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Hey, this is my first book here on wattpad and I have very high hopes for it and wish you guys would support and help me out too.

Everything I write was proccesed from my silly little brain and any relation to someone else's book is purely coincidentiol.

Also I'm telling you nicely, please please please please don't plagarize my book because I WILL go all chimpazee shit. And according to my friends it's not pretty. And to be honest, Its rude to use other's ideas and their hardwork when you all can easily do that. You are all gifted with a brain people. Use it for Gods sake😂.(even he wouldn't want you to throw his hardwork creating ur brain to waste).

And please don't insult anyone here. I don't tolerate rudeness. Be more nice guys the world is already cruel. No need to spread more hate😧.

The book contains harmless, funny crap I wrote which is for your amusement and not meant to hurt anyone's feelings.

Anyway. Since all that is settled, enjoy the book and it's thrilling roller coasters.😄

Xx Blueberrycookie😚

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