Chapter 18

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I half listened to investors as they talked about how happy they were with how I have handled their money and helped them succeed in their business endeavors. My mind was elsewhere. Victoria. How was her promotion day going? Was she feeling okay? Did she see the flowers I had sent to her hotel room?

"Congratulations on the merger with Davisons toys, that's quite a feat, I also heard you're going to announce your merger with charlesons?"

I smiled trying to cover up my complete utter annoyance.

"Actually Bill, the charlesons and I will not be merging, that's a false rumor going around."

Bills face turned red and quickly apologized and excused himself. I hate these events. I couldn't wait till this thing was over.

"Mr. Worthington."

I turned and saw Valentina making her way towards me. She wore a beautiful emerald dress that hugged her perfectly.


"At these events call me Ms. Berlusconi."

I nodded my head understanding the formality. With the type of agreement we had its best that we pretend to not be on a first name bases.

"How is our agreement going?"

I held out my hand for her to take and lead her to the dance floor. I put my hand on her waist and brought her close. She was the perfect distraction I needed. Her cat like eyes entranced me and helped me forget my brown eye beauty.

"Its all set up, tomorrow at 4pm, they can only give you an hour."

She pushed herself closer to me and brought her lips to my ear.

"An hour is all I need to make a man become mine James."

I believe her. I twirled her around and watched as she matched my every moment. She loved games. I could tell by the way she handled herself.

"Who is she?"

"what do you mean?"

She laughed and moved back from my chest a little bit.

"The girl who is making you keep your distance from me."

I was taken a back by her notion. Surely I was not that easy to read.

"We are doing business together, I do not fraternize with those I do business with."

The song ended and I let her go.

"I do hope the women warms you up a little James."

She smiled and walked away leaving me to gather my thoughts. I could not be that easy to read.

By the end of the gala, I had managed to evade my mother and Catherine. I quickly got into my limo and breathed for the first time that night.

"Is there a greasy restaurant close to the hotel reggie?"

I saw Reggie smile and quickly cover it up.

"Oh well sir I ordered food to your room so no need to stop.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes for the rest of the trip. When I made it to the hotel Reggie told me that my meetings had been canceled in the morning and that I only had the one with Ms. Berlusconi. I was relieved to hear that. Victoria would be showing up around 12, perhaps I could take her to lunch. I got to my suite room and opened the door.

"You're late James."

There stood Victoria. Wearing my sweatshirt and boxers. Her hair cascading down her back and eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I didn't take your jet because I wanted to surprise you and come tonight and the stupid airline lost my luggage."

I did not hear her, I just kept walking towards her.

"So I borrowed some of your clothes to wear, is that okay?"

I stopped in front of her and put my hands on her cheeks softly caressing her soft cheekbones I've grown to love.

"You're really here."

"I am, that's what you wanted right?"

I put my forehead against hers and breathed in her scent that I have missed so much.

"I have never wanted anything more."

We sat up and talked about our day. She told me about how well everything went and how I had to promise to let her take lead on more projects.

"I have a meeting tomorrow at 4pm, do you want to come?"

"What is it about?"

I took out my phone out and handed it to her. She took it while sitting close to me resting her head on my shoulder. Its as though she just did not care about holding back.

"So Catherine and her father assumed you would go back to her and now you and  Ms. Berlusconi are going meeting with her board chairs to see if you can force her hand so to speak."

I nodded my head relishing the feel of her close to me. I wanted to savor every moment. I felt as though it would end.

"Do you believe she will respect your deal with her?"

"Yes I do, we talked and I can tell by her character that she will be true to her word."

Victoria sighed and I looked down at her.

"Well if you think this is a good idea why do you want me to come?"

I stood up and held my hand out for her to take. She took it and I lead her to my room. I sat her on the bed and went to go change in my closet. When I came out she was still sitting in the same spot. I walk towards the bed and crawled under my comforter and motioned for her to follow.

"You seriously don't mind me laying next to you?"

"Where were you planning on sleeping?"

She smiled while lying on the bed turning towards me.

"I was going to put you on the couch."

I could not help but laugh at the notion.

"Keep your hands to yourself Mr. Worthington."

I smirked and moved close to her. I saw her cheeks turn that beautiful shade of red and her eyes widen. I slowly caressed her collarbone and brought my hand behind her neck moving her closer to me.

"You always ask for impossible things and just expect me to make it possible."

She closed her eyes and brought herself closer to me softly clutching my tshirt as I caressed the soft tendrils on her neck.

"This time don't follow through, disappoint me."

I smiled and gripped her hair.

"That I can do."

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