(Winter) Chapter 40

Start from the beginning


The room suddenly got quiet. Only the rustling of the leaves on the trees were heard and the gentle blow of the wind. Everyone in the room was waiting, waiting for Koujiro to give the signal and for the two competitors to make a move. Their 306th win is on the line; Asuto's goal of being in-charge was on the line. As for Gil's bet? It is still unknown.

Without any hesitation, Koujiro finally shouts, "Begin!"



Both of them stomped onto the floor at the same time, their shinais clash, and a powerful clank sound was heard. Everyone's expectation was exceeded and now, they were waiting and anticipating on who will win the battle.


"Point goes to Douji Gil," Koujiro declares after Asuto got hit on his right arm.

"Tch! That was a sleek move, Gil-kun! You totally caught me off-guard!"

"Well," Gil held his shinai tightly with both hands. "that's what I intended to do."

"Not this round! It's mine!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

After letting out those words, Gil's vision blurred for a moment. He felt a little dizzy that he had to maintain his balance and step on the floor with his right foot. He didn't even had time to hear Koujiro's declaration that he was suddenly tapped to the head with Asuto's shinai. Everyone, even Hinako, was surprised.

'Senpai didn't move when Koujiro-senpai declared the start of the round,' Hinako thought. 'What happened to him?'

Gil was surprised, as well. He didn't expect for him to be tapped so easily, by Asuto's shinai no less.

"Hey, hey. What just happened? Are you tired, Gil-kun?" Asuto asks, tapping his left shoulder with his shinai. "That was unusual. Slip up by this third round and you lose, you know?"

"Shut up, Asuto! Damn, you're quite talkative today," Gil prepares himself. "Are you that desperate to be captain for a month?"

"Just once, Gil-kun," Asuto lightly knocks his head with his own fist. "I want to experience what it's like, being captain and all that."

"Is it because I beat you in the election?"

"No, no. It's not that," Asuto shook his head. "I know that Karuna-senpai and Oji-senpai planned on having you as the next captain from the start. I just wanted to try and see if I have a knack for leading."

"Hmph! Suit yourself, Juniyushi Asuto!" Under the head armor, Gil smiles. "I will win this round, not you."

"I'd like to see you do that, Gil-kun."

It was getting intense by the second as Gil and Asuto dealt blows with their shinais, only to be deflected by one another. Their 306th win is at stake after all. They have always been like this ever since middle school.

For a moment, Gil swayed when he put a little distance from Asuto. He got a little dizzy but was able to regain balance and composure when Asuto charged right towards him.

Fate/Stay Gakuen | Gilgamesh x OC: Hinako Suzuhana (AU)Where stories live. Discover now