Chapter Thirty Four

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: A little faster by There for tomorrow

Guys I literally love that song. If you've never heard it's seriously listen to it because its so good!

In other news I have a psychology test tomorrow (i wrote this on wednesday) and I've done no revision so it looks like I'm failing

"Hiya mum." I smiled as I waltzed through my parents front door with Olivia in one arm and my bags in the other.

"Ah, my favourite girls are home!" My mother gushed as she rushed forward to take my bags from me and kiss Olivia.

"Nanna I saw daddy!" Olivia grinned proudly as she clung to me like a baby monkey.

"I know you did honey and that's really great. Did you have fun?" My mum asked as I placed Olivia on her feet and watched as she untied her laces and ran straight towards my mothers legs.

"Yes nanna and uncle Zack gave me colouring!"

"Wow darling that's so nice. Why don't you show me your colouring in a minute. Your aunty Juliet is upstairs waiting to see you. She has a present for you too." My mum smiled. Olivia nodded enthusiastically before sprinting up the stairs and beginning her hunt for Juliet.

"Livs dad is going to be coming by a bit later. He forgot Elsa yesterday so he's bringing it here." I sighed as I walked into the kitchen where my father was sat with a magazine and a mug of black tea. "Hi dad."

"Oh, so what time will Alex be here?" My mother asked as I took a seat beside my father.

"I'm not sure. Soon hopefully." I replied. "The sooner he comes over, the sooner he can leave."

"Holly!" my father scolded. "Just because you two parted on bad terms that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect Olivia's father. Without him you wouldn't have that little girl in your life and think about all the amazing things he did for you; he took you to Disneyland completely out of the blue, he was always taking you out for dinner and to his shows. He would fly all the way back here from Europe at weekends just to see you and he still flies you and Olivia out now to see him when he's away. Alex was perfect for you and loved you beyond belief, that was clear to anyone who saw you both together. You were both so different and yet you worked together so well. You need to grow up, put the past behind you and accept the fact that you both created something beautiful - that little girl who's annoying her favourite aunty upstairs - and all the time you spend fighting with Alex is time you both could be spending focused on her and what she wants and needs."

My fathers words left me in shock. Not once had I ever heard him defend Alex, in fact I don't think he ever had. Usually if I said something rude or spiteful he would just ignore it but clearly he'd been planning this speech for a while because he'd made it clear how he really felt about the situation. I'd never realised the respect my father held for Alex, mainly because his name wasn't mentioned in this house unless it was necessary or it was Olivia speaking it.

"You're right dad." I sighed before turning to face my father. "Alex and I did create something beautiful and I will be forever grateful that he helped bring Olivia into my life because I can't imagine a world without her but Alex wasn't as great as you think he was. Despite all those truly amazing things he did for me nobody ever saw the fights, or the drama from behind the scenes. The sleepless nights and the times where I would sleep on the couch because the thought of sleeping next to him made me want to rip my hair out of my skull. So as wonderful as he was, he was also awful."

The argument between my father and I ended there as Olivia ran down the stairs with Juliet behind her, clutching a fluffy teddy bear to her chest.

"Look what Aunty Juliet gave me!" Olivia grinned as she shoved the bear into my face.

"Wow, I hope you said thank you." I replied before smiling at my sister who nodded and reached forward to embrace me quickly.

"I did, I did." Olivia insisted as she hugged her aunts leg.

"Yeah, we know honey. Your mom believes you." Juliet smiled before holding her hand out to Olivia. "I think Marcus is in his bedroom - why don't we ask him to play a game with us."

Immediately, Olivia was sold on the idea and took off in the direction of Marcus' bedroom, leaving Juliet trailing behind. The disagreement with my father was still weighing on my mind; things I hadn't thought about for years were now plaguing my mind and I knew there was only one way I could clear it properly.

"I'm going to see Ivy." I said as I picked up my bag and walked towards the front door.

"That's fine. Don't be too long though because I think Archer is coming down soon to help fix the shower. I know he'd love to see you."

Quickly, I filled Juliet in with where I was going and asked her to watch Olivia for me. She agreed and seemed more than happy to take care of her niece. As soon as I arrived at the cemetery the weather seemed to improve. The wind that had blasted the trees all night and all morning disappeared and the sun even made an appearance through the grey clouds.

"I think I've messed Ivy. I hate Alex but I love him too and I just dont know what to do." I sighed. I sat and waited. I wasn't expecting a response but I was just waiting for a sign, something that would tell me what to do. When I didn't get anything I stood up, said goodbye to my sister and walked back to my parents house.

Olivia and Juliet were running around the front garden with Marcus close behind. I watched them for five minutes before Juliet grew tired of their game and came to stand beside me.

"Do you want a cigarette?" Juliet asked, before offering me the blue box. I'd smoked my whole way through college and quit the year before I had met Alex. On occasssion I would slip back into my old habit because it made me feel relaxed and all the stress Alex was putting me under right now made me feel like I deserved one.

"Sure, thanks." I smiled as I accepted mt sisters offer and places the cigarette between my teeth. Juliet lit her own before handing me the lighter. I inhaled one long breath before blowing the smoke out of my mouth. Smoke swirled around my sister and I in clouds as we continued to inhale and exhale. Conversation flowed easily between the two of us and we laughed noisily as Juliet mentioned something funny Olivia had said earlier about our father.

Our laughter was so loud that neither of us heard Alex's footsteps making their way up the gravel path however we both heard Olivia squeal in delight when she realised her father was walking towards us clutching her favourite doll in his hands.

"Really Holly? You're smoking around our daughter!" Alex yelled, causing me to jump in surprise and thrust my half smoked cigarette into Juliet's hand. "You could make her sick with all the second hand smoke! How long has this been going on?"

"Relax Alex! It doesn't happen very often - besides she was playing on the otherside of the garden." I retorted before waving my hand at Juliet and Marcus who took that as their cue to leave.

"How am I supposed to believe you? You could be doing this everyday for all I know! I can't believe you'd risk making Olivia sick like this!"

"Alex, it's one cigarette, not one hundred!"

"Well until you quit, Olivia is staying with me." Alex said firmly before crouching down to Olivia's height and beckoning her over. "Livvy, how do you fancy staying with Daddy until after Christmas?"

"Alex no." I warned.

"Yeah daddy! I love you!" She grinned before throwing her arms around his neck.


"Great baby, you go inside and start packing your things okay?" He smiled and with that, Olivia sprinted into the house.

"Alex it was one cigarette! It's not like I was passed out drunk or doing cocaine! Please don't take her away from me!" I begged. A lump that felt impossible to swallow formed in my throat as tears burned my eyes.

"If you're smoking, god only knows what else you're doing. Until I know for sure that you're not on anything else Olivia stays with me." Alex said bluntly before shoving past me and following Olivia into the house.

Holly Would You Turn Me On? (Alex Gaskarth fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now