The Beanie

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I decided to skip my afternoon classes. After my breathing had returned to normal, I stood, wincing at the newfound pain in my abdomen, then made my way out of the school. I walked home, not knowing where else to go. I was still a bit shaken up after the panic attack and I was really hoping that my parents would be at their jobs during school hours now. I was rewarded with some pretty great luck when I found neither of their car's in the driveway. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, climbing the stairs to my new room.

There were still boxes all around there from the move. I plugged my ipod into my beat up stereo and turned it all the way up. My parents wouldn't be home for at least another four hours. I didn't know what they did for work, but I figured that it had to be something flexible if they could get home to make sure I was on time.

I listened to the music, my heart aching a bit at the memories of writing and recording the songs. I put all my things away and in their places, unpacking a total of five boxes. I looked around at the room, feeling pretty great about how everything was set up. My posters were all up on the walls, including the custom Sleeping With Sirens one my guys had made for me as a parting gift.

As I fixed a few things in their placement, it occurred to me that it was weird that my parents bought me all this stuff. I guess I'd never really been deprived of things, although I suspected they did it because I used to have friends. They couldn't have my room looking less than normal, could they? I guess maybe it made sense. Still, though. You'd think-

My music suddenly shut off, "Excuse you." I spun around, fear flashing through my whole body. Oh shit. "Am I interrupting something?" My father stood next to the stereo, arms crossed, hip jutting to the side. I took an involuntary step back.


"Shut it, worthless idiot," he snapped. "Did you really think that you could just skip your classes and get away with it?"

I blinked, "H-how did-"

"What did I say about not stuttering?" My mother was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed just like my father.

"We got a call from your school," my father answered. "And on the second day, no less. Did you not learn yesterday what happens when you break the rules?"

I took another step back, nodding quickly, "I-I d-did-"

"Stop fucking talking," my mother growled.

"He's so annoying, isn't he?"

My mother just rolled her eyes.

One more step back, eyes darting from side to side.

In a flash my father jumped into motion, slamming his fist down onto the right side of my cheek. My mother was there a split second later. I caught a glimpse of my lamp in her head before it hit me and the world went black.


I woke up with a pretty terrible headache and a wicked desire to shower. The clock on my night table said that it was 6:30 exactly. The door flung open and I jumped.

"Good you're up," my father said, leaning against the doorframe and the knob simultaneously. I made my way into a sitting position so he didn't get mad at me for not interacting with proper posture or something. "Get your ass to school and stay there until the final bell rings, got it? Then come back here on time."

At that he slammed the door shut and I sighed in relief. A moment later, the front door did the same thing and I heard his car peel out of the driveway.

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