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Throughout the whole movie I was totally on edge, and it wasn't because the movie was scary. Being as close to Vic as I was made my heart pound-and I didn't even know why. Was I scared of him? He did push me the first day of school. I was scared of him then, so what changed to make me come over to his house?

Vic was a total wild card. I had no idea if he was going to be mean or nice. I didn't know when he'd question me about talking or defend me if I didn't want to. He was basically the one to invite me over anyways. But other times it seemed like he really didn't want me around.

When he was singing-I mean damn it was amazing. Was that the turning point? Music class? Or was it something that happened after I left the cafeteria? Did Mike say something? Mike seemed to be on my side, but I didn't really know. He was the first one to approach me in math class and he seemed to be the leader of the group. In fact, all of them seemed pretty popular. I mean they were smart and all of them were attractive. But their lunch table was pretty secluded. Like it was just theirs. And people kept giving me weird looks now that I think about it. Like they were surprised that I'd been sitting with them.

Nothing made any sense. I'd known them for a whole three days of ups and down-especially coming from Vic. And I really didn't want them to find out about my parents or anything. I was terrified that they might actually do anything about it. Would Charlie tell them? Would I slip up? What if I never came home one day? Would they look for me?

And then of course, there was my required performance next Friday. I could do it if I really wanted to but I didn't. I was totally dreading it. I was dreading this whole week, in fact. Yes, my parents were gone so I'd have a nice break, but also my parents were gone. I'd never really been without them before. We didn't have the best relationship, what with them hating my guts for no reason, but I'd never been alone for a whole week. Maybe it would be nice, though. 

I sighed. I didn't know anything.

Just shut up, Kellin, I thought to myself. Pay attention to the movie.

We were watching Insidious 2, in my opinion the best horror movie ever. It was a perfect balance between jump scares and gory things, including a real story line and legit characters. And at points it was pretty funny.

I felt Vic tense beside me as a fight broke out between Carl and Josh, who was possessed by Parker. Carl was disarmed of the syringe and Parker starts to choke him to death. Vic's muscles are strained to the max.

I popped a Cheeto into my mouth, realizing that it was the first piece of food I'd had in a few days. I frowned at the notion. My body was way too used to that kind of treatment. I continued munching until the whole bag was gone, using the food to hide my laughs at how scared Vic was. Sure, horror movies put me on edge but I didn't freak out like he was. Also, I'd watched that movie so many times that nothing was scary or surprising at all anymore.

I heard someones snores and looked over to see Jaime and Mike fast asleep. I smiled at how adorable they looked. I grabbed another bag of chips, not caring or paying attention to the flavor. I finished right as the credits rolled, Vic still as tense as a mouse beside me. We watched all of the credits and laid in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes before he spoke.

"Kellin?" he whispered. I turned my head to him, showing him that I was listening. "Are you sleeping?" he asked, looking right into my eyes, blue on brown. And oh geeeeez were we close. I didn't move though. And neither did he.

I nodded yes and he grinned. "Liar." I allowed a small smile to pass across my lips. We looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, his eyes drifted closed and mine did the same, thinking about how nice it was at his house.

He poked my nose. I opened my eyes and looked at him, furrowing my brows in question. He did it again, then closed his eyes and giggled. I almost awed at how cute Tired-Vic was.

His eyes opened again, traveling down to my lips. His finger lifted one corner up and his face twisted into a frown, "Why don't you ever smile with us? You smile with Charlie." He looked at me again, but my eyes dropped. I shrugged, not trusting my voice. He poked my nose again. "Why are you so shy? Do we intimidate you?"

I didn't answer and that was answer enough.

I saw Vic frown out of the corner of my eye and looked at his lips. "I don't wanna scare you. There's something about you that intrigues me."

I looked at him, confused.

"I don't know what it is. That's just how I feel. It's . . ." he trailed off, then dropped his eyes.

I continues to stare at him, taking in all of his features individually, noticing how beautiful he was. I was waiting for him to continue but he didn't.

"What can we do to make you comfortable enough with us to talk?"

I shrugged. I didn't really know. With Charlie I'd known him for forever. And the first thing I ever did was sing to him. He kinda knew everything about me, also so it wasn't hard to talk to him.

Vic yawned, his sweet breath blowing over my face. His eyes closed again as he breathed out, "I'm tired."

I nodded, then reached up to poke his nose. His eyes opened, questioning me but I just gave him a 'What?' look and he closed them once more. I closed mine, too, snuggling down into the blankets and letting them cover my head. Right before I fell asleep I felt something press against my side, like a rolled up towel, but I ignored it; enjoying the warmth of this mismatched floor bed next to Vic, in a house where no one could hurt me and with people who just might be my friends.

Okay phew that was . . . hmm. I dunno. I've never had a relationship and I've never cuddled bc personal space is a great thing but yeah. Ayyyyy tell me how it is. I dunno how to do cute things-ESPECAILLY WHEN I DONT EVEN FRIGGIN KNOW WHAT I WANT VIC TO DO UGH.

K thanks.

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