9. Duelling

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I caught up to him, “Excuse me Malfoy.” I turned him around by his elbow. “What?” he spat.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!"

He snorted.

I rolled my eyes. I knew I was at fault. I should never have left Harry alone. But it was done now. I couldn't do anything. I shook my head and walked away.


I entered the busy chattering Great Hall.

There was no use of worrying over spilt potion… which meant, Harry would not be coming in the Great Hall today. Of course, after the Hogwarts Express reached London, maybe Harry would come back, although late after the semester….

 I walked away to the farthest corner of the table which would meet with Ravenclaw now. “Hey Elvis,” the detached voice of Luna greeted me. My heart twisted around… I was no longer their friend. I looked back with emotionless eyes. “Did Blinding wasp entered your eyes? It looks blank,” Luna noticed. How very charming of her. “I’ve heard there are a lot of those in Malfoy Manor, that’s why the people out there are so stupid,” Luna continued bluntly.

“And I would thank you to shut up Loony; it would do you good,” I snapped. I walked away to the other corner of the table. Finally, I got a single place where no eyes stared at me. Happy at my unique place, I settled down. I looked around. Draco was mimicking something to his friends, like squashing something. I winced getting the idea, and turned away. Had he hurt Harry really bad? Had he squashed something.... Maybe Harry's wand?! After the sorting, a bloodied face of Harry came in view. It looked like his nose was broken. How did he manage to reach school? Who had saved him? He was walking beside Snape. Was it Snape?? No, of course it was not. Then Harry must have come on his own. I felt releif wash through me. 

After dinner, Dumbledore gave his usual speech and notices about Quidditch was put up. I’d heard Harry was made the Quidditch captain. But I noticed something else along with the others. Dumbledore’s hand was blackened. I frowned. What had happened to it?

“Now, as everybody in this hall knows, Lord Voldemort and his followers are once more at large and gaining in strength,” Dumbledore said. I looked far away, trying to ignore him and to stop those tingles of raw fear.

Dumbledore continued how the security system was improved. I frowned. It sounded secure and strong enough. But we were inside school though. I inwardly smirked. I looked back at Dumbledore “…say goodnight. Pip pip!” I would have to kill him. I would have to kill Dumbledore. Could I do it? Would I do it? But... I wanted revenge isn't it? My fists balled up to my sides. Everything was Dumbledore's fault. He had introduced me to Sirius. He had failed to save me while Crabbe and Nott took me to the Malfoy Manor. He had refused to tell me that I was Bellatrix's daughter. He was the Mr. Wise after all. He must have known everything! Everything made sense to me now; how Kreacher wasn't as bad to me as he was with others... that family tree in Sirius's room. I shut my eyes. Dumbledore must have known that Sirius was my uncle. That was why he had asked Sirius to tutor me when there were so many other teachers. The only question I wanted to ask Dumbledore was this; Why?? 

Everyone started to get up. On the way out, someone pulled me by the sleeve, into the shadows.

“Now what Draco?” I said exasperated. “I’m sorry,” he admitted. I didn’t reply. “We’ll meet tomorrow, to discuss about the mission,” I said ignoring his apology, “the faster we work, the better.” “Okay,” he agreed. We stood there, staring at each other. For once, I felt pity for myself and Draco. Because, like our environment, the two of us were enveloped in the darkness of life, and left alone in it. We were two kids, alone, alone, alone….

When Bellatrix has a DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant