Chapter 4

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"We can't approve this Mr. Worthington!"

Its been 9 months, she's become exactly what I feared.

"If we approve this, her entire company will fall apart and we lose one of our biggest December boost!"

She was standing up with her hands on the desk firing back at my decision to stop giving funds to a small business owner. A dance we do every month.

"Yes her sales are low throughout the year and she is behind on her loan payment, but I have an idea."

She has become a woman who has my attention.

She turned on the monitor and walked towards it.

"This is her new website and instagram. Honestly I don't know why we haven't done this before."

As she explained her website I took in her appearance.She wore all black today. Her Givenchy dressed hugged her curves and her raven locks where held tightly in a bun.

"She's made $2500 in 2 weeks!" She said looking around the table.

"That's not bad."

I looked towards mark as the rest of the directors at the table nodded in agreement with him.

"Come on Mr. Worthington this is a perfect fix, plus we make more money." Mark said passing down the charts victoria wanted us to look at.

"Someone else has to run this account with you."

I stood to leave figuring she would come by my office to fight so she could work alone.

"Mark said he would work with me."

I looked at her genuinely confused.

"Victoria asked me at dinner if I could." Mark said smiling at her

I gave the okay than left the conference room.

Dinner? Mark? When did she start having dinner with mark? My mind began to race. Why mark?

I got to the elevator and rushed inside. Her and mark only fight, so why are they suddenly friends? I got to my floor and passed by Stella quickly.

"Oh Mr. Worthington wait!"

I opened my office door and motioned for her to follow.

"Your reservations to Dubai are finished, but you haven't told me to confirm your seat for the banquet yet."

"Yes go ahead and confirm it, also give me a list of all the associates of ours that will be there."

"Okay.." She said eyeing me suspiciously before walking out.

I opened my email and saw Victoria sent me her file on the case. I looked through it, and like normal I was impressed. She figured out how to fix her business and make us more money. I dragged my hand across my face sighing.

"Victoria is here to see you, are you busy?" Stella said over the intercom.

I could hear Victoria saying if he is busy it's okay I can email him.

"Tell her to come in."

Seconds later my door was opening and Victoria slowly made her way towards my desk chair. She sat down playing with the hem of her skirt.

"Is there something I can do for you Ms. Victoria?" I said giving her my full attention.

She passed me a paper, still not looking at me.

"I'm not looking at this until you look at me Victoria."

She looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said softly

I nodded and looked over the paper. It was about the case. She was asking permission to travel to promote the company. They wanted to open a store in another state. Mark would be going with her.

"When will this be?" I asked trying to keep my tone as balanced as possible.

"November 15th"

The week of my Dubai trip.

"You will keep up with me during this time, I don't want to be left in the dark." I said loathing the fact that I was actually giving the okay for her and mark to take a trip together.

"Of course, also I was wondering when I needed to put in my time off for thanksgiving?"

Time off for thanksgiving? This isn't college.

"We don't close for holidays." I said looking back towards my computer. I needed to email Stella to set up their hotel rooms. They would stay on different floors, I would make sure of that.

"What!? No way! I always visit my grandparents for thanksgiving!"

She was now back to her old outspoken self, practically yelling at me.

"If you want to go you can, but you'll need to make sure all your work is done." I said getting back to my work. I figured she would sit and talk about how ludicrous it is to be opened on a holiday. I needed to at least finish the minutes for today's meeting.

"You mean to tell me you never visit your family for the holidays?"

I shook my head no. I can't remember the last time my mother called me to come visit. She wasn't that kind of mother.

"I bet your mother would love to see you for thanksgiving." She said smiling at me.

I quickly averted my attention from her and back to the computer screen. Her smile takes me in too easily. This is not normal, it can't be.

"She's never cooked for thanksgiving, she isn't your normal doting mother."

Victoria took out her phone and started fiddling on it.

"That doesn't sit well with me, you're going to have thanksgiving this year!"

I looked at her raising my eyebrow.

"Are you going to come to my home and cook for me like a housewife?"

I smirked at her when her cheeks turned red. She quickly looked back at her phone ignoring my statement.

"You will be coming with me to my grandparents house for thanksgiving, no room for discussion." She said standing up and showing me the plane ticket reservations.


"Nope you're coming, I'll talk to Stella and clear your weekend."

"What about your parents shouldn't you tell me about them so I don't look like an idiot?"

She became tense, she turned around quickly and started to leave.

"Nothing to tell, they won't be there." She said clearly forcing a smile.

She waved and closed my office door behind her.

For the first time Victoria faked a smile. I hated it.


Hello everyone!! Thank you guys for reading my story!! Please comment and vote if you're enjoying it!! I'll try and have another chapter updated by Wednesday! Once again thank you for reading my story and giving it a chance!

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