Chapter 7 - Talents And Training

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Lisa at the side-------------->




When we finished the pile on everyone told me their talents:

Luke - Teleportation

Andy - Water/ice

Lisa -Sense other people's powers

Sam - Super strength and speed

Xander - Healing

Emmet - Shield/force fields

Cole - Telepathic(read/control minds)

Jacob - Telekinesis(move objects with his mind-even people)

Sylvia - Run through objects(like walls)

Nicole - Air

Josh - Illusions

Jennifer - Invisibility

Angie - See the future

"Now all we need to do is find you power Robyn" Jen said excitedly.

"Yeah! I'll try my best to sense it while you guys train. Go on. Oh and Robyn, good luck!!" Lisa squealed

"Hahaha thanks Lisa, I'll just go and get changed." As I ran up the stairs I thought to myself how lucky I was to of met such a nice pack. I quickly changed into my 3/4 yoga pants and my Nike trainers then sprinted outside. I couldn't wait to start training!

"Right then Robyn, today will be very hard for you because we are going to make sure that you work you but off. By the end of this week you will have lost the baba fat on you" Ty said winking.

"Shut up Ty! So, what am I doing first?"

Three tortured hours later I was found on the cycling machine while Sam lay on the floor topless and covered in sweat, panting for air. I giggled and said

"Come on Sammy. Get up off your fat ass and help me train, we'll never get anywhere otherwise. Oh and put on a top you look disgusting I can see your blubba from here" I teased him lightly, his head shot up and his eyes narrowed.

"What did you just call me??!?! You gonna regret that missy" I jumped off the cycling machine and stared at him whilst smirking. "Sammy and I doubt it since your still lying on your big fat butt panting for air like a wickle doggy. Nawwww"

He growled and jumped up off the floor then slowly walked towards me as I walked backwards until I was pinned up against the wall. He smirked confidently

"Looks like you were wrong" then he moved in for a kiss, typical men!

"I didn't want to have to do this Sammy..." I kneed him in the groin and made a run for it while he chased me round the house growling menacingly, he bit out "When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna kill you Robyn, and that's a promise not a threat"

"Ooooooh my knees are shaking with fear hahahahaha" I yelped as he threw something at my back but I managed to dodge it narrowly and sprinted outside where he tackled me to the ground and with everyone watching. We began to fight...

At first I was letting him win as he repeatedly threw me to the ground and I fought back feebly, but then he started boasting

"Ha, I knew you were bad, but this? I am disappointed Robyn!" As he tutted whilst talking to everyone else who was giggling quietly apart from Ty who was giving him a stern look. I could take being beaten, but not humiliated.

"So naive..." I growled menacingly, then I pounced throwing him to the ground with me on top and I was using all my weight and after a few minutes of struggling he gave up. By now everyone watching was on the ground crying with laughter. Sam scowled.

"Awwwww, come on Sammy,, cheer up! It's not every day you'll get beaten up by a girl and I did warn you."

"Ty, you do realise what's just happened?"

Ty nodded his head, he looked at me and I was surprised with what he said next "Time to run some tests. Guys I want to spend the rest of the day seeing if we can find out what exactly Robyn's talent is. Robyn go and get drink before you start, your going to be exhausted afterwards."

I walked up to Lisa and the others, Lisa then linked my arm and as we sauntered inside I suddenly blurted out

"I'm a triple senser!!!" No one was expecting that, not even me. Everyone froze in their tracks to stare at me. There were gasps and some people mumbled

"How would she know that!"

"It's not possible, that would mean she's related to..." Ty trailed off his sentence

"Related to who, Ty? I am an orphan after all and deserve to know if there is any family that I could have that we're aware of" I questioned him and he couldn't back down now. When he did nothing I tried again but this time I wasn't so gentle. I growled lowly and walked up to him so that our noses were touching, "If you don't tell me now Ty, I'm going to have to force it out of you, and we all know that you don't want to be beaten up by a girl as well, do you?"

So he gave up and said "Let's have lunch I'll explain then"

"Okay" was all that could come out of my mouth at that moment as I marched past him into the kitchen. Once we were all sat down with our food, Ty began to speak.

"Robyn, if you really are a...a triple senser, then you are most likely related to Seth Woods." When he mentioned the name everybody in the room gasped or inhaled sharply and I just looked at Jay blankly so he explained further.

"Seth Wood is the only other triple senser known alive, his parents died the same time of year that you were found. You do know what this could mean..."

"Ugh...I...Can't..." I trailed off, I was speechless!

"I'm calling him right now, he deserves to meet you, if you are related then this could make you the second most powerful wolf in the whole world; aside from Seth" Everyone stared at me in amazement as Ty phoned Seth. After a few rings Seth picked up and Ty walked out of the room. I was so nervous about what he would say. About 5 minutes later Ty walked back into the kitchen with a sincere look on his face. I immediately panicked and clutched to Sammy's arm, when Ty saw this I noticed his jaw clenched and he looked seriously pissed off.

"Soooooo, what did he say?!?!" Lisa asked while Luke's eyes were still glued to where my hand was connected to Sammy's arm. "Ty?" Lisa prompted him. He finally looked up and when he did he looked into my eyes and grinned mischievously.

"I told him it was urgent but didn't specify, since I think it's more of a face to face thing. He'll be here as soon as he can" His phone bleeped and he checked who the message was from "He's packed his bags and is getting his private jet here as we speak" I let out the breath that I only just realised I had been holding.

"Right then, we better get Robyn back to training then, I know we have a werewolf celebrity coming tonight but that won't let her get off the hook that easily" Sammy said.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up there Sammy" he growled and I just chuckled "I still don't know what a triple senser is?!?!? Ty, care to explain?" He took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, I knew this was important.

"A triple senser is a very powerful talent. It means that you can do three things:

One - You can control the elements(wind,water,fire,ground etc)

Two - Telekinetic

Three - You can sense

We are not sure how you would use any of these qualities because triple sensers are very, very rare, we know Seth but we have never asked him to explain how he uses them, I think it might be because he feels uncomfortable about being so powerful, or maybe it's dangerous, again we don't know but I'm sure he can tell you."

"Wow, okay then, lets get training, I want to be as strong as I possibly can." I said whilst grinning.

"Okay then, what shall we do first?!?" I grinned evilly and then we got to work.

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