Returning To Foosha Village

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"Hahaha! I see! So Ace never wanted to join in the first place! That's so funny!" I laughed as the crew and I sat together parting and talking about Ace and sharing stories of the past.

We talked and partied until midnight, very soon everyone was drunk and asleep. It was a peaceful sight seeing everyone on the ship asleep with peaceful faces. "Huh, they're going to catch a cold. I better get them blankets." I went around and got blankets for everyone. "Hey, what are you doing yoi?" I looked up to see all the division commanders.

"Can't you see what I'm doing?" I laughed quietly.

"Here lets us help." The 7th commander Rakuyo took some blankets and started covering his crew mates.

"Thanks." I replied while handing some blankets to the other commanders. "Well you can do the rest!" I smiled while giving the rest to Macro and started walking away.

In the background I heard them sighing I giggled quietly and I walked to the rail, I jumped up onto it balancing myself on the rail and started walking humming to myself.

It was nice and quiet with my hair swaying from the cool breeze.

"___, it been a day now. How long it the trip going to be until we reach your village?" Vista asked making me jump from he sudden sound.

"Woah, don't come out of nowhere like that it scared me. Oh, it might take around another day or two to reach Foosha Village." I replied while calming myself down and climbing down the rail.

"Really? That was fast. Spending the whole day partying and the next day will be your last here together." Vista replied

"I said 'it might take around another day or two to reach Foosha Village' so don't jump to conclusions and say that tomorrow will be my last. Shessh." I sigh shaking me head.

"Hehe. Sorry." Vista said rubbing his head.

"Don't worry about it." I replied "Well see you tomorrow. *Yawns* I'm tried now so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight ____. " Vista replied

"Sleep tight." Haruta waved

See you tomorrow yoi." Macro said

"Hehe. Night." I replied walking away to my room in the back of the corridor.

I entered the room closing the door behind me. I went to me bed and sat on the end taking out the journal in the drawer at the end of the bed. I wrote down the event of today in notes, it was a place where I can have time to myself and remember the times that has happened from 5 years ago to recently.

The journal has taken part of my life, it was a daily habit to write down what has happened now, I placed the book back into its drawer and lay down closing my eyes. I fell asleep leaving today for a new start tomorrow.

---- Time Skip to Next Morning ----

The sun rays shine though the curtains, waking me up. I rub my eyes, yawning and stretching. "Time to make breakfast." I said to myself in a quiet voice. I got out of bed and did my daily routine.

Brushing my teeth, a quick shower and picking out a outfit. I walked out of my room and went towards the kitchen. I open to pantry to find flour, sugar, icing sugar, vanilla extract, self-rising flour, caster sugar, baking powder and baking soda. I took out the self-rising flour, caster sugar, icing sugar and vanilla extract, I then place them all onto the bench. I went into the fridge looking for milk and butter. Lucky for me they had a lot so I could afford to make enough for everyone on the ship.

I started right away.

Taking the whisk to whisk the milk, egg and vanilla together. Sifting the flour into a bowl and mixing in the caster sugar after. After finishing that I made a well in center of the bowl and added the milk mixing it until just combined. I brushed pan with butter using 1/4 cup mixture per pancake. Turning and cooking for everyone was hard. I had to place them all onto plates, cover the pancakes with foil to keep warm and repeat everything until there was enough for everyone.

By the time I finished some of the crew started coming into the dining room, the scent of freshly cooked pancakes must've woken them up. As only thirty minutes later the whole dining room was packed with everyone from the crew waiting for their breakfast.

"Was ____ the cook today?" One of them asked

"Umm it smells so nice." Some commented

"I'm starving!" Most of them commented

"Okay! Everyone we're having pancakes today for breakfast! Come and get them." I shouted to everyone and they all raced lining up to be the first to get their breakfast.

Everyone has gotten their pancakes with toppings of their choices, I had three pancakes with hot syrupy. I sat down next to all of the division commanders. "How'd you like my pancakes?" I asked them.

"They're really good!" The whole crew heard what I said and replied,

"Haha! I see. Thank you everyone!" I replied with a chuckle.

We all finished eating out pancakes, everyone went to their posts to check if everything is in place and I started to cleaning the dishes when Macro came in, "We should be arriving in Foosha Village in a 6-7 hours yoi." Marco told me.

"Thanks for telling me. I'll be out as soon as I finish the dishes!" I replied while washing the dishes a bit faster as there were stacks of dishes left.

"Ok, then I'll be outside if you need anything yoi." Marco replied and left

"Oh! I can't wait to see everyone again! I wonder how many years has it been since I last saw them!" I said to myself.

I finished washing the dishes in one hour and around that time I heard cannons. I rushed outside thinking that we might have been attacked by someone, but I was wrong, after looking around the place there was no sign of an attack, then it hit me no one would want to attack the ship of a Yonko. "Hey! What are you doing?" I asked the people who were shooting cannons after thinking clearly.

"We are shooting canons to see who would have to carry the shopping bags when we land on the next island." One of the three replied while setting up for the next shot.

"I see." I replied while looking around for a chair.

I grabbed one barrel and sat near the canon waiting to see who wins and loses. After awhile the winner was from the Izo's division while the other two was in Haruta's division that lost. "Land! There is land in the distance!" The outlook shouted making everyone come out and see.

I looked in the distance and saw Dawn Island, the place where I was raised.

"Finally, home sweet home!" I said to myself.


Hey Everyone! I hoped that you liked this chapter! >.<

See you next time!

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