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Vic pulled away too soon, but he kept our foreheads pressed together. "That was amazing," he breathed. I grinned despite my frayed nerves and frazzled mind. "You were-That was like-It was like an explosion of noise. When you sang. It was amazing."

"You're amazing," I found myself saying.

He laughed, tightened his arms around my neck, "And you're talking." He laughed again, just as breathlessly as before.

I smiled, "Don't remind me," I said.

"Does it scare you?" he asked. "Speaking?"

I nodded against his forehead, "Yeah."

"But you just sang."

"Singing doesn't bother me as much. It's natural when the music starts playing to make the lyrics come along with it."

"You belong up there," Vic said and there was something in his voice, something a lot like a frown.

"You do, too," I told him because he did. His band was amazing.

"I don't think so." He sighed, "My dad wants me to be an accountant. He doesn't want this wild lifestyle for me. He says it doesn't fit."

"What do you mean? What about Mike, does he think that for him?"

Vic shook his head, "No. He says it suits Mike." There was sadness in his voice, real sadness that wasn't easily passed off as anger.

"Has he ever heard you guys play?" I was obvious to me that Vic and his band would make it big someday. Anyone who heard them knew that.

"No," Vic answered. "I don't think he wants to. I don't think I want him too, either."


"I'm sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"For being an ass. I've never liked a guy before. It scared me. And you-the thing with the drugs. That scared me too. I used to be into that stuff. I used to be scared to speak. I wound myself up in a mental hospital after I tried killing myself." He laughed, but I found no humor in the situation. "It's a good thing that I fail at everything, then." Yes, that was a good thing. "I've never liked a boy and I've never learned I liked anyone as fast as I learned that I liked you. I know nothing about you, not really. I didn't know you could sing like that. I didn't know you were into this kind of music. But it really did but it doesn't matter, Kells. I can't let anyone else take you before I can."

A moment of silence passed over us before I said, "You're not bad at everything. You're a great singer. And . . . a great kisser." I bit my lip, "C-can I kiss you again?"

And just like that, the sadness seeped out of Vic and he laughed, "Not if I kiss you first."

He began to lean in, but stopped as someone cleared their throat behind us. "Kellin!" The voice was too bright, too cheery to fit with the person who owned it. Vic turned from me, allowing my eyes to settle on my parents' smiling faces. My father spoke again, "Is this your boyfriend?"

I shook my head, throat too constricted to manage any noise.

My father stuck out his hand to greet Vic, "I'm Mr. Bostwick," he said. Vic and my father shook hands, both smiling. My father pointed a finger at him and smiled easily, "No kissing in the house," he joked and Vic laughed along with him and my mother. I couldn't even try to play along for Vic's sake. Or for mine.

My mother turned towards me, "Great singing, Kelly!" she beamed at me, my father smiling the same way and for a moment even I believed them. "What's your name?" she asked Vic.

"I'm Victor Fuentes," Vic said, reaching out a hand to shake hers. The encounter was so still and forceful, I couldn't understand how Vic didn't see through all this.

"Nice to meet you," my mother said. "Now if you'll excuse us, Vic, I scheduled a dentist appointment for Kellin tomorrow morning at eight. I think we should all go home and sleep."

My father turned to her, "But it's a Friday night, darling. Let the boy have some fun."

My mother frowned a bit, "Unfortunately, we have to get up very early tomorrow. C'mon Kellin, say goodbye. You can see him at school on Monday."

I managed to nod numbly and wave to Vic, or, rather, the ground because I couldn't make my eyes meet his. I didn't want to drag him into the mess of my family life.

My father put his arm around my shoulder a bit too tightly-okay a lot too tightly and led me away, my mother's heels clicking alongside us.

A deep seated dread crept up in my stomach, settling there as we made out way home in silence. When we went through the door my father ordered me up to my room and I went quickly and without protest. The simple request set my heart beating at a pace that should be too rapid for human life.

I sat down on my bed, wishing I was back in Vic's arms, his lips on mine. Instead, I was awaiting the wrath of my parents to unfold upon me.

Lol rip if this story has typos. I haven't had internet for a week because lightning struck our house and burnt the motem. And our toaster. rip

But while I was bored out of my freaking mind, I read three books, and wrote a bunch more of this so woohoo.

k thanks

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