Chapter Thirty Five

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Stupid For You by Waterparks

Guys I saw Busted last Friday! Honestly if you ever get the chance to see them do it because that was one of the best shows I've ever been too! My inner seven year old was loving it and so was actual me! Just so you know, this chapter is kind of short and crappy. I wrote it some time last week and was going to go back and add to it but I figured I've made you all wait for long enough so the next chapter will be better hopefully! xoxo


"Hi baby, I've missed you!" A smile lit up my face as I stepped through Alex's front door and was immediately greeted by my daughter who ran straight into my arms and hugged me as tight as she could.

"I missed you mommy! Daddy took me swimming today." Olivia grinned as she wriggled out of my grip and took one of my hands.

"Wow, that's exciting." I told her before looking up at Alex, who was stood in the corner of the room frowning with his arms folded across his chest. "Did you have fun Livvy?"

"Yes mommy. Daddy, next time we go swimming can mommy come please?"

"Maybe Olivia. That all depends on your mom. Why don't you go and finish your film in the lounge whilst I talk to mommy?" Alex said as Olivia ran back to him and hugged his right leg. Olivia nodded obediently before disappearing, leaving Alex and I stood at opposite sides of the room to each other.

"How's she been? I haven't seen her in four days." I asked after a couple of awkward seconds passed.

"She's fine. Hasn't been sleeping well but I'm putting it down to the fact she's not in her usual bed." Alex replied. Silence returned and I quickly moved my eyes from his face to the floor.

"Is it still okay for me to have her Christmas eve and half of Christmas day?" I asked in an attempt to break the awkward quiet.

"That's fine. My parents said you can stay for a while after you've dropped her off if you'd like?" He half asked. The kindness Alex's parents continued to show me even after all that had happened never ceased to amazed me. I was still invited to birthday gatherings, wedding anniversaries and now Christmas too.

"Only if that's okay with you." I replied. Alex nodded in response. Again, we settled into silence. Neither one of us broke it this time and I noticed him watching as I tucked some hair that had fallen loose from the messy ponytail on my head behind my ear. His eyes met mine for a second where we both smiled at each other and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

This was ridiculous.

The man I'd been in a relationship with for so long, had a baby with and then let go of was once again making my heart race with his effortlessly perfect smile and making me blush like a school girl. Every ounce of me just wanted to hold him again because it was becoming very clear that I still had feelings for him but I wasn't willing to get my heart broken again.

"I'm going to check on Olivia." I muttered as I quickly shook off my thoughts and walked straight past Alex and into his front room. Aladdin was playing to itself on the huge TV and curled up in front of the huge cream couch was Olivia, sound asleep. Seeing her sleeping so peacefully made tears well up in my eyes as I realised how much I really did miss having her around all the time. Without disturbing her, I picked her up in my arms and held her against my body tightly for a couple of minutes before switching off the tv and carrying her sleeping body back down the hall where Alex was waiting.

"She's sleeping." I whispered.

"I can see that." He replied sarcastically before gesturing to the door on his left. "That's her room. Just put her on the bed and she'll sleep for hours. There should be a blanket next to her toy box."

Holly Would You Turn Me On? (Alex Gaskarth fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang