Chapter 20

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"What theme?! What color flowers!? Cake?! Our tuxes!" 

"Calm down Evan!" Jon lightly kisses me on the forehead. 

"I love you, but we really need to take this wedding planning a little slower. We've got plenty of time. We don't want to get married until spring right? All the beautiful flowers..." Jon continued on and on about the wedding, but I just couldn't wait to walk down that isle and be with him forever.

You really don't think about these things, like what would happen if none of this ever happened? Would I still be gay? Probably. I chuckled and Delirious stopped talking. "Something funny?" He asked. I tried not to smile, "No, nothing at all." He gave me a little glare. "Hm, alright." Then out of no where he pretty much dived over the dinning room table and tackled me with his hands. The furry sensation went through my body when his cold hands tickled my ribs. "Ah! Haha!" I started laughing, but wemt straight to wheezing. I couldn't breath when I was being tickled. "God," I started, "DAMNIT DELIRIOUS!" I screeched and set my hands free. My tan hands reached for his neck and I dug my fingers in under his gray hoodie. He reacted by shrinking his neck and shrugging his shoulders. "Ow!" His voice sounded so high pitched because of the way his neck was squeezed. I pushed my thumbs in a little farther. "UNCLE UNCLE!" He screamed. I chuckled and turned my playfulness into sexiness, but really, is there a difference? I wrap my hands around his neck easily and he rests his arms on my chest. We stay in this position for nearly ever. Just us two, staring deeply into each other's eyes. It sounds cheesy, but once you do it you never want out of it.

Just staring into your lovers eyes, wishing they'd never leave. Sometimes they don't even have to be significant others. They can be family members...

"Evan... are you okay?" Jon's soft and understanding voice hit my eardrums. "Just... my dad. Heh." I shifted under his warm body. His smile disappeared and he stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me out of the wooden chair. 

He lugged me over to the living room and set me on the couch. I tilted my head at his sudden actions. 

"I'm the first man you loved, but I also want to be the last one you love. Right until the day we die." Delirious's voice was the softest I've ever heard it. Softer than a kitten's fur. A lovely feeling filled my chest and a fluttery feeling filled my stomach. His brown eyes fell into my dark chocolate ones. I sat up on the couch and he easily sat on my lap. Our eyes were staring endlessly. That tunnel closed when his fine lips met mine. I felt as if I was rubbing my lips on to silky sheets. Blue, silky sheets. 

His warm hands reached up against my neck. Almost like a vine growing from a plant. Like opening the tunnel again we went deeper into the tunnel, but this tunnel had a train coming. Delirious tricked is way into slipping his tongue into my mouth. I let out a small whine, a good whine though. 

~3rd Person~

The scene was perfect. The warm fireplace on, keeping them warm in the cold February month. Samantha wrapped up at the fireplace, her nose touching her belly. Binx was beside her, his tail flipping on her's. Behind them were Evan and Jonathan. Showing their love with actions. They weren't hot actions though, more passionate. It was true love, it was meant to be, the clown and the hoodini. Together. Forever. 

Jon was the first man Evan has ever loved. 

And he was also going to be the last. 

The First Man I Lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें