Chapter 7

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His face turned a brighter red as he stood up off the bench.

"Vanoss, I can't fucking ice skate." He chuckled and tried walking but turned his ankle the opposite direction.

"You're gonna break something." I laughed and put out my hand.  He hesitated but took it. We slowly made our way to the ice. It was silly, I've never seen or heard Delirious being a very nervous person. I could feel his hands start sweating.

"Would you stop panicking!"

"I'm not!" He said, sounding innocent.

"Then stop sweating." I chuckled and I could hear him huff.

Once we reached the ice I felt his hand pull back. I turned around and looked at the poor man. I felt bad, but it was also pretty funny. He was having trouble, but it was funny watching a grown man struggle, especially when you knew the man.

"Come on Delirious!"

"No!" He said, shaking his head like a little kid.

"Fine!" I smirked and went across the ice, all the way to the other side. I felt the slight breeze on my face from the speed. I smiled as I carefully made my way to the speaker box and looked for the auxiliary cord. My grin grew as I found what I was looking for. I pulled my phone out of my butt pocket and plugged it in. I scrolled through my music, and it was amazing how much my taste changed. I smirked as I found the right song, Gravel To Tempo, by once again, Hayley Kiyoko.

I fall back on to the ice, and move towards Delirious, the music making this moment even better. Once I reach his side he smiles, a smile I haven't seen yet, and I don't know what it means. I grabbed his hand and actually came with me this time. At first he was really shaky but I steadied him out. I laughed when he first fell down. I picked him back up after my laughing.

After a little bit he got a hold of it, he was able to at least move on his own.

"Hey, we should try picking up speed." I suggested and he gave me a terrified look.

"Don't worry! I'll help you!"

He slightly smiled and grabbed my hand as I picked up speed. Unfortunately, the song was coming to an end, but it's not like any weird song would come on. I chuckled as I felt Delirious's grip tighten. Once we finally got to a pretty good pace, I turned around and faced Delirious.

"You ready to go on your own?"

"Uh... I think." He had a dorky smile on his face, and I loved it, which was probably a bad thing to be doing right now.

I was going the same speed but backwards.

"How the hell do you do that?" The beanie man asked, then I laughed even harder at the nickname.

"What?!" He asked, and he started getting that "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you" voice, that he usually gets in video games. Where he sounds like he's spitting everywhere, but he's really not.

"Just a nickname I had."

"What is it?" He asked, picking up speed.

"Beanie man!"

"What!? Why?!"

"Because, I've never seen H2O Delirious as a man to wear beanies!"

"Oh! You bitch!" He yelled and moved his feet even faster, which I knew would crash and burn.

"Delirious wait-!" He lost his balanced and dived, falling right for me. I instantly moved so he wouldn't hit the ice. His weight pushed me down, hard. I hit the ice and we both let out a gasp. His was a gasp of surprise, mine was from pain.

The whole world stopped, and it was just us, and the music in the background. I was staring into his eyes. The eyes that were a very dark blue before, and were now a dark brown, almost as dark as mine. I noticed his beanie fell off on the impact, and his hair style was great, so great I could run my fingers through it and just hold it. The color of his hair was so beautiful under the bright stadium lights. I wanted to stay in this embrace but I don't want to cause anything weird before Thanksgiving.

"Ouch." I chuckled, and he instantly moved, apologizing at the same time.

"You're good, it's okay." I smiled.


~Thanksgiving Day, Jonathan~

I mixed the ginger ale, orange pop, 7 Up, and the fruit punch together, making a huge bowl of a special fruit punch.

"Oh shit! Vanoss can you grab the sherbert out of the freezer."

"Yeah! I just need to finish the potatoes."

"Thanks hu...humongous H2O Delirious fan." Holy shit, did I almost call him hun?

"You're full of shit ba- big VanossGaming fan." He said back. Did he do that on purpose? Or was he just being a dick.

The door bell rang and Vanoss called it. I quickly set the rest of the table as he greeted the guest. I felt like we were a married couple having parents come over or something. I watched as Vanoss hugged the shorter woman in front of him, and I could tell by the wicked, brown hair, it was Kathy.

"Ey! Johnny!" She greeted and hugged me.

After our little conversation, Evan brought over someone else. She had dark, black hair, reaching right below her shoulders. Her eyes were small, but wide, and were a beautiful, dark brown like her son's. To me, if she was younger, she'd almost look like Piper from Fallout 4. I smiled and put out my hand for her to shake. She took it, and slowly pulled me into a really warm hug.

"It's finally nice to meet you Jon." She smiled, and little creases formed at the edge of her lips, almost like she hasn't smiled in years. I met Vanoss's gaze and he looked like he was about to cry. His smile, I don't know what it was about it, it just made me want to hug him, just to be the one who always makes that smile appear. It made me want to be with him. Just to sit, and know he's there, and always will be.

"So we've got food, thanks for that." Vanoss started the thankful circle, and we all chuckled.

"Uh, I'm thankful to finally see my son's happy place." Mrs. Fong said. Is Mrs. Fong too formal? How about Mom? Nope, even worse. I looked up and met Evan's gaze. We met for a second and than both bowed our heads again.

"I'm thankful to still have this restaurant, and all the wonderful people in it." Kathy looked up and smiled at Evan and I.

"I'm thankful... for well, YouTube, and all the people that love me because of it and the friends I met, but it also led me to a really great person, and I'm glad I knew him for the couple of years I have." We all rose our heads and Vanoss once again looked at me, but this time he was smiling, and I loved it. I smiled back and everyone dug in.

After discussing how YouTube works, playing several different games, roasting each other with jokes, and finally pushing Evan's mom, which I now know as Emerald, and Kathy, out of the house at 11:00 pm.

"Jeesh." He chuckled.

"That was great." I smiled and looked at Evan.

"It was, and thank you, so much."

"Ey, no problem, I'd do it again."

"You don't have to." He slightly smiled and I smirked.

"But I want to. So Evan?"


"Mind if I spend Christmas with ya?"

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