Chapter 16

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"So when do you think you'll be able to bring over the piano?" I asked Nick as I picked out a $5,000 slick black piano.

"Maybe a few business days, but I can't tell you specifically when."

"Alright. Thank you so much Nick."

"No problem my lil man." He pulled me in for a hug and messed up my well done hair. I pulled away and chuckled.

"See ya around." We both smiled and I walked out the door. I was on my way back to my love.


I swing open the door and rush back to the gaming room to see if the clown is still in his natural habitat. The door is wide open and no one is inside. I walk back out into the living room and look around a bit more. Still no sign of Delirious. I stroll into the kitchen and hear a slight bump. I then sneak around the corner as if he's playing a game and trying to scare me. Once I reach the other side of the counter and instead of a loud, laughing and smiling clown, I see a sad man behind brown eyes. He ribs his nose on his blue sleeve and turns his head away. I instantly pull him back and wrap my arms around him.

"Delirious. What's wrong?!" I ask and he sniffles again.

"Just allergies." He obviously lies and turns away again.

"You're full of shit. Please tell me what's wrong." I wipe the stream of tears off his soft face.

"So... when I left for your place, I was so excited that I forgot I had something else to take care off and now she's slowly dying because of me." He stops and covers his face to hide his sobbing face. I grab his arms and remove them from his face. I meet his matching eyes and connect our lips.

"Evan...", he starts and kisses me quick, "its my dog, Samantha, she has parvo, and she's only got about a month I think. I forgot what Luke said. I was crying too hard."

"Its okay... It'll be okay."

"How?!" He snapped at me, his eyes filling with tears again.

"Because...", I thought, I thought really fucking hard. Delirious shook his head and stood up. I followed his movement and stopped him. I moved my hand to his chest. I took in his amazing smell. Then, I could already see the lightbulb over my head. A small smile appeared on my face.
"What?" He questioned, giving me a weird look.

"We can go to North Carolina to see her!" I jumped in excitement when a smile creeped across his face.

"You sure?"

"No Delirious. I would never want to see my boyfriend's home town and family, and adorable little pup." Damn, that was some sarcasm. He gave me a very cold stare. I nearly cried because of how cold it was. I felt fucking chills.

"Well then too bad he's not you boyfriend anymore." He crossed his arms and turned around. Tilting his head up in disgust. After a little while I heard the beautiful sound. The sound of his laugh. He turned around and made jazz hands.

"Were ya fooled?"

"Oh yes... I was bamboozled." I answered, yet again with sarcasm.


"There we go! We've got tickets!" I cheered as Delirious gawked at me.

"Dude, it took me three damn hours to find a ticket..." He glared at me, but then laughed.

"You are a computer wizard, my dear sir."

"Ah yes, but as you Madame are great with the horror games."

"Yes, but sir, is there any possible way most of that can happen?"

"Oh, you have gotten me there." I smiled and he smiled back. That smile still caused me butterflies. Little blue butterflies with hockey masks and teddy bears. I smiled at the thought of Delirious and I with children. Hell, just a child would be bad. I leaned in to him and pecked his lips.

"I love you." I smiled and lay my head over his shoulder. He seemed to have been weirded out but he eventually gave into the embrace, "I love you too." I felt the smile from the movement of his chin. I slightly chuckled. We stayed in the warm position for a little while. Until, Delirious popped the question.

"What's for supper?"




We both laughed as he picked up my phone from the desk. He called the famous pizzeria in town. I watched him order. His face would go red and his voice would go a little higher. I loved this. Just the sight of him with the phone against his ear. Just thought that this will be my life forever. Just both of us, eating the shit out of pizza, but maybe with a few running around. I chuckled and continued day dreaming. I couldn't wait till North Carolina. I couldn't wait to meet Mr. H2O's family. Maybe even soon to be in-laws. Hmph~

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