All Set!

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This is it, the plan was set. He was going to get his memories back.

--- Flashback ---

"Hey, Luffy we are running out of food so we'll have to stop by at a island now!" Sanji shouted while checking what we have left.
"This is all because the three of them a bottomless pits when it comes to eating, and here I though that Sabo would eat like a normal person and have a normal person stomach. Hah, at least ___ wasn't like them." Nami sighed at Sabo, Ace and Luffy.

We had been traveling with the crew for a month now, we are getting along and the plan is working out nicely. If everything goes smoothly then Sabo will regain his memories back.

As the crew stopped by at an island the searched for a town or village but there was nothing in sight. No towns or people was in sight in other word it was inhabited. There was no signs of life except for plants and animals. Which was perfect as it looked like that mountains that we lived on.

"Ace! Luffy! Come here I need to talk to you!" I shouted across the boat as they were playing and exploring.

"What is it ____?" Ace asked.

"This could be the perfect place to get Sabo's memories back!" I replied happily.

"Yeah! Then we need to stay here for awhile right?" Luffy asked me.

"Yeah! You got it bro! We're going to stay here and try to regain Sabo's memories with past events that happened when we were little!" I smiled thinking how this will play out.

Luffy told the crew that he wanted to explore the island and that it could also be a great way to stock up on everything we need to get, the crew was shocked at the fact the Luffy was using his brain.

Seeing the crew shocked made me laugh my head off, it was a priceless reaction.

Sabo was looking around mumbling under his breath about how the island looks familiar. Sabo had been talking to me a lot more lately saying that he keeps on having weird dreams, about three little boys and a girl fighting together but it was foggy so we need to set the final step in motion.

Everything went smoothly, every single step.
The first step was introducing ourselves the same way we did when we were younger.
Step two was fighting for food which I didn't need to mention as it was always a battle with food when Luffy is involved.
Step three was talking about the past every so slightly but only the key memories that was more important, like the stealing sake to become sisters and brothers.
Now the last step was in motion. It was to build a tree house together and pull the trigger even further when we steal sake from Zoro drinking it forming a reuniting bond with the four siblings.

"Hey ____! I got an idea! Let's build a tree-house here like we did in the old times! Shishishishishi!" Luffy smiled and laugh with his signature grin. I smiled, I knew that he doesn't follow plans but it was amazing that Luffy was following this one. "Sure! That would be great!" I smile walking to Luffy trying to find the right tree with him.

"Hey! Guys! would you like my help?" Franky asked walking over.

"NO!" I was surprised by the sudden shout that come from Luffy. "Ace, ____, Sabo and I are going to build it together!" He said pouting.

"Huh! Why do I have to build the tree-house with you I thought that you're going to built it together with your sister and brother, Luffy?" Sabo asked surprised at the sudden mention of his name.

"Yeah! That includes yo-!"  Ace came in slapping his hand over Luffy mouth.

"What he means to said it that he wants you to be included too! RIGHT LUFFY?!" Ace gave Luffy the death glare while he released his hand from Luffy's mouth.

I giggled watching how the scene played out. "Come on ____, let's hurry! I wanna built a treehouse!" Luffy shouted while being dragged by Ace, Sabo just follow them from behind looking at me saying to help him out of this. Laughing I shook my head no.

We built the treehouse and it looked a lot like the treehouse that we had when we where younger. This triggered a slight memory in Sabo. He remembered building a treehouse with three other people, but he doesn't remember with who.

---- End of Flashback ----

I smiled and I knew, Sabo was still very shocked but he was smart enough to piece the pieces together. Looking at us with shock he screamed "You're my brothers and sister?!"

The plan was set, it was now complete.

We laughed looking at his expression. Luffy wrapped his arms around Sabo and started crying tears of joy learning that Sabo remembered. Ace hugged Sabo as well. Shortly after that Sabo fainted, maybe from the lake of air, or from shock, or maybe even both.

In the end we stole the bottle of sake and drank from it, for reuniting together and for Sabo's memories.

We partied and told the rest of the crew with some of them shocked and a few knew. We partied telling stories and the adventures we have.

The party ended as the day turned into night.

"I guess that I will be disappearing now." I said sitting on the railway as I looked at my semi-transparent hands.

I walked back into the girls cabin and took a piece of paper and wrote:

Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry if my brothers cause anymore trouble but I hope that I can leave them in your hands. I will now be going back to the revolutionary army as I have same stuff to take of there! Sorry for leaving first without telling you but I hope that you'll forgive me.
Thank you for looking after my brothers and I hope that you always will.

- From ____.

I placed that paper near on the fridge so everyone can see it. Now, I needed to write everyone a personal letter. Before my time was up.

I got to it. I wrote their letters and left to give it to them. One for Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook and Law.

Hi! This chapter was not expected! Sorry to leave it at a cliffhanger!

Bye! See you next time!

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