Not An Update

661 27 15

Ayyyyy guys!

So to be completely honest I never thought that this story would get anything over like 12 reads lmao.

So I'd just like to take a moment to acknowledge that you people exist and say thanks.

I feel like every author on Wattpad does little notes either before or after the chapters and I actually find them egotistical and pointless but imma do it kinda like this one time.

Just lemme know if you want me to talk at you or something I can always start the arrogance if you want.

And if anyone has any suggestions or corrections feel free to comment-I like peer editing n shizz.

Or if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them.

I know that it might not seem like a lot, but I've actually gotten three whole comments on this story and i just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy that. 

One of the people told me to update and I just feel like I've gotta address the updating real quick:

I'm a super dedicated high school student and I really work hard on grades n stuffs.

I can't ever promise you guys an update-like ever. 

I write a lot all the friggin time, also, so I might not be 100% dedicated to this story. 

Furthermore, I'm super excited about the singing gig coming up I've thought it through in my head a million times. 

I've also written the part that comes after that-and this just tells you a bit about how scatterbrained and unorganized I am.

I have very little restraint when it comes to my writing smh.

But if I wanna write something, then imma write it and to hell with the other connecting parts of the story. 

This is why I can't ever write stuff. 

*facepalm* I'm a terrible author.

So wow that was a very long winded whatever but it's 9:52 at night and I'm an old person who goes to sleep super early all the time so I'm friggin tired and wanna die.

I also totally won't blame you if you skip this shit entirely. 

Anyways, thanks for being hooooomans!

Explosion (Kellic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora