CHAPTER 53 (part two)

Start from the beginning

“Of course, mom,” was my fast reply. “How could I forget to be happy?”

“Thank you,” she said before then she kissed my cheeks softly. “Your dad’s here.” She nodded behind me and sure enough there was an older version of Vincent looking at us, smiling.

There was a hint of sadness in his smile it was like a bitter smile.

“I’m going inside,” mom told me.

I nodded and smiled at her. I wiped my cheeks dry when mom entered the house.

Dad sat beside me and wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Dad,” I called. “I miss you.”

I looked up at him. He was looking down at me. We both smiled at each other and then he kissed the top of my head.

“Oh, princess, I miss you even more.”

I looked back to Vanilla who was now sleeping on the floor in front of us. I closed my eyes and started humming Annie’s Song. I remember this one. Dad always told me that he used to sing this song when I was a little kid. He told me he sang me to sleep with this song.

“You fill up my senses like a night in the forest. Like the mountains in springtime like a walk in the rain ,” he sang along with my humming.

I smiled.

“You remember that?” he asked me.

I nodded slowly. “How can I forget?”

“Because you have Al—“ he cut what he was saying. “Because you have a lot of things in your mind.”

“But you have a big, big room in my heart, dad,” I told him, truthfully.

“Blake has the biggest room, though.”

I pursed my lips before then poking his side, “Aaaah… you’re jealous!” I teased, laughing.

He chuckled, too. And I was happy that he did because I knew he was enjoying being with me as much as I enjoy being with him. “You called him by his first name, dad,” I informed him when I noticed.

“Why, you don’t want me to?” he countered, facing me then racing his eyebrow.

I pouted. “Of course, I want you to. So, does that mean… he’s good?”

He tilted his head as he grimaced. He cleared his throat. “Well, I almost destroyed our house running after him with a shotgun. Vincent had Vanilla chased him around. And I told your mom to put something in his food.”

“What?!” I demanded, sitting straight up. “You’re not planning on poisoning him, are you?” My eyes were wide and my nostrils grew bigger, too.

He pinched my nose before smiling then saying, “I’m kidding. Your mom wouldn’t do that or she’ll have to kill me first.”

I breathed out in relief. I’m too young to lose someone.

“But… I trust him now. I always did, Nicolle.”

My heart skipped a bit and my smile was so wide it reached my ears. Suddenly, my eyes were lined by tears. “You sure?” was all that could leave my mouth. I wanted to thank him so much. I wanted to say how much I appreciate him. I wanted to assure him that Blake would never hurt me. Ever. But it seemed like I couldn’t speak anymore because of being overjoyed.

My dad never trusted a lot of people. I’m betting, aside from us, he only trusts a handful of people.

And Blake is one of them.

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