Chapter 11

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"So Catherine is your ex fiance?"

I knew that was coming. I just didn't know how it would be brought up.


"Stella told me."

I figured.

"She wanted to catch up, we've known each other since high school."

"You should've called me to cancel the meeting." She said a tad bit sharp.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, she's important to you."

"She use to be, she isn't anymore. this is more important."


She was about to say something but her phone rang. She looked at the screen and excused herself.

I gathered up all my paper work and dropped it on the coffee table. I've actually been done for about 30 minutes. I enjoy her company more then I care to admit. It was already 10:00 pm. I should've left already. Would Mark have stayed this long?

"Sorry that was my grandma, she's excited about you coming for thanksgiving!"

"You still want me to come?"

"Of course!"

She looked at coffee table and picked up the papers.

"I'm all done, need help with anything else?"

She sighed and shook her head no.

"I'll be heading home than, sleep well Victoria."

I started towards the door until I felt Victoria's arms go around my waist. I stood stiff.

"Thank you for everything."

I felt her lips move against my back as she spoke. Her small frame made me feel like a brute. She made me nervous. She made me unsure of everything. The way I felt about her scared me.

"I would do anything for u."

I couldn't hold it in. I meant. I would give her the world and go to hell for it and not give a damn.

"Stay and watch a movie with me."

I can't.

"Victoria, I can't stay."

"It'll be our secret." She whispered holding me tighter

I nodded unable to speak. This is so not okay. I'm her boss. she's my employee. I should be going home. Instead I'm letting her lead me to her couch to watch a movie. I'm really crazy. Yes I've gone insane.

"V for Vendetta?"

I smiled and nodded.

She pressed play and cuddle next to me. She put her head on my shoulder and held my arm for dear life. I couldn't breath.

"Relax I won't bite you just yet." She said smirking at me.

"You're dangerous Victoria."

"I just don't feel like being safe anymore James, It's getting old."

I agree it is getting old.

A/N------------Short chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!! Please keep reading,voting and I will love for you guys to comment! Tell me what you think. I love you all!!!

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