Then his lips touched mine. My eyes fell closed on their own as I felt like I was in space. My body shot to life as his lips touched mine. They were soft as the kiss stayed light.

When he pulled away I could still feel the feeling of his lips. It left me out of breath and wanting more. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes still had that heated look.

I touched my lips slowly as I kept my eyes on him. I wanted more.

Kevin gave no warning as he moved my hand and crashed his lips back to mine. I moaned not being able to help it as I felt him press his body to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. The kiss got hot and heated fast leaving me panting.

When we parted Kevin's lips went straight to my neck. I've never felt this, it was so new. Tingles ran throughout me as he kissed a spot under my ear. When he bit the same spot I gasp escaped me before I moaned.

I felt him move between my legs and was thankful the park was empty. The trees were thick and it didn't seem like anyone came here. It was shameless of me to allow something like this but to hell with it.

I am a killer.

Kevin stopped moving completely and looked shocked about what he was doing. "This.....this isn't right. You underage and I'm....."

I was panting and really didn't want to hear that. "No no please don't."

I could feel my eyes water as I looked up at him. My body was shaking from the pleasure and I couldn't hold back my blush. I wanted Kevin to stop treating me like a child. Kevin eyes looked me over. "You have to be a succubus."

I tilted my head not understanding him. He groaned before leaning back down to my neck. I gasped as the pleasure returned but it wasn't enough. "More Kevin."

As if hearing me moan his name was a trigger he shot up off me. "I'm sorry." He said it lowly but I still heard.

I frowned. "What?"

He just smiled down at me showing me his dazzling side. "I shouldn't have did that. I should've had more control."

I shook my head as he moved from over me. "What? No....You regret that?"

He just frowned as he turned slightly away from me. I didn't care as I looked at him. He regretted what we did. I felt....hollow.

"Let's get packed up. I don't want it to get too late." Kevin moved to stand but in my anger I pushed him. He only seemed to move an inch before looking at me.

"Fuck you!" It was the only thing that seemed to float out my mouth.

Kevin sighed as he watched me. When he went to touch me I smacked his hand away. He tried again and I did the same thing. He was getting upset but I couldn't be bothered. "Calm down Winter."

I felt confused and hurt. "No! Why would you do that?! Why would you kiss me?!"

He sighed and stood up putting his shoes on. "Because I like you, more then I should. I didn't mean for this to happen."

I scuffed at him feeling my eyes burn. "Are fucking stupid?!"

He bend down to me still trying to touch me. "That's not what I meant Winter. Calm down alright, don't curse."

I quickly gathered my shoes and put them on. "Take me home."

Kevin frowned and tried once again to pull me in his arms. "Winter lets talk please. I have to tell you why this wasn't right. Just listen-"

Before I could stop myself I pulled out of his arms and smacked him. "It was right for me asshole. Take me home."

Kevin looked upset before nodding. I went to the car as he started cleaning up. I felt like I wanted to hide away forever. I wanted to rip his heart out but not really. I thought he actually stopped seeing me as a child. I didn't have much time left before 18. Why did him rejecting our kisses hurt this bad?


When I got home I let Smoky in then went straight to my room. I've been here since. When Kevin tried calling me I didn't answer. It was not long ago that I started calling him and he didn't answer. I was deciding if I should call his father or not. I know it was my anger that triggered this but still.....I wanted to speak to him.

After cleaning my face I started the shower. I still have to go meet Lion and this other person. I can't let thoughts of Kevin to distract me. I got in under the hot running water sighing as it soothes the thoughts out of my head. Even if he did hurt me, I still didn't want to kill him. I wanted Kevin to kiss me again and tell me everything would be ok. My reaction was so childish. I can see why he's ignoring me.

I hate everything. 

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