Chapter 14

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As I roll over the sun shines in my eyes- wait what?! Usually I up before the sun. Jerking up and out of the bed I check my phone and see it's eleven thirty. Shit! I'm so late. Racing around I grab my clothes and run into the bathroom, getting ready as fast as humanly possible. Once I'm finished I run into the kitchen then back into the living room to see Zack watching me. Angry I yell at him. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?! I AM SO LATE! IM PROBABLY GOING TO GET FIRED!!" I scream hysterically at him. Unfazed by my outburst he just smirks at me. "You aren't fired, you quit." He tells me in a matter of fact voice. Once I hear that I freeze. "WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" I shout at him some more. Slowly he gets up and walks over to me. "I called Diana from your phone and told her you quit. You are only young once and you have your whole life to get a job. I know you were sick of the job and plus I wanted to hang out with you." He tells me calmly. Anger rushes through me, before he knows what's coming I smack him in the face- hard and walk outside. I can't believe he did something like that! Maybe I should call his job and tell them he quit. Ugh! That was so wrong of him to do. Half an hour later I go inside to apologize for smacking poor Zack across the face. When I find him, he's on the phone and has a bag of frozen corn against his cheek. When he sees me he hangs up the phone and starts walking to me but passes me. Before he leaves the room I hear him say. "Go get ready, we're going somewhere." I let out a sigh and rebrush my hair before following him out of the house and into the car. Twenty minutes later we are in front of a blueish house with some cars parked along the curb. I get out with Zack and follow along side him, into the backyard. When we get to the back some lame music is playing and there are lots of other people there. I see smoke coming from a barbeque, hm this is nice. I go to wander around but Zack grips my hand and pulls me in a different direction then I wanted to go. With no choice I drag along until we stop in front of a group of guys who give Zack one of those bro hugs with a clap on the back. I go unnoticed until Zack opens his big, fat, blabby mouth. Clearing his throat he starts up. "Guys, this is my- girlfriend Jade. Jade these are my friends. They all shake hands with me and joke around with Zack that he finally found someone. After a while it dawns on me- Zack said I was his GIRLFRIEND! OMG. With a smile on my face I wander around the yard and make small talk with some people. At one time this guy gave me a drink and it was amazing! Finally I sit down and eat a cheese burger, a moment later someone sits down beside me. Looking up I see it's some blonde headed chick. Ignoring her I go back to eating until she starts talking. "Hi, I'm Tiffany! I've never seen you here before, who are you with?" Swallowing my bite I point to Zack. "Oooooo, he's a cutie but how did he ever land you?" She asks me giggling. I let out a chuckle and shrug my shoulders. Suddenly she takes my phone and types about in it. Alarmed I snatch it out of her hands and look through my phone. "Chill, I was only putting my number in your phone." She tells me. "Oh, sorry." I tell her. She glares at me and leaves- whatever. A while later I notice it's getting dark and I might be a little tipsy. Unsteadily wobbling around I finally find Zack. Seeming set with everything Zack drags me out of the party and into the car where we begin our drive home. Once home I'm a little more than tipsy. Slurring my words and laughing like a maniac I go over and start talking to the lamp. "Why hello there, I think you are verrry pretty. We should get together some time." Patting the lamp I stumble onto the couch and fall onto the one and only Zack. I end up petting Zack's stomach. Then like a kung fu master I'm in bed. Hm, that's okay because I like the huge sparkly poof ball next to me. Giggling some more I kiss it and fall into a deep slumber. Before I know it I'm flying out of the bed and into the bathroom, releasing all of the contents out of my stomach. A moment later Zack is there holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back. Shuddering I flush the nastiness and wash out my mouth before silently following Zack back into the room and cuddling him for warmth. Happy he doesn't push me away I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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