I Understand

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At school, the only thing I could think about was Friday. I was so freaking excited! I arrived early and immediately went into the music room to figure out some drums for the song. I couldn't play drums very well, but did my best and hoped that Gabe could figure it out as we went.

I knew that I'd be throwing them a total wild card unless we got to rehearse before the show, which I was planning on asking Josh about later.

I'd looked up how to compose percussion and I thought that I was getting it right, but I couldn't be sure. I knew that the fret boards for guitar were correct, but I'd never even looked at percussive music before I started writing last night.

I kept hitting the different drums to figure out what sounds they could make. My favorite part was the cymbals. It was fun to hit those.

Someone cleared their throat.

I looked up, surprised that I hadn't noticed anyone come in. Josh was standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Good morning, Kellin," he said.

"Hi," I replied.

"How long have you been in here?"

I looked at the clock, "Uhm about twenty minutes?"

Josh grabbed a chair and spun it around to straddle it. "Whatcha doing?"

I shrugged, "Just trying to figure out drums," I said. It wasn't a total lie, but I didn't want Josh knowing about the new song.

"Oh," Josh said. He sounded a bit disappointed.

An awkward silence passed over us until I finally said, "So! I've been meaning to ask you about Friday."

Josh groaned and put his face in his hands, "Kellin, please do it," he said. "Please please PLEASE-"

"I am," I said. I'd been so caught up in making the song and living in my own thoughts that I hadn't thought about how I'd told Josh no time and time again.

He looked up in surprise, "Really?" His face resembled a child who was just told they were going to an amusement park.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's just that . . . well me and my band haven't seen each other in awhile. Are we going to be able to rehearse?"

"OH!" Josh stands excitedly, "Yeah! Of course. If-if that's what you want, Kellin, yeah-anything!" His face filled with glee.

I grinned at him, "Yeah that would be nice," I said. The bell rang and I stood up with my bag, "See you later!" I called as I pushed my way out the door. I went up the stairs, following the bustling crowd that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. When I walked into Mr. Page's classroom, Mike was standing in the middle of the room with Vic. Mike's hands were cupping his face, staring into his eyes with a very serious expression.

"Maybe he's just late," I heard Mike say. "You can't let things like this get you-"

"We have to go look for him!" Vic's voice was urgent, almost panicked. He tried to turn, but Mike held him steady.

"No," he said forcefully, "we don't. You've gotta let go of her, Vic. You have to."

I stood there awkwardly, Tony shaking his head 'no' at interrupting them. People were starting to file into the class, bumping into me as they went to their seats. Mike noticed and grabbed Vic's wrist, tugging him past me and out of the classroom. I could hear them talking out in the hall. Well, Mike was talking, Vic seemed to be hyperventilating.

I watched the door nervously, not wanting to crowd Vic, but also wanting to help. Tony put a hand on my shoulder. "Where were you?" he asked, his voice tight.

Jaime handed me a piece of paper and I did my best to write, 'Music room,' on it using my hand as a table.

"Oh," Tony said when I handed it to him. The three of us probably looked weird, standing three feet from the doorway and watching it intently. We could just make out Mike's whispering. No words came clearly, but we knew that he was trying to calm Vic down.

The class bell rang and Mr. Page's voice called out, "Okay, guys, let's find our seats." We knew that he was talking to us.

Jaime grabbed my sleeve and tugged me out of the classroom, Tony following closely behind.

Vic was against the wall about ten feet away from the door. He had his head in his hands and it looked like his knees were wobbly. Mike had his forehead pressed against Vic's, his lips moving rapidly

"Take deep breaths, Vic. Deep breaths, please," Mike was saying.

Vic seemed to be calming down. His face was becoming less red, body relaxing until he was standing normally. His eyes were glued to Mike's, who had leaned back a bit to watch him better. "Thanks," he breathed out, barely above a whisper.

Jaime, Tony and I stood there awkwardly. We didn't really know what to do. I didn't even know what was going on, at least the other two had been there for the beginning.

Vic was still breathing hard, but I could tell that it was just the aftereffects of the hyperventilation. Like how you breathe after running a long distance.

His eyes flickered over to where we were standing, landing on me. He stared at me. And stared. And stared. Then, he connected us with an invisible line, "We need to talk." His voice was strained, like he was trying really hard to conceal his anger and hatred towards me. I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to make him hate me.

Mr. Page poked his head around the door, "Are you boys going to join us?" he asked.

"Yeah," Mike said, pulling an apologetic look. "Sorry, sir." He saluted as he went past, as well as Jaime and Tony. I tried to go after them, but Vic pulled me away, down the hall and the stairs and into a hallway I'd never been in before. He pushed me up against the wall and immediately started talking,

"Okay let's get one fucking thing straight, Kellin." He said my name with venom in his mouth. Like it physically pained him to speak the two disgusting syllables. "You are the worst most horrible person I have ever fucking met." Spit flew from his mouth and landed on my cheek. I tried not to shudder. "Stay away from my friends. Got it?"

At that he shoved me to the side, then stalked away. I landed hard on my hip and it hurt, yes, but what hurt worse were his words. I stayed on the ground like that for a long time. Longer than it was comfortable to. I didn't understand why he would say that. I didn't know what I did to him. If only he'd just tell me. Maybe then I could fix it and we could be-


Shut the fuck up, Kellin.

He doesn't want to be your friend. He's made that much clear.

I sighed, then got to my feet. I didn't care about school at all. What a great start to this new town. I'd skipped over half of my classes in the four days I'd been there. I didn't care, though. I'd be lucky if I survived to my next birthday, let alone graduation. I didn't think my parents would let me do anything with my life besides be useless. It's easy for me to do that, too. 

Easy to be the worst most horrible person anyone's ever fucking met.

Question Number I-Don't-Remember:

What's your favorite band?

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