A destiny of 2 hearts-frodo's story

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We were finally there, and where sat at a table at the back of the resteraunt, it was nice and quiet so me and Sara could have a nice conversation, we started talking about Merry, Sam and Pippin we got through Pippin and Sam quite quickly so when we went onto Merry I thought I'd start of with the party...


Frodo was outraged at the thought of me not getting an invite, the plan was working because I saw Frodo was uneasy, and then he finally got up the courage to say...

'why don't you come with me'

It took A LOT of courage to ask Sara to come with me , but I didn't want her to be home whilst I was having a great time, I could see she was thinking about it and she finally said...

'YES I'll come with you'

I didn't really need to think about it, It was an obvious yes, I can't believe Frodo actually had the courage to ask me, so it was settled I was going to Merry's party with Frodo, I was ecstatic I couldn't wait to go it was just 2 days away and I had to pick something I could dance in, it would be irrasponsable not to dance at Merry's party, I was wondering if Frodo would ask me to dance with him, everything was coming together now.

It was settled Sara would be my guest at Merry's party, after ages of talkin we had come to the end of our meal and we set off for home we reached Sara's house first, I decided I'd give her a cheek kiss goodnight, when I did she smiled and went into her hobbit hole.

End Of Chapter 7!!!

A Destiny of 2 hearts- frodo's taleWhere stories live. Discover now