Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up before my sister and headed straight into my kitchen and started preparing hot chocolates and bacon for breakfast. Without thinking, I turned on Once Upon A Time to continue watching and as soon as the familiar opening line played through the TV speakers Juliet was out of the bedroom and flopped in the couch. We didn't speak as we chewed through slices of bacon and sipped our piping hot drinks, instead our complete focus was on the screen.
"Wishing I had the perfect relationship like Hook and Emma." I sighed after minutes of complete silence.
"You're half way there, although Alex doesn't have one hand and our parents aren't Snow White or Prince Charming." Juliet laughed.
"That's true." I nodded. "Although I'm meeting Snow White pretty soon."
"Alex is taking you to Disneyland?"
"Yeah, so I can see Adia, but also because I'm a child."
"Holly, you're over eighteen, in fact you're twenty four. You're not exactly a child."
"You're right. I'm an adult." I smiled, flipping my knotted hair as my sister laughed again, this time louder than before. "Oh my gosh Juliet! Look at Emma's face, Hook probably said something cute and I missed it because you were cackling like a witch!" I teased before we both fell silent.

Hours later and the sound of my phone ringing made both me and my sister tear our eyes from the screen.
"Babe, it's me. How do you fancy a date tonight?" Alex's deep voice came through the phone.
"I would love that." I smiled. Juliet looked up at me and grinned.
"Great. So I'll pick you up at five."
"Okay, great. I'll see you then."
"Dress fancy." He added quickly before the line went dead.

Juliet wiggled her eyebrows at me and grinned.
"Was that Alex?" She asked. I nodded. "Are you going on a date?"
"Looks like it." I replied. "Ugh now I actually have to shave!"
"Oh my gosh Holly you actually are worse than me!" Juliet giggled.
"You never told me why you fell out with dad." I said, completely changing the subject. Juliet tensed up and huffed.
"I'm being expelled." She admitted.
"Why?" I gasped. As far as I knew my sister was a straight A student.
"I may or may not have been drunk at school." Juliet sighed, her cheeks flushed red and she looked at the floor.
"Juliet! Why would you even consider that? Firstly, you've turned up to school drunk and secondly you're underage! I can't believe you!" I replied. "No wonder dad is pissed."
"I know." She mumbled before cuddling close to my side. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my head on hers.
"You fucked up honey." I told her. "Dad won't stay mad for long though."
"Really? Because all he's done is shout at me about it."
"Can you blame him?" I asked. My sister shrugged before wriggling out of my grasp.
"I'm going to take a shower and get changed." She said before getting up and leaving the room. Instead of continuing our Once Upon A Time marathon, I switched off the TV and scooped up all the dishes we had created. I filled the sink with hot soapy water and placed our cups and bowls in it before washing each dish carefully. Next, I tidied the couch and vacuumed the floors before finally throwing some dirty clothes from the laundry basket into the washing machine.

"What time do you want me home?" Juliet asked as she padded back into the living room with a towel wrapped around her skinny body and her soaked hair braided down her back.
"Before five. That's what time Alex is picking me up." I replied. My sister nodded and disappeared back into the bathroom. "Juliet be quick please I want to take a shower too!" I reminded her. She must have heard me because five minutes later she was back in the kitchen fully dressed.
"Thank you." I smiled. Quickly, I headed into the bathroom and took a long shower, removing all of the necessary body hair. I didn't want to leave Juliet alone for very long so as soon as i had finished washing my hair and body I turned off the water and wrapped a fresh towel around my body. I headed into my bedroom and pulled on a tight fitting red dress that reached my knees.
"What time is it?" I asked Juliet who I could hear walking around outside my bedroom.
"Three o clock." She told me. "Holls, I called Anthony and he's coming to get me and take me home. He said he'd be here in thirty minutes."
"Juliet I could have taken you." I frowned, opening the bedroom door so that I could see her.
"Yeah but Anthony can also take me. Besides you have a date to get ready for."
"Okay. Why don't you get some more food because you're always hungry." I teased but my sisters eyes lit up and she immediately went back to the kitchen. I laughed to myself before sitting down in front of my dressing table and straightening my hair. I was half way through when my brother arrived.

"Hey Anthony." I smiled, embracing him quickly whilst Juliet picked up all her things.
"You're dressed fancy." He noted.
"Date night." I replied. He nodded.
"Safe sex is good sex." Anthony teased before I hit him playfully.
"Not funny." I laughed. "Anyway Alex and I have not had sex."
"Ew Holly too much info!" He groaned.
"Okay I'm ready!" Juliet grinned as she bounded over to us.
"Great." Anthony said, before taking her bag from her.
"Alright Holls I'll see you later." Anthony smiled before hugging me and opening the front door.
"Thank you Holly." Juliet grinned, hugging me.
"See you later guys." I told them as they walked down the hall and closed the door behind them.

Five came around faster than I'd expected and I'd just finished applying my makeup when Alex knocked on my front door. Quickly I pulled on a pair of black heels and picked up my phone and answered the door.
"Hi." I smiled. Instead of responding Alex leant down and kissed me forcefully.
"Hey." He responded as he pulled away. "You look beautiful."
"You don't look too bad yourself Gaskarth." I responded as I looked over his clothes. He was wearing his usual skinny jeans with a white dress shirt tucked in and he looked incredible.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"Where are we heading then?" I asked as I locked the door and headed down the hall, clutching his hand tightly in my own.
"There's this bar a few minutes away that I want to check out." Alex said as we left the apartment building and walked towards his car.
"Sounds good." I said. He grinned at me before letting go of my hand and rushing forward to open the car door for me. I laughed and thanked him as I climbed in.

The bar Alex took us to was one I'd never seen before. The walls were painted a navy blue with shiny wooden floors. There were tables and chairs spread around the floor and loud music blasting through speakers around the room.
"What do you think?" Alex asked as we walked through the door.
"I like it." I smiled before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Great." He responded before leading me to a table. "I have something to tell you." He added after a moment of silence.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Oh Alex there you are!" A female voice exclaimed and a short brown haired girl came into view. Immediately I recognised her.

Alex had invited Lisa.

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