Chapter Fourteen

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Disappearing Act by The Ready Set


I woke up in Alex's bed in one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers. A small smile worked its way onto my face and I rolled over to look at the person who was laying beside me and snoring loudly.
"Shit!" I exclaimed, pulling the sheets up to my chest.
"W-what's going on?" The sleepy figure murmured.
"What are you doing Jack?" I whispered.
"Ugh, don't freak out we didn't have sex." He sighed, rolling over and pulling the duvet over his head. "I crashed on the couch and Alex was sleeping next to you first but he got up like two hours ago and went for a walk. He hasn't come home yet. Anyway the couch wasn't comfortable so I climbed in here. You move a lot in your sleep by the way."
"Where did Alex go?" I asked, pulling the duvet off of Jack in an attempt to wake him up and focus his attention on me.
"Ugh, I'm trying to sleep! I don't know where he went. He was on the phone when he left." Jack muttered, trying to grab the sheets from my hands. I threw them back over him and got up, pulling on my clothes from the night before.
"I am so glad I didn't sleep with you." I murmured as I grabbed one of Alex's jackets and slid my arms through the sleeves.
"There's always time to change that." Jack teased.
"No chance in hell." I replied, slipping my feet into my converse and leaving the bedroom. Empty bottles filled the bin bags that littered the hall and I had to be careful to not knock them over. As I reached the front door panic began to wash through me. If Jack had no idea where Alex was, how was I supposed to find him?

Quickly, I unlocked the front door and pulled it open only to find Alex stood right outside. I reached up to cup his face and pushed my lips forcefully onto his. He seemed startled for a second before relaxing a little and pulling me closer to him.
"Where did you go?" I asked as he pulled away to breath.
"For a walk." He shrugged.
"Jack said you left two hours ago." I said, trying not to sound irritated by his blunt answers.
"Well your best friend happens to be a creep and crawled into bed right next to me when he realised you'd gone." I told him. Anger flashed through his eyes and suddenly I began to regret telling him.
"Jack did what?!" He questioned, taking hold of my shoulders a little too tightly.
"Alex be careful you're hurting me." I said, shifting myself around in an attempt to loosen his grip.
"Did he touch you?" Alex demanded.
"Of course not! What's the matter with you?" I asked after he didn't calm down. Alex completely ignored me and instead charged straight past me into the house. Quickly, I followed him only to see him dragging Jack out of his bed by the collar of his shirt.
"Why the fuck would you think its okay to get into bed with my girlfriend?" He yelled.
"Alex! Nothing happened!" I told him again, raising my voice.
"Dude what the fuck!" Jake shouted, slapping Alex's hands away.
"You were in bed with her!" Alex replied angrily.
"Babe please stop!" I begged Alex who completely ignored me.
"I didn't touch her dude! I was fucking sleeping and so was she! She had no idea I was there!"
"Alex, babe he's telling the truth!" I pleaded. "Alex, calm down, please."
"You better not have touched her." Alex threatened, putting his arms around my middle tightly. A sigh escaped my lips and Jack walked back towards the bed, shaking his head.
"What's happened?" I asked Alex as we left the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen. Carefully, I started making coffee and watching Alex, who was sat with his head in his hands, through my peripheral vision.
"I don't want to talk about it." He muttered. I raised my eyebrows before handing him the steaming mug of coffee I'd just prepared.
"Okay." I said "Look, it's not my business but if it's something I did please let's talk about it."
"It's not you."
"Promise?" I smiled, approaching him slowly. He smiled lovingly at me before reaching out his tattooed hand to cup my cheek.
"I promise."

Two hours later and I'd driven back to my apartment and showered, washing away the night before. Alex had been distant the whole morning and still seemed hesitant around Jack who had left an hour before me. I was working from twelve until five and as i ran a brush through the knotted mess on my head I realised I was running late. There was no way I'd be able to make it to the music school in ten minutes, plus work did not sound appealing because of the raging headache I had so instead of doing the grown up thing and just going in, i rung Joel and told him I was sick. My boss bought the excuse and reminded me about an upcoming event we had planned that I needed to be in for before wishing me a speedy recovery for my fake illness and hanging up the phone.

As I was changing into a pair of comfy sweatpants and an old All Time Low shirt my phone beeped and then my Slipknot ringtone sounded indicating that Juliet was calling me.
"Yes my angel?" I answered.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" My sister sniffed and it was obvious she was crying.
"What's happened?" I asked.
"I had a fight with dad and I don't want to go home." She sobbed.
"Okay. Do you want me to come and get you?"
"I'm already on my way over. I'll be about thirty minutes."
"Okay. I'll order a pizza when you get here."
"Thank you so much." Juliet whispered before hanging up. I checked messages only to find a text from Zack which simply read 'I need to see you. Be over in five'

I took one look at my appearance and groaned. I did not want Alex's friends to see me dressed like this but I also did not want to change out of my comfy clothing. Another groan escaped my lips as I dragged myself into my bedroom and slowly changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and my nirvana crop top. At least I now look semi decent I thought as I stood in front of my wall length mirror and poked at my stomach. I needed to get back into the gym. The knock on my door distracted me from planning a new fitness routine.
"It's unlocked!" I yelled walking out of my room and pulling the door shut behind me.
"Uh hey." Zack smiled opening the front door.
"Hey." I replied. "Do you want a coffee or something?"
"No I'm not staying long, band practice this evening." He said before sitting on my messy couch.
"Okay. What's up?" I asked before sitting beside him with my knees pulled up to my chest.
"You deserve an explanation as to why Alex is acting how he is. He wasn't going to tell you but I think you need to know."
Suddenly, every ounce of my attention was on the muscular male in front of me.
"Okay..." I trailed off.
"He's been talking to Lisa again. Nothing sexual or anything like that. Lisa just lost her grandmother and turned to Alex for support. They've been meeting up for a week but Alex is worried that if you found out that you'd leave him so he hasn't told you." Zack explained before exhaling loudly.
"Wait Lisa as in his ex?" I questioned. Zack nodded. "Is that why he got paranoid when you helped me last night?" I asked. Zack nodded again. "That also explains why he was so angry this morning. He must have thought Jack told me something and that I was playing dumb."
"What happened this morning?"
"It's a long story. Ask Jack to tell you later."
"Okay. Well I'm glad you know now. He was making a big deal over not saying anything to you in case you got jealous."
"Well I suppose she's his ex for a reason." I shrugged. Zack raised his eyebrows and pulled a face. "What?"
"Holly, you know why they broke up don't you?" He asked.
"Um no?" I responded truthfully.
"And I thought you were a hardcore All Time Low fan." He teased before his expression was serious again. "He cheated on her. Sure he was drunk and Lisa in my opinion overreacted slightly but it happened."
My stomach dropped and "Oh." Was all I could say.
"Are you alright?" Zack asked, reaching forward to place one hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "It's alot to process. Alex is having secret meet ups with his grieving ex and doesn't want me to know about them."
"I'm sure nothing is happening between them, he thinks the world of you. When he told Jack, Rian and I that you guys were a couple he was ecstatic and then when you were at our photoshoot he was filled with more energy than usual." Zack told me before letting his hand drop from my shoulder.
"We've been a couple five minutes and already I'm worried about his ex." I sighed before shaking my head. "Zack you better go, my sister will -"

"Holly?" A croaky voice called.
"My sister will be here in a minute." I finished. "Over here Juliet."
"Holl - oh my god." My teary eyed sister gasped as she realised who was sat beside me.
"Zack, Juliet. Juliet, Zack." I sighed.
"Hi." Zack smiled before standing up. "I'd love to stay longer but I have to go. It was good to meet you Juliet. I'll see you soon Holly." He said. I stood up to hug him before walking round to the door and opening it.
"Thank you." I told him. He just nodded before disappearing down the hall.

"Zack Merrick was sat on your couch!" Juliet squeaked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Do you even have to ask?" She giggled before thrusting her phone into my hands. We ordered our food and spent the evening watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix before settling in my bed and falling asleep after talking for hours into the early hours of the morning.


Another filler I'm sorry, but it's better than the last one. Also I've finished my exams now and my prom is in 9 days xoxo

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