"You seem to be in another world, Miss Linton," he had remarked.

"Mm hmm," I had responded.

Now he was leading me through the grassy park, our servant following behind us, out of earshot.

"Do you know why I asked you here, Miss Linton?" He smiled.

"Because you fancy me?" I replied.

Was it not obvious? Why else did a gentleman ask a lady to take a 'stroll'?

His eyebrows raised as if he was surprised by my answer, "My, you're blunt."

"I try my best, Captain."

"And that is why I asked you here," he pointed at me with a playfulness to his voice, "You're not like other women I usually interact with, Miss Linton. No one has the audacity to talk to me like that."

"Wow, I haven't heard that before," I grumbled, avoiding the eye contact he was so desperately trying to make.

I knew I was being difficult, but thinking about Ambrose only made me more flustered. And Captain Carter noticed.

"Care to make a wager?" He suggested playfully.

I was baffled that he wasn't yet irritated by my sour mood, "Shoot."

"I get five guesses as to why you're not in the best mood this morning. If I get it right in five guesses, you have to keep walking with me and explain. If I do not get it right," he pointed back to the carriage, "we go right back and you can go home."

I couldn't help my smile. I would love to go back home and there was no way Captain Carter would guess what was plaguing my thoughts.

"You have yourself a deal. Now go ahead and guess," I chided.

"You are ill and should actually be under the care of a physician?"

"Not even close."

"You hate me and I am irritating you to no end.

"That would be incorrect, but close."

"Okay, how about," he stopped walking and stepped in front of me to look into my eyes, "you have another gentleman on your mind."

My eyes widened and I sucked in a breath.

"I don't even need you to tell me I am correct. Your reaction gives it away."

"Keep walking, Captain," I ordered him.

He raised his eyebrows and a broad cheeky smile spread over his face as he fell back into step with me.

"Look, I have a peculiar situation, okay?"

"Enlighten me."

I looked back at our house servant who was definitely out of earshot now.

"Can you keep a secret?" I whispered at Captain Carter.

"Of course," he replied, leaning closer to me, "but why are we whispering?"

"Because it's a secret!"

"No one can hear us."

"Shut up, and listen to me."

Aye, aye, I'm listening," he joked.

"There's this gentleman-" I started.

"I figured it wasn't a lady," he winked.

"Do you want to hear the story, or not?"

"Sorry, sorry, please do continue."

So I told him the story. Except not really, since I took out most parts. And Mr. Ambrose's name. And the whole kidnapping fiasco.

Winter Getaway - A Storm and Silence FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now