Chapter 19

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"Should I call myself your assistant today?"

Last night I slept with Victoria in my arms. I behaved like a boy with a highschool crush. I held her and played in her hair while her soft snores filled the hotel suite. I was in heaven.

"Hm...depends on what type of assistant you'll be?"

"James I'm serious, they might ask why I'm there."

She wore a sleeved white dress that reached her ankles. It wasn't her normal dress attire. She was trying to be respectful of the culture here.

"You're a huge part of my team Victoria, there will be no need for explanation."

She smiled at me and walked towards the door while I followed.

"You look handsome today James."

I opened the door for her and bent down to her ear.

"You look like a goddess Victoria."

The minute we walked into the meeting room all eyes zeroed in on Victoria. She smiled shily at everyone and introduced herself as one of my client directors.

"Its lovely to meet you Victoria, My name is Majid Rahman hopefully I will be going into business with your boss."

I gave him a curt nod and lead Victoria to her seat.

"Thank you for coming this morning, Our guest will be arriving shortly, till then I will get to the point."

I watched their faces as I explained the situation with Charleson. They all knew how under handed he could be so it wasn't much of a surprise. I left out the part of Valentina taking over, if she is too be taken serious, she needs to command their respect.

At that moment Valentina walked into the room. She wore a deep purple dress with a slit. She walked to the front of the table and smiled.

"Hello Gentlemen, I hope Mr. Worthington has briefed you on why you're all here."

"Yes he has, and I'm assuming that you want to take full control of Charleson company?"

Edward cole. I knew he would be the issue. He's the only one who has made a significant amount of money with Charleson and has been waiting to take over.

"That's correct Mr. Cole, this company is a failure and I can turn it into a million dollar company within a year."

Edward scoffed at her. The other men in the room chuckled as well.

"You have yet to give us your name, and now you claim you can turn this company around? I'm the only person in this room that has made millions off this company, everyone sitting here knows if anyone was to buy it, it would be me."

I looked at Valentina, for once she looked speechless. Edward was right. He did deserve it. If she wanted to win this company she needed to make her move now. Suddenly Victoria got up and stood next to Valentina.

"You are correct Mr. Cole you have been making the most out of this company, but only in their mens business and across seas for pennys. Ms. Berlusconi is known for her women's products and her partnership with other top name brands. She has grown small businesses to Top 5 must have products within months. Its quite a feat. If you where to buy it, your margins of profits would never go up. We are all looking to make money not stay the same."

Why must this women force me to watch her? Why must she continue to blow me away?

"Worthington, will your office be working close with Valentina?"

Jensen would approve of Valentina taking over if I oversaw everything. I just didn't want to have to take on a extra work load. Victoria looked at me with her "Give me my way eyes" and I mentally rolled my eyes at her. Of course this was going to happen.

"Yes Jensen I'll see to it that one of our client Directors works closely with Berlusconi, though I don't believe she needs it, as Ms. Smith said she's a very capable women."

"I'm all for it, If you are able to bring this company back around, I believe everyone here on the board will agree that's what we want." Majid said looking towards the rest of the chairs.

Valentina continued her presentation with Victoria right next to her. It was flawless. Valentina would take over the business and I would work with every one of her new clients. I couldn't stop the grin that etched its way on my face. Victoria looked over at me and winked. She knew how much I wanted this collaboration and she got it. I owe her a closet full of heels. I'll make sure she gets it.

"You did good."

"Of course, we where about to lose a year of free clients."

"I owe you"

Victoria smiled at me as we proceeded out the conference room. I was going to do something nice for her once we made it to Florida. I wonder if she's been to Disney.

"I see now why you can't keep your head straight James."

Valentina walked towards us staring intently at Victoria. She took a strand of her hair and twisted it around her fingers.

"With a women like this, I would be completely and utterly enthralled as well.

I looked down at Victoria who was blushing profusely.

"Oh no, I'm just his employees, we're friends, I mean coworkers who are close, I mean people who work together who are sorta close because of work.."

I couldn't hold in my laugh as a Victoria Rambled about our relationship. She was extremely red and holding her forehead as Valentina laughed as well.

"Victoria I am going to enjoy working with you, if James does not grab you up, I promise you I will."

She said kissing Victoria cheek and walking away.

"Goodness she has quite a commanding spirit!"

I put my hand on Victoria lower back and lead her through the lobby doors towards my car.

"Yes she does, although she is delusional."

Victoria looked at me puzzled while she slide into my car.

"What do you mean James?"

I nodded at George and slid in next to her. I looked into her eyes and moved a lock of her gorgeous hair behind her ears.

"It's an impossibility that I would ever let you leave my side."

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