A destiny of 2 hearts-frodo's tale

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I said goodbye to my friends and my uncle bilbo but before I left bilbo said 'I'm so proud of you Frodo' he also said a lot of other comforting words, then I left, when I reached the castle that awaited me and Sara, we looked up and walked in, the messenger boy who gave us the news about Sara, stood at the entrance to the castle and lead us through to a great hall, Sara would be crowned tomorrow and Merry, Sam, Pippin and Bilbo would be there, but the best part was I would marry Sara, I was so excited, adrenaline rushed through me, I just couldn't wait.

I was going to be married tomorrow, never mind crowned queen, I had been wanting to marry Frodo since I was just a girl, he's always been kind and caring not to mention extremely good looking, I would also see my friends and my new uncle in law.

It was the next day, there where people running here there and everywhere, it was just hectic, Frodo came onto the balcony where I was stood, I was admiring the wonderful views of rivingshire, it was beautiful and soon I'd get to share it with the hobbit of my dreams.

Her hair was golden in the sunlight, we would be married in a couple of hours, I was the luckiest hobbit in the whole of the shire.

Frodo had to go, he put his hand on my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek and then he left, I turned round and watched him leave, I then smiled and looked into the distance, then a serving girl came in with the dress I was to wear, It was beautiful, I'd never seen something so beautiful, it wasn't your common white dress, it was a beautiful blue dress, it was floaty and had hints of baby blue, as I put it on I felt a rush of adrenaline whizz through my body, it was then I knew, that this wasn't a dream, this was happening for real, I was then called for:

I was about to be queen and get married!!!

End of Chapter 17!!!!!

A Destiny of 2 hearts- frodo's taleWhere stories live. Discover now