Please come back, come back to me

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Isak's P.O.V

Isak rode down the narrow street on his bike, the headwind almost causing his snapback to fall off. The trees, houses and front yards passing by him blurred into a streak of colors.
Isak pedaled faster and faster, trying to get to his destination as soon as possible.

He was really worried about Even. Not only had he sounded kind of strange on the phone, Isak also had a sick feeling in his stomach. And every time he had that feeling, something was definitely not right.
When that f*cking jackass, also called Even's father, said those terrible things to his boyfriend yesterday, Isak had felt terribly sorry for him. He knew how much Even cared about his family and he also knew that being not accepted, had hurt him more than he would ever admit.

As he finally arrived at Even's flat, Isak carelessly let his bike fall onto the street and hurried to the door. He pressed on the door bell multiple times and waited for a response.
Nothing. Isak pulled out his phone to see if Even had left him any messages, but no, nothing.

The only notification on his phone was from a local news app, informing about some car crash that had happened about an hour ago.

Isak frowned and unlocked his phone. His finger found his way to Even's contact and he began typing.

"Open up, I'm here baby!"

Isak waited a few minutes, but he got no response. He tried to call Even, but the person to answer was not Even, but the annoying phone service lady telling him that Even was not able to be reached at the moment. Great.

Suddenly, Isak noticed a strange smell, which seemed to come out of the house. It smelled something got burned. To the mixture of sorrow and suspicion in Isak's stomach was now added the feeling that something was immensely wrong.

"What the f*ck, Even." Isak mumbled to himself as he pressed on the door bell once more. Even had sounded so desperate when he said that he wanted to see him. And now he wasn't home? Or maybe, he was home and..
"Open up!" Isak yelled frustrated as he looked up to an opened window, which he knew belonged to Even's flat.

Then he saw it. Dark, almost black smoke crawling out of the small window gap.
Panic started to rise in Isak's body. Something had to burn in the kitchen.
And if no one was home, then no one could put it out.
Isak began to think hard. What should he do? He didn't have the phone number of Even's parents and Even didn't pick up his phone so there was only one choice.

As Isak typed '110' into his phone, his hands were shaking uncontrollably.
His heart was racing like he'd just run a marathon and he couldn't form one clear thought. Where in earth's name was Even? And why was there something burning in their flat? And why-
Isak's thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice.

"You're speaking to the fire department in Oslo. How can I help you?"

"H-hello I..I think something is burning in a flat. But I'm not sure because I'm not able to go inside and I...I don't know if anyone's in there and..and.." Isak stammered, panic clear in his voice.

"Try to stay calm, sir. Can you please tell me your name and the address of the building with the suspected fire?"

" name's Isak Valtersen and I'm at Blomst Street 5 in Oslo. Please hurry." Isak said, not even caring that he sounded like he was about to cry.

"We will be there in approximately five minutes. Don't panic, Mr. Valtersen."

Isak thanked the fireman and hung up. He ran his hands over his face. Why was everything such a mess now?
Why couldn't Even and him have just one normal and nice day for instance?

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