Chapter 10

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I hop out of the steaming shower, and grab my towel. I wrap the towel around my waist and grab my clothes on the counter. But they're not there anymore.

"Fuck. Must be Delirious." I look around the bathroom for a bit, and still no clothes. I could either shout for Delirious or just run to my room pretty much naked and grab some.

"Delirious!!!" After I shout, I hear shuffling as someone runs up the stairs. Soon the door cracks open. "W-what's up?"

"Where's my clothes?!" He was quiet for a bit as his face slowly turned red and a smirk went across his face.

"Delirious..." I raised my voice. The man chuckled.

"Get my clothes please." I begged and his dark brown eyes searched my nearly black ones.

"Fine, but I have a surprise."

"But Christmas is in like a week."

"But it's a Friday and I want to surprise you. And I never really got a date with VanossGayming." He chuckled and shut the door before I could smack him on his beautiful face.

I waited at least 3 minutes before there was another knock on the door. I slightly opened it and he handed me a nice burgundy dress shirt. Along with black skinny jeans and red underwear.


"Just get dressed."

"Okay. Jeesh."

Delirious finally left the bathroom and I could finally get dressed. It took a little more time than usual because I usually don't wear nice clothes. I finished blow drying my hair and walked into the living room, and there stood Delirious. He had a solid baby blue flannel buttoned up and he had khakis and black skate shoes, and of course his dark blue beanie. I smiled and walked all the way out into the room.

"Well... you look nice, and cold as fuck." I smiled and looked up and down his body one last time.

"Thank you, I've got a coat. You look charming as well."

"Thank you, a special someone picked them out." We both nervously laughed.

"So you ready?"

"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

I groan and follow the blue man out into the snowy driveway. Before we walk out the door, I hear a thud. Both of us turn around, and Delirious's breathing stops.

"What the HELL is that?" He asks, and a small smile goes across my face.

"It's my cat, Binx."

"I didn't know you had a fucking cat." The black cat starts walking towards me, but then he continues past me, and goes between Delirious's legs.

"Sorry, but I don't like pussy."

"DELIRIOUS!" I yell as he laughing his ass off.

"Now come on! Let's go!"

"Okay!" He chuckles as we both walk out the door. 


We get into the car, and Vanoss asks the same damn question, "Where are we going?"

"Vanoss! You'll have to wait and see."

"Ugh, I don't like waiting." 

"Well I'm sorry." I chuckled and we drove off. 


I pull up in front of the building and I turn to Evan as he starts reading the sign. He slowly turns to me as his face goes red. 

"Wh-what is this?"

"It's a gay bar." 

"I didn't know there were any around here." He said, and I could tell he was very uncomfortable. 

"Evan, if you don't want to go in. We don't have to." I said only to the back of his head. He was still staring at the sign. 

"Why are we here?"

"I figured we could both find someone." I smiled, and for some reason saying that crushed my heart. Why? I wasn't falling for him... right? 

"Sure. Let's go in then." He sounded really sad, and I was really regretting it. 

We both walked in together and walked right to the bar. Evan sat down and instantly ordered a drink, which made me feel uneasy. He chugged down the drink the man got him, and instantly ordered another one. I sighed and watched him, until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I was confused, but then I remembered where I was. I turned around to a man who looked to be about early twenties. He had blue-greenish eyes, and his hair was a light brown with a dyed blond tip, and it curled, just at the tip. When he looked at me, he smiled, and dimples popped out. I couldn't help but smile back. 


"Hi!" I nervously said back. 

"I'm Garrett!" 

"I'm Jonathan." He grabbed my hand and slowly shook it. 

"Wanna drink?"

"I can pay."

"No! Lemme handle this." 

"Heh, thanks." My face was burning as Garrett's soft hand stayed in mine. He gave the bartender the money and our drinks were instantly there. I quickly took mine, and the man laughed. 

"Jee, why are you in a hurry? Come have fun!" 

"O-okay." Garrett pulled me to a small dance floor and the music was blaring, and the bass made my soul jump up and down. Garrett and I jumped up and down together; my heart was beating, but not from a romantic feeling, it was more of an excitement thing. 


I looked around, and I knew I was starting to slowly get wasted. I took another drink and looked around for any attractive men, but the only one I spotted was Delirious. My eyes nearly fell out of my skull when I saw him with another man. That man was starting to grind onto Delirious, and I felt something in my chest drop, and my whole chest to start burning. I glared at this man, which was slowly taking mine. The song changed and it was just the perfect one for my next movement. The bass was great and I was finally ready for this moment. I was drunk so I was going to do it in the best way possible. I searched around the room, and finally found the object. I walked over to the walkway it was over and ripped it down. I kept it in my hand, trying not to crush the fake little red things on it. I stomp into the middle of the dance floor and find Delirious and this dude pretty much fucking each other with their dance moves. I grow closer and slowly feel my heart beat pick up. 

I reach them and tap Delirious on the shoulder to get his attention. He turns away from the brown haired man and looks at me. I stretch my arm all the way up, so that the mistletoe is above both of us. I use my other hand and pull him closer, and I smash my lips into his soft, beautiful ones. 

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