My Past Part 6

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Recap: I needed to find a place to stay and quick! It was getting darker and darker. I looked around the place and found smoke coming from the top of the mountains, by the time I reached there it was night. Looking at the fire I saw a boy around 10 years older than me eating some type of meat.

I stared at him staying on guard.

"Who are you? What do you want? Food?" He asked looking all innocent and stupid handing me a piece of meat.

End of Recap.

I stared at him in disbelief. "What are you stupid? What would you do if I attacked you?" I asked sighing at him.

"You couldn't possibly beat me, after all you're a girl and waayyy younger than me." He stated talking between mouthful.

I got mad a ran up to him trying to punch him, but he stopped me with one hand while he ate.

"HMPF! I wasn't trying hard anyways." I pouted turning around.

I heard he laugh and I turned red.

"Your very funny, what's your name?" He asked as he laughed.

"____. What's yours?" I said quietly.

"Shanks." He replied.

I then talked and talked with Shanks and it turned out we had a lot in common I didn't tell him everything about what happened as I didn't trust him yet but I told him most things. He did the same leaving same bits of the story out.

From that day on Shanks and I lived together as sisters and brothers as I took care of the cooking and he took care of the hunting until back to the start.

I learnt that my sister had been taken to Prison for murder and that Shanks wanted to be a pirate on Gol D Rogers ship now with the story that I told him.

All went well until you was kidnapped by the same insane sister you thought was in jail.

*End of Flashback*

"That was all your fault. Don't place the blame on other." I mumble just enough for her to hear. She started laughing like the insane woman she was.


"Shut up." I whispered

She still continued to scream.

"Shut Up." I cried.

She still continued to scream.

"Shut Up!" I shouted.

She still continued to scream.

"SHUT UP!!!" I shouted. She stopped and faced me.

"What can you possibly do?" She mocked

I snapped, I ran towards her a shout a punch right in the middle of her face sending her flying to a wall in an instant. I waited for her to get up but she never did, all it took for her to get knocked out was a punch, ONE PUNCH I tell you.

I defected the big boss and everyone else in this lab, we set the children free and they were sent back home with the navy as I escaped with the other four saying that they can't get caught. A wanted poster was then sent with the headings 'Death Reaper!' Or 'God of Death.' It was quiet funny seeing the names that they came up with, I was also set with a high-ish 155,000,000 beli mark, it never went higher as I never did anything extreme except for when I took out the lab.

I was in the middle of the once reading the newspaper with Kimiko and the other three. They told me who they really are and I was shocked, I never thought that they would be with 'them,' Kimiko also asked me if I wanted to join and I replied "Hell Yeah!" We have a destination in mind which wasn't too far away.

We later arrived at the island. "Kimiko-Chan thank you for bring me here." I thanked her.

"No problem! I'm sure that 'he' will be glad for you to join!" She replied happily.

I smiled and we walked into together, I was brought up to his waiting room, I couldn't wait to meet him.

"Come in." The voice said. I came in trying to hide the smile that was creeping up my face.

"What's with the creepy smile?" He asked.

"I'm sorry that my smile is creepy Dragon-San, father of Money D Luffy." I replied shocking him, he was now on guard.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"I'm your son's older sister, _____. I'm not Luffy's real sister but sister by blood but by bond so don't worry your wife didn't cheat on you." I smiled giggle a bit.

"I see. Now let me ask why you are here?" Dragon asked.

I had a long talk with him about many things until someone busted into the room shouting "DRAGON-SAN!" It was the voice of a man that I somewhat think I knew. I turned around to see a blond-haired man with a scar on his right eye.

"Sabo." I whispered. I saw him flinch, I smiled knowing that he was the Sabo I thought was dead all thoughts years ago. "SABO!!" I ran towards him hugging him and crying until I heard him speak again.

"Umm. I'm sorry but have we met before?" He asked shocking me, I froze.

"Sabo are you joking? If you are it's not funny!" I replied desperately eyeing him to see if he was lying or not. He just looked at me with distant eyes as he thinks I'm a stranger. I sigh and take deep breaths trying to control the fear that was taking over me. I turned to Dragon.

"Dragon this is Sabo right?" I asked my voice all shaking as my eye threaten tears to spill.

"Yes." He replied in a quiet voice just enough for me to hear.

I nod, trying to calm myself down. "I see. I see." I repeated over and over again.

"Umm. Are you ok miss?" He asked

"YES! I'm fine, it's just that Dragon told me about you and I REALLY admire you." I replied speaking to loudly at first and tried to cover my past events with flattering him.

"Ohh. I see! You admire me huh!" He started getting cocky and stupid.

From then on I worked for the Revolutionary army and tried many ways to get Sabo's memories back.

I did get his memories back but with the help of my other brothers.


That's the end of this crazy long flashback!

Thank you for reading this far! (If you did.) Anyways, the next chapters might come out slower because of school so bear with me.  ʕ.ᴥ.ʔ Hehe.

See you next time!

The Three Brothers With An Older Sister (One Piece)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें