Chapter Twenty Four

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Take Me Down by The Pretty Reckless

I would like to wish my best friend Adia a very happy birthday today 💖 Happy birthday gorgeous. I love you

"A-Alex." I managed to choke out. "What - why - what are you doing back so early?"
"Rian and I came to check on you, to see if you were still sick but you weren't here so we went upstairs to look for these pictures I wanted to show everyone at practice but didn't have time to find this morning because I was looking after you. When I heard you come home Rian and I sat on the stairs, waiting for you guys to leave the bathroom but you didn't leave and we heard everything." He explained, in the same monotoned voice as before.
"Ri, Stella can you give us a minute?" I asked my friends, without taking my eyes off of Alex. Stella's soft lips pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek and Rian just nodded as the two walked into the kitchen and the door closed behind them. "Alex I'm so sorry. I should have been more careful, I should have gone back on the pill or something. Look we can go to the doctor first thing tomorrow and I'll get rid of it or something I don't know."
"What the fuck Holly. You are not aborting our baby!" He yelled, causing me to step back in shock.
"Well what do you expect me to do? I'm not ready to be a mother!" I yelled back.
"And you think I'm ready to be a dad?" Alex retorted. I threw my hands up and rubbed my face. "Holly, I don't want you to get rid of it. It's our child and I played my part in bringing him or her into the world so this isn't all on you. Don't think for a second that I won't support you if you keep it though. At the end of the day, it's your body. If you desperately don't want to have this baby then don't. The decision is yours." He said calmly after taking a few deep breaths.
"Alex..." I trailed off. He expected me to make this life altering decision alone. Did I want to terminate the pregnancy? No, but I knew I wasn't ready.
"I know what you're thinking." Alex said with a small smile on his face. "Neither of us are ready but you're a natural with kids. We'll be fine. But it's your choice, you have to do all the hard work."
"You know I can't kill our baby." I murmured after minutes of silence between us. His hands trailed from the tops of my arms down to my hands and he interlocked our fingers.
"So we're having a baby?" He asked, a grin spreading across his features. His smile was infectious and soon I was smiling too.
"We're having a baby." I confirmed. Without warning, Alex's lips were pressed to mine in a rough, passionate kiss. I tangled my fingers in his soft hair and smiled against his lips. For a second, he pulled away to look at my face before kissing me again. This time the kiss was gentle and I could taste his tears as the rolled down his face onto his mouth.
"Why are you crying?" I whispered, wiping his watery eyes with my thumb, when he pulled away.
"Because this is just all so amazing. You're pregnant." He replied. I rolled my eyes.
"Just shut up and kiss me again." I told him and for once, he did what I said. Alex suddenly seemed thrilled with the idea of having a child running around our feet. A child that was ours. However I was not thrilled with the idea. I was surrounded by children all the time because of my old job and my siblings but that didn't mean I was ready for my own. When I'd planned my life out in my head pregnant at twenty four hadn't even crossed my mind. I'd wanted to wait until I was at least thirty and possibly even married. I knew my parents would be delighted, their first daughter to be pregnant. When I'd thought about which daughter would be pregnant first the answer was always Ivy. She was more confident and outgoing than me.
"Guys? Are you still fighting because Rian needs to pee and I left my phone in the bathroom!" Stella called, causing Alex and I to break apart.
"Come on out guys!" I laughed. I heard the door creak as it opened and the sound of two pairs of feet walking down the hallway.
"Hey." Rian said awkwardly as he took in the scene before him. Alex and I were holding each other, my arms around his skinny middle and his around my waist. I had my head on his warm chest, listening to his heart which was beating faster than normal probably from excitement.
"We're having a baby." Alex told them both with the biggest grin on his face that I'd ever seen. Stella squealed loudly before bursting into tears.
"Stella." I laughed.
"I'm sorry, this is so exciting and I'm just so happy for you both!" She replied before rushing to the bathroom behind us to retrieve her phone.
"Well congratulations." Rian smiled before embracing Alex in one of their manly hugs. I was next to be hugged by Rian who rubbed my back up and down a few times before releasing me. As soon as Rian's arms let me go, Alex's replaced them, bringing me close again.
"Oh god. We have to tell my mum!" I gasped as realisation hit me like a punch to the face. "And my brothers! They're going to kill you!"
"You're joking about your brothers right?" Alex smiled, searching my face for a hint of humour.
"You've met her brothers haven't you?" Stella asked with one raised eyebrow. "Because she isn't joking. God you didn't see Archer and Joshua when she brought home her high school boyfriend."
"Good luck dude." Rian chuckled.
"Archer wasn't that bad! It was Joshua really, and Lee, and Danny. Okay so all of them were pretty bad but still!" I said, jumping to defend my siblings from Stella's statement.
"Can we tell them over the phone?" Alex questioned.
"No! We'll invite everyone over and tell them then." I said. Rian's phone began to ring loudly before Alex could respond and he quickly ducked out of the room to answer it.
"Are you sure having me and your brothers in the same room is a good idea." Alex joked.
"They love me and support me and they'll have to understand I really like you and you're a big part of my life now." I told him. I could hear Stella pretending to gag but I chose to ignore her as I cupped Alex's cheeks and stood up onto the tips of my toes to kiss him gently.
"Okay guys break it up." Stella groaned, elbowing my arm gently. "Guys I'm still here you know."
"You love it." Alex teased her as he kissed me one final time.
"Nope it makes me want to puke." Stella muttered.
"Let's not talk about puke." I grimaced, rubbing my now settled stomach.

The rest of our afternoon was uneventful. Alex and Rian returned to practice but not before Stella and I made them promise to keep the pregnancy a secret. I didn't want everyone to know yet in case things went wrong. Stella and I spent the remainder of our afternoon binge watching Once Upon A Time and stalking Jennifer Morrison on Instagram. At five Alex came home and Stella left.
"I know I said to keep this secret, but I want to tell Adia now." I sighed as I cuddled closer to his side. We were sat with our arms around each other on the couch waiting for the pizza we had ordered to arrive. Now we both knew I was pregnant and didn't have food poisoning, take out was back on the menu.
"So we can tell your best friend, but not my mom." He said sarcastically before grinning "okay."
I grabbed my phone from the arm of the chair and leant back into Alex's side as I dialled Adias number.
"Good evening my favourite human!" Adia chirped.
"Hello you, I well Alex and I have something to tell you."
"You're getting married? You're moving house? Oh god please don't say you adopted a puppy because those things will pee all over the house."
"Adia you know I'm a cat person. No um actually it's not any of those things. Adia, I'm pregnant."
"Fuck off. No way!" Adia squealed before erupting into screams.
"Yep. We found out today." I told her as I heard her screaming stop and she burst into fits of giggles. I put the phone on speaker so Alex too could hear her laughs.
"I can't believe this. All those times you would joke about marrying Alex Gaskarth when we were younger and then you go and get pregnant with his baby."
"Ok that's enough." I blushed whilst Alex sniggered.
"Oh no tell me more Adia." Alex insisted.
"Don't you dare." I warned my friend as we all laughed. There was a knock on the door and Alex got up to answer it. As soon as he was out of earshot I was serious again. "Adia I need you to be serious for a minute. I have a problem. Alex seems so happy about having this baby but I don't think I want to."

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