Chapter Sixteen

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic at the Disco

My smile faltered as Alex stood up to greet the beautiful brunette. They embraced briefly before Alex stepped back and smiled sheepishly at me.
"Holly, this is Lisa." Alex said slowly as I stood up to introduce myself.
"Hi! Oh my gosh it's so lovely to meet you! I've heard so much about you!" Lisa gushed before hugging me tightly. The embrace was unexpected and caused my body to tense up from the shock. I glanced over Lisa's shoulder at Alex who had his eyes pointed downwards at the floor with a guilty expression on his face. Good. He should feel guilty. Who invites their ex on a date with their current girlfriend?
"Hi Lisa." I said through gritted teeth as the bubbly girl released her grip on me. Alex's head snapped up when he heard my voice and sent me an apologetic glance. I just glared straight back at him. "I didn't know you were joining us."
"Oh Alex invited me to join this morning." She grinned before sitting in the seat beside him. I sat back down and Alex quickly joined us back at the table.
"Really?" I replied in a false sugary sweet voice before kicking Alex hard in the shin under the table. He winced before frowning at me.
"Yeah. It was so thoughtful of him." Lisa sighed. "Thank you for letting me come too. I've been looking forward to meeting you, Alex has told me so much."
"All good things I hope." I answered. Lisa giggled and Alex nodded before my boyfriend stood up.
"I'm going to go get drinks. Should I just get a bottle of wine for you two?" He asked. Lisa nodded eagerly and I just shrugged.
"Let me get it instead." I said, getting up. Alex nodded, as did Lisa. I flashed them both another false, sugary sweet grin and walked towards the bar. Quickly, I pulled my phone out from my bag and dialled Zack's number. I could feel Alex's and Lisa's eyes burning into the back of my skull but for once I didn't care.
"Hello?" Zack answered.
"Zack it's Holly."
"Hey you."
"So Alex has taken me out to this really nice bar but there's one problem. Lisa is here. Zack why would he do this?"
"Do you want me to come and get you? I know which bar you're at because Alex spoke about taking you there like a week ago." Zack asked. A sigh escaped my lips as I considered my options. I spent a moment thinking everything through before replying.
"Yes. Zack please come and get me. I can't stay here."
"I'll be thirty minutes tops." Zack said before I thanked him and hung up the phone. I got a bottle of strong red wine from the bar and brought it back to the table with two glasses.

"Only two glasses?" Lisa smiled, sounding confused. Alex frowned again.
"Yeah, um my brother just called, one of my nephews is sick and he needs someone to watch my other nephew whilst they take him to the hospital." I lied. I felt like Pinocchio, like my nose should be growing with each word that tumbled out of my mouth however my nose did not grow an inch. Alex raised his eyebrows. I knew he'd seen straight through me.
"Which brother?" He asked.
"Max." I lied again.
"Which nephew is sick?" He quizzed.
"Taylor. So I'm going to be watching Jed." Another lie.
"Aw, it's a shame you have to leave so soon." Lisa smiled. I hated her. There was no reason for why I hated her I just did, the only problem was that she was so nice.
"Yeah, it really is a shame." Alex smirked.
"Sorry." I shrugged. "Maria is on her way to get me with Jed so I said I'd wait outside."
"Perhaps we should wait with you." Lisa suggested.
"No! It's fine honestly, enjoy the rest of your evening. You guys probably haven't seen each other in a long time and have lots of catching up to do I imagine." I said, aiming my comment at Alex who lowered his head whilst Lisa shifted uncomfortably. It was now obvious to both of them I knew about the secret meet ups. Carefully, I made my way around the table to Alex who stood up to hug me tightly.
"Who told you?" He whispered in my ear.
"That doesn't matter now." I replied softly before pulling away from his hug and looking at his guilty face. "Next time just tell me instead of taking it out on your friends."
"Okay. So you're not mad?" He asked quietly. Our conversation was so quiet I doubted Lisa could hear anything and she looked like she was trying not to listen by scrolling through Twitter on her phone.
"We'll talk about this later okay?" I told him before standing on my tip toes to place a gentle kiss on his lips. Immediately he kissed me back, pulling me close again and gripping my waist tightly. After a minute, I pulled away slowly. Alex smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I'll see you soon." He sighed before letting me go completely and returning to the table. Lisa's face lit up and instead of politely saying goodbye to her I just walked towards the exit.

I hadn't realised that the temperature had dropped by about five degrees in the short time I'd been inside so as I stood, waiting for Zack to arrive I began to shiver violently. I checked my phone to see a text I'd received five minutes ago from Zack informing me that he was on his way so I had twenty five minutes to kill before he arrived. I paced backwards and forwards for a while, being careful not to get in anybody's way seeing as the bar was starting to get busy now. The twenty five minutes passed slowly but when Zack finally arrived I made sure he turned the heat up as far as it would go in his car.
"Someone's cold." He noted.
"Freezing." I shuddered. He chuckled before turning on the radio. Some unfamiliar pop song played through the speakers as we drove and it was only as the song changed to Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots did I realise I didn't know where Zack was taking me. It was as if Zack read my mind because as soon as I opened my mouth to ask where we were headed he chuckled and spoke.
"I'm dropping you back to your place. Then I'm going home to pack because I'm flying back to Hawaii." He said softly.
"Oh. When are you going?"
"Two days." He replied. I nodded slowly and the rest of our journey was spent in silence. When the car eventually pulled up outside my apartment I thanked Zack several times. He hugged me briefly before I climbed out of the car and waved goodbye. Slowly, I began the walk up two flights of stairs and along the dimly lit hallway to my third story apartment. I unlocked the door and stepped into the warmth of my living room. Without looking around much I wondered straight into my bedroom and collapsed into the bed, pulling my dress over my head and kicking off my heels before lying comfortably on the bed in my underwear, scrolling through Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram.

It was almost eleven when someone knocked on my door. Quickly, I sat bolt upright and pulled on my bathrobe before rushing to the door and opening it.
"Are you going to tell me what tonight was about then?" Alex smirked.
"You can't be serious." I groaned. "Do you really have no idea? Damn Alex I thought you were more observant than that."
"What did I do wrong?" He demanded.
"How would you feel if I invited one of my exes out with us?"
"You wouldn't do that." He retorted.
"And why wouldn't I do that?" I asked almost sarcastically.
"Because you haven't had a relationship since high school." Alex replied, smiling cockily.
"And how would you know that?" I said angrily.
"Adia." Was all he replied. I huffed before turning away from him.
"I'm so mad at you Alex."
"That's okay, you're hot when you're mad." He shrugged.
"Alex." I warned. His arms came out of nowhere, pinning my against his body and holding me tight. I knew where this was going and how this would end but for the first time I didn't even attempt to fight it or stop him so instead of waiting for him to make his move I kissed him forcefully and as soon as I got a response from him I began fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. He froze for a second before pulling back from me.
"Are you sure?" He whispered.
"Yes." I replied. I moved forward to kiss him again but he took a step back.
"And you want to do this right now?"
"Yes Alex."
That was the only confirmation he needed as he took both my hands and pulled me impossibly close. After a minute, he scooped my legs out from underneath me and carried me into the bedroom.

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