Chapter 9

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I can't believe we got a Christmas tree together, we had Thanksgiving together, and now we're shopping together.

"So what kind of decorations do you want?" Evan asked, looking at me with his nearly black eyes. I loved the way he reached for the box of ornaments and the way his neck curved when he was looking down. Then the way his butt fit in those dark- Whoops. That's a little too far Delirious. My face burned as Evan pulled down another box of small bulbs. These ones were a pretty blue color. They were almost a pitch black, but you could still see the blue.

"Do you like these?" He asked, holding the box beside his face.

"The bulbs or your eyes?" I chuckled as he punched me in the arm. He laughed along, and we both ignored the fact I just flirted with him. 

"Yeah, I like them." I smiled and he set the ornaments in the cart. 


"How in the hell are we going to get this tree through the front door?"

"We'll push it!" Delirious laughed, and ran back to the car. I quickly joined him. He started unwrapping the tree and took it off the car. I ran to the other side, and grabbed the tree. 

"On go!" He nodded. 




We quickly lifted the tree and used all of our might and pushed it through the door. Both Delirious and I sighed as we easily put down the tree. I had tons of pine stuck onto my jacket, and in my hair. 

"Jesus. You ready for the tree stand?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips. 

"Hell yeah, let's get going." He smiled with his rosy red cheeks. 

I ran back to the closet and grabbed the red and green tree stand, and the skirt. I rushed back into the living room and set the stuff down where I wanted it to be. 

"In the middle of the living room?"

"Heck yeah!" I laughed and Delirious was already grabbing the tree. I ran over and helped him lift the tree into the stand. 

"Okay, you hold the tree while I go under and tighten the screws, okay?" 

"Yep!" I nodded and reached into the tree, getting poked multiple times. Delirious slid under the tree and started tightening the screws. I was already getting a little bored, so I looked around a bit, and let my thoughts wonder. I made the mistake of looking down, and I landed right onto Delirious's lower body. I bit my lip and tried looking away, but I really couldn't help it. I moved my way up from his black sneakers, all the way to the top of his waist. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. That, was another mistake. I pictured myself on the floor beside him, kissing him, and running my hands all of his-

"Is it straight?" His voice boomed from under the tree. I stood back and looked at the tall tree. 

"Straighter than me." I smirked, and I heard the little psychopathic laughter rise. I joined him and ran to my phone and turned on some Christmas music. 

"I'm gonna go get the other decorations, can you get the ones out of the car please?"

"Yes sir." He saluted and walked out the door. 

I walked back down the hall and got into the big closet and grabbed the two blue bins and slid them into the hallway. As I made my way back into the living room I heard the front door open and close. I saw him walk in with the gray bag, and I just smiled. Just him being here really changed my mood... even after a break up and a death. He met my gaze with his dark eyes, and he smiled; his dimples showing. I returned the smile, but bigger. 

"So what's in this box?"

"Lights, garlin, some other ornaments."

"Okay. Well! Let's get a-decorating!" He cheered and grabbed the strand of lights from the bin. I walked over to the other side of the tree so I could grabbed the lights after he threw them over. 

"I might need a chair Vanoss." He chuckled and tried standing on his tippy-toes, but no luck. I laughed and grabbed two chairs from the dinning room. 

"Here." I pushed the one chair onto his side, and one onto mine. 

"Thanks. Now, let's get this tree looking bootiful." He said, and a huge smile went across my face. 

Every once and a while Delirious would have to take one of my ornaments and hang them up for me, because I couldn't fully reach. 

"I thought you were a little taller." 

"Shuch up!"

"Hey! That's my line!" The clown punched me and laughed. I chuckled and looked at the tacky tree, but it was missing something... "Delirious... would you like to do the honors?" 

"Ya-you mean?"

"Put on the star? Yes." I smiled, and grabbed the little, glass star, and handed it to the brown eyed man. He easily grabbed it and stood on the chair and put it onto the top of the tree. 

"Wow. Thank you Evan." 

"No problem, Delirious." 

"Just call my Jonathan." 

"But I'll always know you as Delirious." I said and looked at his pale face, which slightly turned red. 

"Anyway, let's light this baby up!" He cheered as I walked over to the outlet. I grabbed the cord and said, "It's about to get lit!" I laughed and plugged in the tree. The whole house beamed and it was beautiful. I walked over beside Delirious and he put his arm around my shoulder. I lay my head onto his side, and smile. 

"It's beautiful." He softly says, and a warm feeling rises in my heart. I finally let that feeling sink in. Yeah... I'm in love with my best friend. I'm in love with Delirious. 

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