Chapter 8

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"Are we really not going to talk James?"

I haven't spoken to her since I invited her to join me for lunch. What was I suppose to say? I'm happy to see you? I wasn't, this brought up old memories I wasn't planning on revisiting.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, It's my biggest regret."

I chuckled at her words. She's all of a sudden remorseful?

"James just answer back, please?"

"Catherine what do you want?"

She looked at me with pleading eyes

"I want us to try again."

In the five years she has been away what made her realize she wanted me?

"Sir we're here."

If he didn't speak I would've still been frozen.

After thanking him I stepped out of the car holding my hand out for her to take it. She put her hand in mine slowly smiling.

She stepped out the car and laughed when she realized what Chinese restaurant I chose.

"New china buffet?"

I smirked at her opening the door.

"For 2?" I said to the hostess as Catherine took hold of my hand.

"Remember when we came here and stayed for 4 hrs?"

I chuckled and whispered in her ear.

"It was our last $20 bucks we had to use it wisely."

She laughed as we sat down.

"We didn't always argue or hate each other."

I passed her a plate and stood up. I didn't want to talk about this.


That Voice.

"Is this your important meeting?"

Why that Voice!?

"No, I'm Catherine his ex fiancee."

I heard Victoria Suck in a breath, I felt like I was in a car wreck.

"Hello my name is Victoria, nice to meet you."

I looked at Catherine, she was smiling that Vicious smile I've grown to loathe. That smile meant "Your move."

Victoria looked back towards me with a determine look on her face.

"Well Mr. Worthington, today went very well, Mark heard of your misfortune and came with me."

"Did he?" I said harsher than I intended.

I looked over her shoulder and saw Mark holding her jacket. He put it around her slowly keeping his eyes on me.

"Mark you don't follow instructions anymore?"

"Victoria needed help with negotiating numbers."

I gritted my teeth realizing I let her down for Catherine and Mark of all people came to her rescue.

"This project isn't immediate the one I tasked you on is!"

Victoria looked surprised at what I said and looked at Mark.

"What immediate project Mark?"

Before he could say anything I spoke.

"Jacob Mayer."

Victoria's eyes grew big and guilt filled them.

"Oh God his last hope bailed on him too!?"

She walked passed me quickly and sprinted towards the door.

"This project brings in more money and it matters to V, I really don't have time for this case."

V? A nickname? Really? This has gone way to far.

"Mark follow directions."

I took Catherine's hand and headed to the buffet.

"Well that was interesting, I've never seen you get so riled up."

"I don't like people not following my directions."

Catherine laughed and walked behind me putting food in her plate.

"Or perhaps you don't like people bothering what you decided is yours."

"I don't know what you mean."

She dropped two egg rolls in my plate smiling at me.

"We have 4 hours, lets catch up James."

A/N------ Omgosh! I'm so sorry for the late update!! Malcolm(My new born)is feeling better and I've finally caught up on sleep. Oh and hurricane Matthew didn't do too much damage to our home. Both of our fences are broken but our house stood firm! I hope you love this chapter! Love you guys!

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