Chapter 25: Where to Go Next

Start from the beginning

"I'm just correcting him. He made an incorrect statement." Ryan tries to defend himself.

"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, thank you." Isabella says.

"I wasn't defending you." Ryan denies.

"You are all acting like fledglings." Lina informs them.

"I am not." Isabella protests indignantly.

Corrin snorts in disbelief. "Yeah right."

"Stop!" Kaylie yells.

Everyone stops immediately, stunned that Kaylie would raise her voice. No one dares utter a word as Kaylie glares at everyone.

"Carolina was right about one thing. You are all acting like fledglings." Lina smiled, proud, but stopped at Kaylie's withering glare. "You were acting like one too, Carolina." She then continues addressing the rest of us. "Isabella asked one question. That question has still not been answered due to the fact that everyone here was bickering unnecessarily. Now. Who could answer the question Isabella asked?"

"I could." Lina and I both chorus.

"Give me the book." Lina says at the same time I say: "Spyria."

Lina looks at me in surprise. "Where is that?"

"That tells us nothing." Corrin points out. "Where is this Spyria?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Helpful." Ryan says sarcastically.

Alicia elbows him in the ribs. "Quiet. That wasn't helpful either."

"Hmm." Lina hums beside me as she scans the lines of text scrawling across the books pages.

Alicia cocks her head and looks at me curiously. "You know . . . I was in my palace library a few years ago, looking for something remotely interesting to read in my spare time and I found a book. Now the book itself was an incredibly old, musty, boring history book. Inside, though, I found something interesting. It was a really, really old map. I knew it was older than most because, first off, the boundary lines between kingdoms where all wrong. Also, in the middle of the map there was another kingdom. It was spelled s-p-y-r-i-a. That looks kind of like it would sound like Spyria."

"So . . . the center of the continent then?" Corrin asks. "Is that where we go now?"

"Yes." Alicia nods. "That would probably be our only lead. Unless you have something, Lina?"

"Nope." Lina shakes her head. "All I know is that we need to find the old, broken-down kingdom. Then this 'broken glass spire'. The city with the glass spire should also be somewhere in the center of the kingdom."

"So the dead-center of the continent, then." Ryan sighs. "How long is this going to take us?"

"Not too long . . . I hope." Isabella says.

"You hope, huh?" Ryan snorts. "Fantastic."

Isabella sends him a withering glare, but does not reply. Instead she schools her features, sit up straighter, and stares into the dead bonfire.

"Well, I say we should start packing up and get on our way." Lina chirps happily as she stands up and brushes herself off. "We don't know how long this could take, but now is a good time as any to start."

Everyone else follows suit. The once silent and sullen campgrounds have now sprung to life. Everyone was bustling back and forth, gathering their stuff and changing them back into EC's. Piece by piece, the campsite was taken down, each tent and pillow disappearing, a tiny crystal in its place.

I was honestly surprised everyone got a full set of EC's to take along. I didn't know so many would be willing to part with their special crystals. Even Alicia and Rowan had quite a few. I had no idea how or when, but they did.

A few moments later, everyone was packed. EC's made all of this much easier than normal. When you don't have to sort, fold, and generally organise things and they just change into crystals, packing gets a lot easier. Not to mention, EC's were much lighter, easier, and more convenient to carry around than all of the necessities when they are full-sized.

"Now . . . which direction are we heading?" Lucas asks.

So far, he had been quite comfortable with the navigation, as he was quite well oriented with the map we all grew up with and with all the directions. I never really knew which way was north, be he always seemed to know, somehow.

"To the center." Lina repeats. "The broken glass spire. That's . . ."

"East." Alicia supplied. "Somewhere east of here."

"This is irrational." Ryan sighs.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Lucas asks, completely ignoring Ryan.

Some grumbled, some were enthusiastic, and some were seemingly indifferent but in the end, everyone said yes. We were all set and ready to go. To where exactly? We are hopefully about to find out. If not, we got lost or mislead. No one knew until we tried though so . . . off we went.


So there is another chapter . . . finally. I've ben putting off writing on this one for so long. I've been so stressed because of exams.

I hope you enjoyed (and if you did please vote) and leave a comment!


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