Chapter 17

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A/N I'm back!!! Goodness its been such a long time! I'm so very sorry! I plan on continuing this story!!! lets get into chapter 17!!

I stormed out of the car and ignored my chauffeur telling me I've left my phone. I need to breath. I need to be away from it for a little while. Everything is out of control and I can't seem to get a handle on it. I walked into the hotel lobby loosening my tie and heading into the elevator. Perhaps some sleep will ease my mind.

"We meet again."


She sauntered towards me smiling. She pressed the button for the elevator not taking her eyes off me.

"I'm here for a business meeting with investors, as are you Mr. Worthington."

So, she knew who I was.

"Are you looking for a partner?"

She scoffed and pulled me into the elevator. I Put my arm around her waist while she rested her hands on my chest.

"No, I want your ex fiancé fathers business."

The elevator stopped and opened to my floor. I slowly moved her off me and motioned for her to follow. I opened my suit door and she followed me inside.


Valentina sat down and pulled out her phone tossing it at me.

"Read those documents."

Sitting down on my room love seat, I read through the paperwork. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Catherine and her father created a whole proposal stating that I would merge with them and settle their debts. Did she believe that she had that much control over me?

"These are lies."

Valentina laughed and took her phone from me.

"Of course, they are, I have done enough research on you too know you're not a complete fool."

"Then what is it that you want?"

"They won't sell it to me, the clients that they have and manufractures are what I need, I can turn their failed business into a million dollar company, they know this and refuse to sell it to me."

Just by spending 30 minutes with her I could tell she wasn't lying. Her character oozed power and confidence. Catherine and her father aren't trustworthy. Their clients kept leaving.

"Do you have an idea?"

She smirked and came close to me.

"You know their board members, tell them to meet with me tomorrow, be there and then let me talk them into selling and throwing those conniving bastards out!"

"Surely, you've heard of equivalent trade, what's in it for me?"

She stood up and took and envelope out her purse and handed it to me.

"If I get their company, that contract states that every business that I fund for the next 3 years will open an account with you as well."

"You're that confident that you'll make that type of money?"

She winked and walked towards my door opening it.

"I'm counting on you Mr. Worthington." She said walking out.

I looked at the contract and sighed. The only person I could talk about this I hung up on. I took my jacket off and headed to bed. I need sleep. This day needs to end.

A shrill noise woke me from sleep, and I tried to focus on what it was. I looked on my nightstand and saw that it was my phone. My chauffeur must have brought it in when I was asleep. I closed my eyes ignoring it, until it went off for a 3rd time. I picked it up not bothering to check who called.

"What is it!?"

"Its not fun to be woke up at ungodly hours is it James?"

The voice that has been plaguing my mind, causing me to lose my sanity sounded like a sweet melody.


"Yes, the one you hung up on."

I winced at her tone. She had every reason to be upset, I just did not want her to be.

"I should not have, yesterday was extremely stressful and I took it out on you."

I heard her sigh. I could see the tiredness on her face.

"Mark means nothing to me."

I sat up, sleep completely gone from my mind. How do I respond? What does she expect me to say?

"How should I respond to this Victoria?

"How do you think you should respond James?"

I closed my eyes tight. Trying to just for once say the right thing to her. Not the logical thing.

"How long will your meeting be today?"

"Since we came a day late, we will be doing everything today and flying back the next morning, why James?"

What am I thinking? I'm being insane.

"My jet will be at the airport to bring you to Dubai where we can spend time together since I've been too busy for you and then we will fly to Florida together."

"Is that your answer?"

I heard the smile in her voice. That contagious smile that makes my heart skip a beat."

"Yes it is."

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