Business Trip

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I couldn't believe that I didn't know they did this kind of music. How supremely awesome was this? At the end of the song Josh came bursting in in a fit of laughter. "Jesus Kellin someone would think you were bipolar the way you snapped into happy mode like that." I was still smiling like an idiot. "Guys that song was great. I really love the original but this has gotta beat it. Jaime, I especially love your solo in the middle-that was amazing!" His classroom phone rang and he ran off to get it.

As soon as he left I ran out behind him and wrote furiously on the whiteboard.


Vic walked out of the sound room first. He smiled, blushed a bit and looked away. Mike came out next, "Just Vic, though," he answered me. "I'm trying to learn but can't quite figure it out." I wanted to mention that I could scream, too. I wanted to tell them about my band and the things we'd been doing all last year and the year before.

And that scared the shit out of me.

I stopped prancing around like a fangirl, my smile faded and I averted my eyes to the whiteboard, instantly hating myself for being so excited. See? This is why your parents beat you, I told myself. Because you can't control your emotions. And emo shit makes you happy.

"I didn't know you could play piano," Jaime said. "But also, I've really only known you for three days."

"You should come over sometime," Mike suggested.

"Like tonight," Vic said. "What are you doing this weekend?"

"Guys let's have a movie weekend!" Jaime looked like someone had cast a spell over him. He looked . . . super excited.

Mike shook his head, "Remember the last time we did that?"

Vic shuddered, "Yeah man never again."

"Are you saying we can never watch movies again?" Jaime pouted. "B-but-"

"Dude, Jaime, why are you so into movie night?" Vic asked.

"Yeah man it was a disaster," Mike agreed. "Kelly ended up pregnant for god's sake."

Jaime laughed outright, "Yeah that was the best part!"

Vic chuckled. "Please never again."

Jaime grabbed his arm, tugging a bit on it, "Pleaaaaaaaase Vic! We don't even have to invite anyone else over. It could just be Kellin, me, Tony, you, and Mike. Maybe not even Tony because he's sick." Vic rolled his eyes and Jaime immediately turned to Mike, grabbing both of his shoulders and shaking, "Mike PLEAAAAAAAAASE!"

Mike looked at Vic, seeming to actually consider the proposition. He shrugged, "We're all male. And unless Kellin's a completely different person than I'd estimated then nothing could go wrong could it?"

What did that mean?

Vic looked incredulous. "You aren't actually-" Mike just shrugged again. Vic huffed, pointed an accusing finger at Jaime, "You little child! You always get your way, don't you? It's the eyes," Vic said, narrowing his own. Jaime laughed, then turned to me,

"So what do you say, Kellin? Movies sound fun?"

I shrugged, turned away.

They wanted me to hang out with them? At their house? The whole weekend? For movies?

'I'd have to ask,' I wrote on the board, using considerably less large and annoying letters.

Vic held out his hand, "Gimme your phone hermano. When you get your answer just text me." He smiled and I edged away instinctively, playing it off as me going to get my phone. He typed his number in and also Mike's and Jaime's then texted them all so they had my number also.

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