Chapter 3

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I walked into the office this morning extremely on edge. I was a jerk. After dinner I completely closed off and answered back with short sentences. At one point she sighed and stared out the window.  I felt awful all night. I stopped at my secretary's desk deciding to call Victoria to my office.

"Ms. Grant please tell Victoria to meet me in my office at once."

She looked up at me wiggling her eyebrows.

"Late morning Mr. Worthington?" She said picking up the phone and dialing Victoria's extension.

"My coffee machine broke so I had to stop at the coffee shop, it was busy." I said showing her my cup.

"Uh huh."

she winked at me and I shook my head. Stella has been my secretary for yrs and every morning she finds something to tease me about. She says I have to at least smile once a day.

"Hey V! Yes Mr. Worthington needs you...Oh okay."

"What's wrong?" I said watching her demeanor go from cheerful and airy to tense and uncomfortable.

"Colin Sterling is in her office."

I dropped my things on her table and sat my coffee down.

"Please turn my laptop on and the ac on in my office."

I walked down the hall towards Victoria's office. two months ago was are annual costume party. This year Sterling funded it and since we handle his company we offered our assistance. Victoria was so excited to be involved she helped with everything. That night she came as cat woman. I watched her the entire time. She stalked around the room trying to stay in character. I chuckled at her acting. she was everything but a sly conniving cat. When sterling started following her around I decided it was time to leave. On my way out I ran into Victoria. She was leaning against the wall looking down at her boots.

"You and Sterling did good, this event is a complete success."

She nodded but didn't look at me. I felt my stomach tighten at her disinterest in me. I started to walk away until I heard her voice.

"You didn't get the joke."

Joke? once again I was at lost for words. Her eyes looked so displeased with me. I wanted to tell her not to look that way and apologies for not realizing she told a joke. I had no idea what she was talking about but it didn't matter. I can't stand when she is mad.

"I guess I really shouldn't be surprised."

She removed the mask and sighed.

"What joke?" I said allowing myself this one time to act upon my emotions. I needed to know why she is mad at me.

She shook her head and walked towards me.

"You said the only woman who ever had your attention was cat woman."

As she said this her face turned red. She quickly put the mask back over her head and looked down once again.

I was so surprised at what she said I wasn't coherent enough to stop the words from spilling out of my mouth.

"Have you not noticed me watching you tonight?"

She looked up at me smiling.

"I think we should stick together tonight." She said grabbing my arm and leading me back to the banquet room.

"And why is that?" I said keeping my voice even and pretending to be unfazed by her touch.

"Because this way you won't miss anymore jokes Mr. Worthington."

The next day Colin had it out for Victoria. Every time we have a meeting or if he comes to the building he picks a fight with her. I can't stand it.

I walked into her office and immediately both pair of eyes landed on me. Victoria was livid.

"James I'm so glad you're here." Colin said giving Victoria a smug look.

"Good to see you Colin but did you set up an appointment. I said shaking his hand.

No James I didn't, but I'm not here on business." He said turning back to Victoria.

I walked around her desk and stood behind her. She sat up straight and cleared her throat.

"Mr. Sterling was here asking if I thought it would be a good business plan to start a strip club."

Her face held no emotion. She had her eyes narrowed at him and Colin just simply shrugged and sat down.

"I just don't see why I can't do what I want to do with my money, Victoria you really have no authority to tell me no your job is to do the research and tell me if it will work."

"Mr. Sterling, Ms. Smiths job is to make sure her clients pick the correct investment ideas as well as making sure their businesses make money. The brand your father started would lose it's house hold name if you started a strip club. Therefor we are going to deny this no matter how you bring it to the board."

He stood up and looked at both of us.

"Good Bye Mr. Sterling." Victoria said handing him back his files.

He walked out slamming her door behind him.

"I can't stand him." She said rubbing her temples.

"Make sure the receptionist knows not to let him come to your office without an appointment." I said moving from behind her to go sit on her couch.

"Do you take me seriously?"

The way she said that made me cringe. I've heard that  before. Many times. I looked at her and took in her appearance. She looked exhausted. Her eyes didn't have that normal glow.

"Do you take yourself seriously?"

When I said that she didn't look me in the eye. She looked away.

"If you don't take yourself seriously the people you work with won't. You'll be eaten alive little lamb."

She still didn't answer.

I got up and decided I'll apologies another time.

"I'm not done yet Mr. Worthington."

I smirked but didn't turn around.

"Then show me more Victoria."

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