Where's Kellin?

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**Vic's point of view**

"It's been three days, Vic," Mike snapped. "Where the fuck is he and why isn't he answering our texts?"

"Maybe he's just sick," I replied with a shrug of nonchalance. But on the inside I was freaking terrified. None of us knew Kellin very well but we did know that he was shy as hell. What if that overcame him? Like in some crazy anxiety-filled trance? "Maybe he's just hibernating after singing in front of the whole town like that."

"Yeah, Mike he's super shy," Tony said, echoing my thoughts.

Mike shot us both a glare. "Well I can't help but feel like there's something wrong. And besides, if he's that scared all the time then don't you think he would want his friends to come and comfort him?"

I sighed, pinching my nose between my thumb and forefinger, "Look, Mike. Kellin is a reserved dude, okay? He needs his space. And you don't even know that anything's wrong, he could just be sick today. Or maybe he's hanging out with his parents because they were gone for a week-who knows?"

Mike stepped forward, getting in my face and the anger there made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. When Mike was passionate about something he was generally right. If he really thought that something was wrong then maybe it was. "Why are you so against him, huh?" Mike threw his hands into the air in exasperation. "You pressure him about talking, ignore him in the halls and you're just generally a pain in the ass around him. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I DON'T WANNA MESS ANYTHING UP, MIKE!" I yelled, all my anger and frustration and worry coming out into the one sentence. Mike knew a lot of things about me, about the times I'd self-harmed, my affinity for Disney movies, my darkest secrets. I just didn't want him to know about my sexuality. Because what if after all that support, all the times he's held me while I cried, what if that was all taken away because of one guy. Still, though, I can't stop the words from exiting my mouth.

"Kellin is freaking amazing, okay? We all know he's fucking shy do you think that crowding around him is going to make him feel any better? He's probably sick of people, sick of talking and if we go looking for him he'll never be comfortable around us. Is that what you want? Huh?" I glared at Mike, who had a sly little smirk on his face, contrary to what I had expected. "What?" I asked sharply, folding my arms across my chest.

It was Jaime who spoke, "You liiiiiiike him, don't youuuu . . ."

My head swiveled to him in surprise. "Wha-n-no!" I stammered. For all the thoughts in my head about them not supporting me here they were taking the potential news like it was nothing. Like we were just talking about some girl. I hadn't told them about the kiss, of course, so how did they know? "Of course not!" But then I actually thought about it. Tony and Mike giggled like school girls and I turned away, "Shut up," I growled.

Mike started prancing around me in a circle and I could just imagine him throwing flowers into the air. "You like him, you like him, you like him," he chanted. I sent him a soft-ish punch on the shoulder. "Heyyyyy!" he groaned, gripping his bicep. "Owwie." He pouted at me before breaking composure, "C'mon, man. There's nothing wrong with liking Kellin. I mean face it, he's cute, talented, and smart. Not to mention that shy aura and big blue eyes. What's not to love?"

I visibly cringed at the word. I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Back to the situation at hand, Kellin's fine."

Mike eyes turned hard, the joking, prancing, idiocy gone immediately, "To hell he is, Vic. Stop being so god damned oblivious. What are we-"

Jaime stepped in between us quickly before Mike could start in again, "Okay how 'bout this," he proposed, "we call Justin and ask him if he's heard anything, okay?"

"Who the hell is Justin?" Mike and I asked at the same time.

"He was the bass guitar in Kellin's band. He did all the talking and stuff. Do you guys seriously not remember him?"

Mike shook his head and I just shrugged. Jaime turned to me, "See this is our point. You can't focus on anyone except Kellin when he's around."

I've heard that if you roll your eyes too much they might get stuck that way. It was a risk I was willing to take.

We went over to Tony's car and chillaxed in the back hatch while Jaime talked with Justin. We couldn't hear what he was saying but he was getting increasingly agitated and he'd started pacing about two minutes in. When he finally came back over to us he was rubbing his face like he hadn't slept in ten days.

"Justin said some stuff about the past that leads to some pretty freaky shit and because I know you two," Jaime pointed to Mike and I, "are two god damned bulls when it comes to conflict, Tony is gonna go to Kellin's house, Vic you're coming with me to the police station and Mike you need to go pick up the rest of Kellin's band. Got it?"

Jaime started walking away before any of us could process what he'd said. Tony spoke up first, "Wait what?"

Jaime made the most exasperated sound of his life and spun around, "Just fucking go to Kellin's house NOW!"

Mike stood up, "Okay, dude, chill. First of all, we know that Vic's the one in love with Kellin so I think he should go to his house for whatever reason and Tony should go with you to the po-po for whatever reason number two."

"What are the reasons?" I asked. Jaime just rolled his eyes.

"You'll find out soon enough, probably in the worst way possible so please, Vic, just go get Kellin, take him to the hospital and we'll meet you there."

At the word hospital I think my whole body split in two. What did he mean by that? Hospital? Is Kellin in trouble? Why won't Jaime just tell us?

I didn't care. If Kellin needed to go to the hospital after his parents came home, and Jaime and Tony had to go to the police station after Kellin's parents came home, and Kellin had to zip outta the Lounge after his parents came home I had a pretty fucking HORRIBLE idea of what that could mean. I didn't say anything to anyone else, just sprinted to my car and zoomed down the road like some sort of Tokyo Drift racer.

I was trying to ignore the shitty feeling I had in my gut, the one that sent the gas pedal flying towards the ground, the one that made my vision blurry and my hands clench on the wheel. I just drove, thinking about how close Kellin's house was and about how he needed the help of both me and the FUCKING POLICE and the HOSPITAL and EVEYRONE AND BFHJEFJBEKGFKI


Yoo thanks for reading imma take a minute to do a big thank on all of mah peeps and followers bc you gies are gr8 so yep okie cya

k thanks

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