Music Class

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I got a 77.

A ************77 ***************

On my French final.

How utterly pathetic.

Still ended with a 92, though. *winks*

I spent lunch in the library, happily blasting my music in the back corner and scribbling harshly across my already abused notebook. I barely heard the bell ring, but managed above my overly loud music. I made my way through the halls to my next class; french. I zoned out most of what Madame said. When I was younger my father started learning other languages and talked to me and my little brother mostly in french. He had said that the harder we worked to understand the words, the better disciplined we'd become. (A/N I've actually used this in one of my other stories but I really like the french language and this idea so yeah. Fight me. K thanks.)

The bell rung again and it occurred to me that this day was going by super fast. I only had music left and then I'd be going home to whatever parent's turn it was to beat me today. I was feeling pretty nervous about it and seriously considered finding a bathroom that I could throw up in. The only problem was that I hated throwing up more than I hated most things so there was no way I was letting that happen. I was pretty strong willed.

The music classroom was down a little side hall next to the front office. It was kind of cool how it had it's own little pocket. But from what I'd seen on the map I'd been given the auditorium was right above this private hallway, I guess for easy access? Why wouldn't they put the music room right next to the auditorium? I didn't know, and I wasn't really planning on asking any questions to find out. They were pointless questions anyways. Things that couldn't actually be fixed.

I walked down the three steps that led to the hall (also strange) and looked at all the posters lining the walls. Tryouts for this and that; a few a Capella groups and the winter musical.


I turned to see Mike and Tony hoping down the stairs after me.

"Hey, dude," Tony greeted. I waved uncertainly, feeling a bit confused. I thought they hated me?

Where did you get that notion? I asked myself.

"Where were you at lunch?" Mike asked. I just shrugged, then continued walking down the hall. They followed me, Tony excitedly chattering about his new crush, Millie. I tuned him out and went into the music room. It was large, had a high ceiling and was filled with tons and tons of chairs. There was a huge piano at the far end of the room, a baby grand near the center. Guitars, electric and acoustic, lined the walls above the whiteboard and what had to be the front of the classroom judging by the way things were set up. A stereo sat with an ipod next to the whiteboard, a drinking bubble dispenser thing next to that. I never knew what those things were called. In between the piano and the stereo was a small, maybe six inch high platform about three by three square feet. A stool sat in front of that. Along the back wall, next to the piano were microphones, full drum sets, music stands and bookshelves filled with what could only be, well, music.

Someone snapped in front of my face, "Wake up loser you don't have all day to gawk." I jumped, my eyes focusing on Vic standing slightly in front of me, but facing the same way that I was.

"Oh my gosh, no way!" came a new voice from behind me. I turned to see a guy, maybe just a couple years older than me, squealing like a little girl. "This can't be him, can it?" he pranced his feet up and down, spinning in a circle excitedly. "The famous Kellin Quinn?" He stopped fangirling and slung his arm around my shoulder. I smashed my teeth together immediately, balling my hands into fists at my sides. I didn't like being this close to people and I certainly didn't like it when people touched me at all. Thankfully, though, the guy pulled away, extending a hand, "You can call me Josh, alright cutie? I look forward to working with you." He winked. "Welcome to the class." He was the teacher, then. I shook his hand, finally getting a good look at him without the weirdness attached. And hey, I didn't want to be stereotypical, but this guy was definitely gay. And if I was wrong about that then I obviously didn't understand anything. Ever.

"C'mon," Vic said, motioning for me to follow him towards Mike.

"There you are," Mike said to me as I sat down next to him timidly.

"He was enjoying the scenery," Vic explained. "Jaime went home sick, by the way. I think it was that chicken he ate at lunch."

Tony stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, "Poor guy."

Vic rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his chair. "Don't be such a girl," he said. "Jaime's fine he's just acting like a baby."

"Vic stop being such a douche, jesus." Mike slapped at his arm, giving him a look. I felt a little out of place and focused my attention on the way Josh moved throughout the room, taking things out and putting others back. My eyes wandered to the grand piano sitting a little ways behind me. I had always loved playing the piano. It had been so long since I'd been able to. It made me pretty sad to think about it.

"Okay, my darlings, I'd like you all to get out your projects and start to work on them tout de suite." Josh clapped his hands twice, "Choppy choppies!" He looked around the room for a second before finding me and pointing to me like, 'don't move.' It was a gesture I knew rather well. He disappeared into a closet of some sorts, then came back with a few papers in his hands. "So we're pretty far along in our project right now, but I've got the rubrics and you can just kinda look them over and do what you can I guess. Actually I have a better idea." He looked at me mischievously, rubbing his hands together. "We'll talk after class, sound like a plan, sweet cheeks?" I didn't respond. "Anyways, before you do anything, take this little mini test so I can get to know ya a little better." He smiled at me before waving and moving to assist one of the other students who had just called his name.

I took out my pencil and started in on the . . . holy crap 200 questions? I mean they were fairly simple, but still. The test included questions like 'Who's your hero?' and 'What's your biggest fear?' things that I had to answer with a lie. Others included musical things, like testing how well I knew how to read music and asking what instruments I could play. By the time the bell rung I still had about twenty questions left. I thought I had made some pretty good progress.

What would you sing at a karaoke night? the next question asked. I thought about it for a moment, before putting down Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.

"Good choice." I jumped at the noise. I had actually managed to tune everyone out without my music. I hadn't even thought to turn it on. "Would you like to stay a few minutes after to finish it?" Josh asked. "And we'll talk about that project plan, too."

I nodded.

"Kellin!" I looked up to see Mike standing at the door. "Come with us, we're gonna go to Jaime's to check up on him."

I frowned, held up my paper.

"We'll wait up for you," Mike said, like the decision was final. Geez he was pretty damn confusing. No one was ever this desperate to hang out around me. I frowned again, got up and went to the white board. 'Gotta be home by 4,' I told him.

Mike pouted and it almost made me want to give in, but I just shook my head again, then went back to my desk. "Alright man. See ya tomorrow! Come early so you can, like, tutor me or something," he laughed, then left, letting the door shut in his absence. I finished my test thingie in the next ten minutes and then Josh came over and took it from me.

Explosion (Kellic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora