Chapter Thirty Three

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Backseat Serenade by All Time Low

Happy New year lads

- Alex's POV -

"And then mommy took us to the park and bought us ice cream. And then when we came home uncle Marcus went to play soccer and I stayed with mommy and she showed me pictures of me when I was a baby daddy and you were in them!" Olivia grinned proudly as she told the whole table about what she had done with Holly today. Cassadee had accidently begun the conversation when she asked me how Holly was doing and Olivia had heard her mothers name and began telling her story loud enough for everyone sat with us to hear.

"That sounds like fun princess." I smiled as I took a small sip of the coke in front of me.

"It was daddy." She said as a look of concentration formed on her face. "Daddy, why don't you and mommy take pictures together anymore? And why don't you live with me and mommy?"

Jack, who was sat beside me, choked on his drink and Cassadee began to look around awkwardly. The eyes that had all been watching my daughter and I quickly looked away and struck up conversation with others in an attempt to distract themselves.

"Uh, well Livvy, I love you and your mom a lot but me and mommy used to fight all the time so we decided it would be better if daddy didn't live with you both anymore so because I'm not always with you and your mom, we don't have much time to take pictures together." I explained in the simplest way I could. Olivia fell silent for a moment before staring up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Daddy, I think mommy misses you." She smiled innocently. "Sometimes she gets upset if nanna talks about you. Aunty Cass can I have the red crayon please?"

And with that, Olivia was completely distracted from talking about her mother, deciding that the colouring book and crayons Zack had bought her were far more interesting. My jaw dropped to the floor, and Cassadee purposely avoided eye contact with me as she gave Olivia the colour she'd wanted.

The rest of the meal passed without any other hiccups and Olivia did not mention Holly again however that did not mean that I wasn't thinking about her. Holly and I hadn't parted on good terms which was still evident three years on however we'd agreed to be civil for Olivia's sake - it wasn't fair on her to have her parents constantly fighting over what they think is best for her.

"Hiya princess. Did you have a good time with daddy and his friends?" Holly smiled as Olivia ran into her arms.

"Yes momma but I missed you." Olivia replied before turning round to face me.

"I missed you too baby girl. Uh, did you bring her Elsa doll back? The one I sent you a text about." Holly asked as she took Olivia's hand and hesitantly looked up at me. Green eyes met my brown ones as I smiled fondly at her before I remembered her question.

"Uh, no. I forgot it. Maybe I could drop by tomorrow with it?" I suggested. The sigh that escaped Holly's lips and the way she rolled her eyes told me I hadn't given her the answer she'd wanted.

"You had one job Alex! That's all I asked of you! For gods sake. You know that's her favourite toy." She sighed in frustration before bending down to Olivia's level and picking her up. Immediately, Olivia cuddled into her mothers side and began to play with her hair just like I used too when Holly got emotional during her pregnancy or when there were thunderstorms and she was scared.

"I'm sorry okay? I left my place in a hurry earlier because I didn't want to be late for her. If I only get to see her once this week, I want to make the most of it." I argued. Again, Holly rolled her eyes and I could see her jaw muscles clench. I'd hit a nerve now by bringing up what she liked to call 'visiting hours' which was basically a list of times I could take Olivia out each week but Holly was clever. She knew most of the times on that list I would be busy meaning that the only real time I got to see my daughter was Sunday afternoons where we'd made it a tradition to get ice cream every week, no matter what the weather outside was doing. I knew that Olivia looked forward to our Sundays because she'd told me countless times that ice cream day was her favourite and Holly had mentioned a couple of times that when I went on tour Olivia seemed to get upset on Sundays because I wasn't there to take her out. It broke my heart being away from her but I had to tour because the fans needed me just as much as she did and I knew one day that Olivia would understand that.

"Just bring it tomorrow. We'll be heading back to my parents place at ten so if you can come before that I would appreciate it." Holly huffed after a moment of silence between us. Olivia yawned loudly and rested her head on her mothers shoulder. A small smiled formed on Holly's face as she rested her head on top of Olivia's and rubbed her back up and down.

"Can't I just bring it to your parents place? I'm working out with Zack tomorrow morning." I asked, although what I had said wasn't 100% true. Yes, I was working out with Zack tomorrow morning but we'd be done way before ten. I just needed an excuse to see her sister. If I wanted to carry out operation get Holly back, Juliet was the person I needed to speak to.

"Fine whatever, I give up. Just make sure you remember it." Holly said before looking at Olivia who was starting to drift to sleep in her arms. "Say bye to daddy baby girl." She murmured before pressing a kiss to her hair.

"Bye daddy." Olivia smiled sleepily before reaching her arms out to me. Carefully, I took her from Holly, who took a couple of quick steps back and watched me through her peripheral vision.

"See you later princess. Sweet dreams. I love you Olivia-Ivy Isobel." I whispered in her ear before kissing her forehead, cheeks and nose twice. She giggled as my facial hair tickled her face before leaning away from me and back towards Holly who was quick to take her away from me.

"Do you need anything else?" Holly asked bluntly as she placed Olivia on her feet and opened the door for her to enter Stella's flat.

"Uh no, but I'll be sending you some money in the next few days because we're back on tour in Europe straight after Christmas. I want you and Liv to be in London with me New Years Eve." I said slowly. A shocked expression flashed across her features for a second before she composed herself.

"I'll see what I can do." She smiled before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and sighing again. "Happy Birthday Alex." She murmured before stepping back into the warmth of Stella's flat and leaving me stood alone.

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