of KID. She glanced around, then activated the tracking device in her glasses, which she had just managed to stick onto KID a few minutes previously, before he had decided to make a break for it.

She smirked as her glasses showed her the right path to take, and, only just avoiding a pink glitter trap, made her way to the rooftop.

Gasping for breath, she glared at the grinning white magician standing before her. "Give me the diamond, KID", she demanded, without much hope that he would do as she said.

KID, still grinning, shook his head and tutted annoyingly. "I want, never get, tantei-chan. You know that."

Christie drew her arms behind her back and, very slowly, began to open up her tranquilizer watch. "You always return it anyway, so why not just give it to me now, and save yourself the pain?", she suggested, giving him a bright smile.

KID gave an unnoticeable shiver and concentrated on keeping his poker face intact- it always unnerved him a little when she said such threatening things with such a sweet expression.

"Perhaps because I want to tease you a little, tantei-chan", he said, feeling a retort was in order. "Your frustrated face is just so cute."

Christie's eye twitched at the cute comment. "I am not cute", she said, scowling.

KID reached into a pocket and took out two smoke bombs. "Oh, but you are, tantei-chan."

He threw the smoke bombs just as Christie fired her watch. He heard her curse as he turned her hair a luminous shade of neon pink.

As the smoke unfurled into the air, KID turned and sprinted for the edge of the rooftop, ducking slightly as the tranquilizer needle whizzed past his head. He leaped into empty space and allowed his hanglider to unfurl. Glancing back, he grinned as he watched Nakamori's men spill out onto the rooftop.

"I'll get you next time, KID!", he dimly heard Nakamori yell.

Still grinning widely, KID flew away home.


Rated PG, just in case.

This fan fiction is one that I've been writing on It's recieved attention, so I figured I might as well post it on here too ^.^

Just so you get the right mental image, the Conan (or Christie, as I have now named her) in this story has long, light blonde hair- inherited from Yukiko. But that's the only major image change, apart from the fact that I have made her female.

What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment/vote on my story. Any criticism will be well recieved, as long as it's constructive.

Thanks :)

Moonlight MagicianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora