Chapter 11 - Past, Present And Future

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"When we were younger, and you were 5 and I was 8. We- we were always playing tricks on everyone in the pack. Do you remember?" He asked hopefully, but sadly, I shook my head and Seth's hopeful smile vanished.

"I'm sorry Seth, I wish I could. But I don't remember anything about my life before the fight; not even my name."

"Oh. Well, I'll start from the beginning then. So, as soon as the fight ended that day everyone came back to the pack house and we realised that you weren't there. Everyone went berserk! We all wanted to look for you but mum and dad were too injured so I went back to the battlefield to search for you with two warriors fro protection. I scoured the empty battlefield for you scent or any sign of you until it turned dark and I was forced to go home because it wasn't safe after dark. I was crying uncontrollably when I had to go home empty handed. I had failed you, our parents and the whole pack! Dad was livid when he found out and immediately went into his office to put an alert out to everyone to look for you. The reason I was so horrible towards you earlier was because I have had so many fake wannabe girls with either dyed hair, contacts, sometimes even both. They were all visiting me because they wanted to be my sister... They only wanted the fame though." He trailed off sadly; disgusted at what had happened in the past. I couldn't stop the urge to hug him and when I did he stiffened immediately, then he slowly relaxed and hugged me back; taking in my scent.


I didn't expect it at all when she hugged me so I immediately stiffened on instinct. Then I caught a whiff of her scent; of my sister's scent. Vanilla and roses. It was her, I knew this because every wolf has a different scent, defined for them and them only, when two wolves mate their scents combine and you can tell if a she-wolf is pregnant because you can smell the pup inside her. I was about to mind link mum and dad to tell them the happy new but then I remembered that they were gone... 

"Robyn, I know I havent't always been around but I was in your past, I'm in you present and I hope to be in your future. I guess what I am asking is, can I be in your past, present and future?" She replied by hugging me even tighter.

But that story was for another day. Robyn had been through enough trauma for one day. But I will tell her that we are family. It's important. I pulled back from the hug first and told her; looking strait in the eyes so that she knew I was telling the truth.


He pulled away from the hug first, saddening me slightly but then he looked me strait in the eye and I knew that he wanted to tell me something important. He then took a deep breath, smiled nervously at me and said

"Welcome to the family." I squealed really loudly and tackled him in another hug, but this one was bone crushing. 'YAY!!! We belong somewhere!!!!' I thought happily to myself as we pulled apart. Then another thought popped into my head.

"Seth? What's my name?!?" I asked him excitedly.

"Your real name is Electra Woods."

"That is such a COOL name! Whoop whoop! Go me..." I trailed off as I couldn't stop laughing and soon after Seth had joined in too. Soon enough we were both rolling on the floor in fits of laughter, it felt so good to laugh again. I can't remember the last time I did.

The door burst open to reveal a worried looking Ty, as soon as he took in the room the expression on his face turned into confusion so I explained

"It's fine Ty it's just" I giggled "Seth just told me my name and I went crazy 'cos it's so cool" I grinned up at him sheepishly and then stood up to brush myself off as the others slowly filtered into the room.

"Guys I have something to tell you all." I watched as they all waited for me to reveal my amazing knowledge to them (note the sarcasm). 'I am Seth's sister!!!' I screamed into their heads for fun I laughed out loud as I saw them all cringe from the intense sound in their heads. Bahahha.The girls were the next ones to speak.

"I am sooo happy for you!"

"OMG! That means your one of the most powerful wolves ever!!" We all squealed again.

"Okay the. As soon as you girls have all stopped squealing I would like to talk to Electra." We all looked at him blankly. "On her own." Ty added whilst giving everyone a pointed look. After everyone left again Ty hugged me tightly. 

"I am so happy for you Lectra, I hope you will still stay here with all of us though?" He asked and I smiled loving the nickname he had given me.

"Of course I will. I feel at home her, maybe Seth could move here?" Ty looked uncertain.

 "I don't know Lectra, it's up to him really." 

"Okay, come on then let's go down stairs." When we arrived in the kitchen Sammy came and gave me a hug then gave me a pained look; I was worried so I asked

"What's wrong Sammy, you okay?" He shook his head; acting like a four year old boy

"I'm so hungwy Electwa." He said putting on baby voice and I laughed.

"Always thinking about food." I said turning to the others "How about a take out?" I asked and got many suggestions back. "Okay then, we'll get a Chinese take out, Sammy get me the phone please" He hurried away and was back in a flash; he was hungry.


I watched as she handled the situation so well. She was a born leader and I was proud to call her my sister, I was so happy that I had finally got her back I thought as I watched her eating happily. Around 10 we all went up to bed and I gave her a quick hug "I am so proud of you Electra. Love you." I said kissing her head, we were all each other had left now, well until I find my mate. 

"Love you too." She replied.

I went into my room and got into bed, falling asleep instantly. It was the best sleep I had gotten since she had left.

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