Her Reason Why.

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No one's POV

They looked though the files in disgust, they were all about Kayanne's reasons why she produced this madness. It was for a revolting experiment that she wanted to continue from 17 years back.

These were the files that Robin brought back. ________ was still sleeping and Zoe was sleeping besides her handing her hand. No one wanted to let ________ know about this. After all they didn't want her upset for the last 2 months they have together with her.

The silence was unbearable, nobody talked they all had thoughts running thought their minds.

*Growling* *Rumbling* "Sorry. All this thinking has made me hungry." Luffy smiled rubbing the back of his head smiling with a tint of pink dusked on his cheek. They all laughed the tense in the air was gone.

"Ok! Today we're having Pasta Carbonara! It would be easy on the brats and Law can also eat it. Ussop, Brook, Franky and Chopper set up the table."

"Yohohoho/Ossu/SUPER!!/Un! You've got it!" They all replied in their unique ways. They kitchen couldn't fit everyone so they had to eat on Thousand Sunny's deck. There was a huge table made by Franky that was filled with Pasta Carbonara more than enough for everyone to eat. The dug in eating happily away the kids were crying for they hadn't had good food for a long time, the Kidd Crew was eating like they were in heaven as no one in their crew can cook well with Killer somehow eating with his mask on, Law's crew was eating and chatting happily away and well, Luffy's crew they are being themselves stealing and shouting.

What they didn't know is that a certain someone was awake from all the noise that they're making, well who can continue sleeping? Never mind. We all know who can. She was ______.

Your POV

You heard shouting, loud cheers, screaming and Snoring? Well whatever it was it was clear that everyone was happy. It made you smile. They sure are a noise bunch of people. I wonder what they're going to do with the children? I asked myself stroking Zoe hair smiling softly at the sight. "Mnn...." She had a firm grip on my hand and was snuggly closer towards me. I giggle, she was so cute and now look at me.

I'm a 48-year-old woman. I sigh, kids sure grow up so fasts these day.  "______ your up!" Zoe shouted hugging me in a bone crushing hug snapping me out of my thoughts.  "Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow! Ok! Ok! Let go your hurting me." I patted her shoulder telling her to move. "No..." It was a quiet voice but I heard it. It was then followed by sobs that got louder. "Wahh! _______!" It looked like they know huh. I smiled and stroke her hair."What is it?" I asked totally knowing what's going on but pretending."You know *Hic* yet how can you s-smile? I-I don't *hic* ge-get it. How af-after kno-knowing th-that yo-your g-goi-going to d-di-die... WAHH!!" Zoe cried."That's because I'm cared for. I won't die unless I'm forgotten by everyone, and I know that you'll always remember me." I replied smiling while rubbing her back to calm her down.

She just rubs her head against my neck. "Now, how about we go outside to eat? I'm hungry!" Just on que Zoe's and my tummy growled. We both blushed and laughed. "Yea! Let's go!" Zoe replied rubbing her eye wiping her tears away. She stood up and waited for me, I took the IV off and turned off the heart monitor.

"Let's go! I'm ready!" I cheered moving off the bed. I tripped but was supported by Zoe. "Hehe! I'm fine! I'm fine! Let's go, I'm hungry." I giggled using Zoe's shoulder to support myself. I stood up by the pain was killing me.

Heh, I never knew it would be this painful to stand, sh** my legs feel like lead they feel so heavy.

I walked towards the door without any support from Zoe. "See! I can move don't worry." She just nodded in replied."Hi~! Everyone I'm hungry what's we eating?" I asked opening the door, Chopper and Law glared at me.

"YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE IN BED!!!" They shouted in sync. I just smiled.

"I'm hungry." They sweat-dropped and Sanji gave me a dish of Pasta Carbonara and set up a table with to chairs and pulled them out for me. "Thank you." I smiled sitting onto of the chairs, this made Sanji all happy doing his weird dance. "Where are we going next?" I asked the crew.

"Home! But first the Marine Base to give then these Kids!" Luffy replied and this made everyone shout.

"YOU'RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!!!" The crew shouted expect for the children. I just laughed with Luffy sensing that he has a plan for me to meet with grandpa once last time before I die."Oh! Look! A marine base!! Lucky!! Shishishi!" Luffy laughed and they all cried.

"Let's go!" I shouted pumping up my fist. This will be fun!

"Kids, everyone. Let's go!" I shouted.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

"___________ wait. We want to do a quick check up first." Chopper and Law commanded, Chopper pulling me into the patient's room and Law following us.

"Ok. How do you feel _______?" Law asked pushing me down to sit.

"My legs feel like lead, it's so heavy but hat's all OK? Now, Let's go!" I replied standing back up skipping towards the door to show them I'm fine. "See all good just heavy."

They looked at each other and nodded.

We're going to watch her carefully.


Sorry if the front is weird. Is it weird? Anyways, I forget to add their ages! Here it is if you wanted to know.

Before 17 Year Time Skip

Shanks – 39 years

Makino – 32 years

You – 31 years (Sorry she's not 24! Hehe! ^.^)

Ace – 22 years

Sabo – 22 years

Luffy – 19 years

Zoe – 0 years

After 17 Year Time Skip

Shanks – 56 years

Makino – 49 years

You – 48 years

Ace – 39 years

Sabo – 39 years

Luffy – 36 years

Zoe – 17 years

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